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CGI-Quality said:

The estimated 4.2 mill for week 1 would mean Halo received 400,000 more fans, give or take, depending on it's lifetime. For those who expected 5 mill week 1, it's not that 4.2 mill is disappointing, but rather your expectations were a little high.

Before they can truly be pegged as disappointing, lets see how the legs are. Keep an eye on the week-to-week (in conjunction with Halo 3). Chances are, Reach will still pull off 11-12 million.

Okay, again, the numbers are above Halo 3 and the 2nd biggest launch on one platform of all time. How can they ever "truly be pegged as disappointing?"

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.