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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's Talk About Mass Effect 2 (General Thread) - Now For Sony Fans, Too

GooseGaws said:
Khuutra said:

On a whim, my wife went to the Century system in ME2 - that's the one I mentioned earlier.

Looking at all the planets, she noted that the entire solar system is a wreck. One planet is surrounded by hundreds of moons and the dust from other, shattered moons, all of that probably a result of mass accelerator cannons.

Two planets have no atmosphere, but evidence shows that they did have atmosphere before.

One planet has a gigantic freaking bullethole in it.

There was a battle that tore the entire solar system apart. A fight on that scale beggars the imagination, and I don't use that term lightly - multiple planets were rendered uninhabitable or had enormous chunks blown out of them, forming entirely new celestial bodies. Small planetoids were obliterated altogether.

Whatever happened 37 million years ago is goign to com up again, of course. It's already come up once. I'm just kind of marveling at the suggestion of scale here.

The idea of a fight that could tear apart a solar system is glorious and terrifying in its scale. This universe has some scary shit.

This is what makes these games so great: the depth and detail of the universe that has been created.  You don't even have to pay attention to it for the games to be enjoyable, but the fact that it's there adds so much atmosphere and interest.  A multitude of alien races that have their own distinct backgrounds and histories of interaction with one another; hundreds of planets with details on size, atmosphere, colonization attempts and so forth; all sorts of fantastic technology that seems entirely plausible in the universe it inhabits.  It's got everything.  And that's not even beginning to talk about the game itself.

Mass Effect was the first game I achieved all 1000 gamerscore on, and Mass Effect 2 was the fourth.

It's scary and exciting to think about how much thought goes into the series from Bioware

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

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You know, when I first got Zaeed, I was pretty disappointed. He doesn't have normal conversation trees, after all. I warmed up to him in three stages.

1. In combat he's a merciless killing machine bad-ass who takes no shit from anyone. And he can have Squad Disruptor Ammo, making him a staple for any geth mission, especially on Insanity.

That's enough to use him.

2. He talks a lot for someone without normal conversation trees. Repeatedly examine anything in his room and you can get a long story about any of it. It's great. More, he always has something unique to say after most missions, which is awesome.

That's enough to actually like him.

3. He has mission-specific dialogue everywhere. From Garrus's recruitment mission (meet the Blue Sun leader) to Samara's, all over the place. He's chatty, witty, and crazier than a shithouse monkey.

He's still a reprehensible lunatic, but I've grown to really like him over time.

Also I started an Insanity run today.

As a Vanguard.

It was prety tough up through Mordin's mission. After that I had Heavy Charge and started putting points in my passive.

I tore through Zaeed and Kasumi's loyalty missions like a bad joke. Since I did Zaeed's so early, I was able to gain his loyalty on the Paragon runthrough - even though I'm mostly Renegade! Now I have the Cain, and I'm taking it in to do Grunt's loyalty mission.

The Arc Projector is almost unfair.

Fear me, lesser creatures! For I am biotics (and shotguns) made flesh!

Khuutra said:

Also I started an Insanity run today.

As a Vanguard.

It was prety tough up through Mordin's mission. After that I had Heavy Charge and started putting points in my passive.

I tore through Zaeed and Kasumi's loyalty missions like a bad joke. Since I did Zaeed's so early, I was able to gain his loyalty on the Paragon runthrough - even though I'm mostly Renegade! Now I have the Cain, and I'm taking it in to do Grunt's loyalty mission.

The Arc Projector is almost unfair.

Fear me, lesser creatures! For I am biotics (and shotguns) made flesh!

Dont you feel a sort of geeky joy when you get to name all those people and items and know that lots of people here will know whatyou are talking about?

PS - Well I wont. At least, not yet.


The Mattock Heavy Rifle does really good damage. I've only used it on Insanity but I had to check the difficulty because it was cutting through enemies so easily. I can see why some people think it's over powered.

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Darc Requiem said:


The Mattock Heavy Rifle does really good damage. I've only used it on Insanity but I had to check the difficulty because it was cutting through enemies so easily. I can see why some people think it's over powered.

Interesting. Do you think it would be useful as a weapon specialization for an Adept?

Khuutra said:
Darc Requiem said:


The Mattock Heavy Rifle does really good damage. I've only used it on Insanity but I had to check the difficulty because it was cutting through enemies so easily. I can see why some people think it's over powered.

Interesting. Do you think it would be useful as a weapon specialization for an Adept? propose an interesting question. Given it's fire power it should it would strip away defenses pretty quickly. I've been stalling on my adept playthrough. I may have to give it a shot. My Insanity run Sentinel got a kick out of it.

Here's a bit of ME2 humor.

Is Mass Effect 2 too hard? I played only a bit on Normal diffculty and it seemed alright, though some games either become too easy or too hard later on.

Should I go with Normal for my first full playthrough?

If you guys promise there are no ME2 spoilers, I'll read this thread.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:

If you guys promise there are no ME2 spoilers, I'll read this thread.

I can't promise shit from nothing about that sort of thing. Spoilers are marked when I make them, though.


Normal for your first playthrough should be fine. No, the game's nt too hard. Some parts will be tough until you learn how to do it, but nowadays I play on noting but Insanity because anything else would be too easy.