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Forums - General Discussion - Does MONEY make you HAPPY?


Does MONEY make you HAPPY?

Yeah money money money!!!!!!!!! 43 40.57%
No! money = greed and EVIL!!!!!!!! 7 6.60%
I guess, but other things are important too! 47 44.34%
I am a Robot therefore I have no opinion 9 8.49%
WessleWoggle said:

Drugs make me happy, money buy me drugs, make the connection.

Drugs and Women right?


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Acevil said:
WessleWoggle said:

Drugs make me happy, money buy me drugs, make the connection.

Drugs and Women right?

Men too

gurglesletch said:

It is important but having a Yellow Dog is more important because it is my best friend.

I couldn't agree with you more.

The are things way more imortant then money.

I think money is somthing that makes your life easier. e.g Dont have to struggle.

Other than that the people i interact with and what i do throughout the day makes me happy.


I have had lots of money and been bored shitless. And then i have been skint and  seriously happy. So

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Some money would make me happy easily.

I don't need *tons* of money but I could use *alotta* money. If  I was able to get 120k (tax free of course) I could buy a house without having to get a home loan and just focus on paying the extra bills/taxes.

If I got a roof over my head and I'm going out to eat here and there I don't see why I need much more money. There was a time where I could say I would need 50 games a year, but working 40 hours and being married has cut that down by quite a bit. I don't need massive money for games - I usually just wait for sales or build up Amazon credit.

The only time I could see myself needing a lot of money is if I got a serious health condition or my parents/siblings are in deep trouble and need money fast.

It's just that simple.

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I live a very lavish life so I can safely say that I-

Wait, no I don't. 

I live a small house with only one bathroom and 4 people. And guess what? I don't fucking like it.

I'd like to live a big house whee I can actually have the A/c or heat on for the entire night, where I don't have to wait 3 months before I have enough money to buy a couple video games, and I'd like to have a pool. 

So yeah, money makes you happy. People who say it doesn't are liars. If you have fun playing video games, which everyone on this site does, then money made you happy. Money bought that video game. Going to sleep in a soft bed with 50 pillows is nice? Well, then money made you happy. Money enables you to buy things that make you happy. If you didn't have money, then you wouldn't be able to be happy since you can't buy stuff.

So yeah, I'd say money makes you happy!

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

money = Food

Food = Survival

Survival = PS3

PS3 = Happy

so yes? yes!

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

mtlca66 said:

i thought money meant a lot to me. until i started having never ending medical issues. i would gladly give up my entire savings to be healthy and normal again. i guess only when u lose something that you take for granted do you learn how important it is.

So basically you can't answer the question, because first you would have to lose your money before you learn how important it is. ;)


Hope you get better, whatever is going on with you.

Money doesn't make me happy. However, the things I buy with it do!

Yup, I dunno what would I do without my fancy life..... I'm also the 5-Star Hotel Person, finnest restaurants, finnest food, huge house with 6 bathrooms, go to trips to USA my friends would never go, buy a lot of videogames, having a maid that cleans my room and cook me delicious food......

The bad part about this is that when I grow up more, I'll have the pressure to be better than my parents, and that kinda depresses me........ and the fact about being happy with money is about getting used to how you live. If you grew like this, you'll can't stand anything else.... if you grew without money.... you'll be happy with what you have...