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Jadedx said:
stopstopp said:
huaxiong90 said:
stopstopp said:

I am surprised Halo Reach did so bad.

You didn't expect it do better? I thought with a series like halo it would be much bigger, but I guess not.

You should listen to your username.

Well excuse me for thinking Halo would sell more than it did in america first week.

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stopstopp said:
huaxiong90 said:
stopstopp said:

I am surprised Halo Reach did so bad.

You didn't expect it do better? I thought with a series like halo it would be much bigger, but I guess not.

If we're talking single formats, MW2 (the highest debuting game of all time) debuted by a few hundred thousand more than Halo: Reach. If that's not impressive, then frankly words fail me.

Edit: Legs are a different story though, which we'll learn about in the coming weeks. But for a debut, this is not disappointing at all.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

snfr said:
Jadedx said:
snfr said:

I'm just curious now, how much do you expect it to sell?

7-8 Million lifetime, more depending on how long Sony bundles the game(They love to bundle.)

Ah, ok, that's actually a solid prediction. But even with "only" 7-8 million lifetime it would be the best selling PS3 exclusive. I wouldn't be unhappy about that.

I knew it would be, but some people were expecting sales of 12-15 million like GT3.

Wii sports resort nears 18M!  PSP tops 60M, not sure of it will hit 70M but I know for a fact DS will easily get to 140M.  Things should start to brew up from October.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Was Start the Party not released in the US? Or did it just sell nothing?

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My feeling about others numbers...

* 360: really strong sales... great Reach boost.
* PS3: bad sales.
* Sports Champions: Ok sales, but not good.

Nintendogamer said:

Wii sports resort nears 18M!  PSP tops 60M, not sure of it will hit 70M but I know for a fact DS will easily get to 140M.  Things should start to brew up from October.

Notice how noone ever replys to your posts? (even though you make about 20 in the same thread), even Wii fans ignore them because they're redundent and there to gloat (as if you're a part of Nintendo or something lol)

Words fail me ...


ethomaz said:

Halo: Reach fist week sales is worse than Halo 3 (5 days vs 4 days)... this a fact.

But near 4M is fantastic anyway.

in your dreams.

Halo 3 was released on a tuesday in America, Reach was released on a tuesday.

Halo 3 was released on a wednesday in Europe, Reach was released on a tuesday.

this makes only 1 day more in Europe, but no game is selling 200k units on its 5th day (especially in Europe), so no first week sales aren't worse than Halo 3.


so please do some research before you make yourself look like a fanboy with such comments.

CGI-Quality said:

The estimated 4.2 mill for week 1 would mean Halo received 400,000 more fans, give or take, depending on it's lifetime. For those who expected 5 mill week 1, it's not that 4.2 mill is disappointing, but rather your expectations were a little high.

Before they can truly be pegged as disappointing, lets see how the legs are. Keep an eye on the week-to-week (in conjunction with Halo 3). Chances are, Reach will still pull off 11-12 million.

Okay, again, the numbers are above Halo 3 and the 2nd biggest launch on one platform of all time. How can they ever "truly be pegged as disappointing?"

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Those ps3 sales look horrific... I have no joke...