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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Hephaestos said:

pretty accurate assessment

for the blank:
because hatmoza's plan was gonna have nickels killed.... I could have waited till the night and see what happends, but the mafia recruiter is just but a possibility, so in all likeliness, i'm already set to be town, and if i had let nickels die today based mostly on his bad defence of not being the SK, that would not have helped the town.

The cunning way would indeed have been to lay low, but i'm a softy and perfered to "save" nick instead.

I see.  Thanks for your patience!

theprof00 said:

I was up for no lynch at one point too, and I still am, because I'm not 100% on anybody.

You are never going to be 100% sure about anybody until their name comes up the next morning, and if you ever are 100% certain then you're a fool.  The trick is to ask yourself if you're pretty confident about a person, if that person is the most likely suspect, and if you're comfortable with the consequences of being wrong.  But don't ever expect to remove all doubts about your suspect.

nen-suer said:

the only way we can verify that hatmoza sucssesfully cured Kratos is if hatmoza himself live to till us

that's why am not sure if the doctor should protect Kratos.

We can have the doctor protect hatmoza and other roles (like the watcher) target Kratos

Would the flavor text let us know if the serial killer has been cured?  Serious question:  I've never seen it done.  Also, having hatmoza live while hephaestos dies would reopen the question about hatmoza's alignment, since it could all have been a trap.  No, I think it's best to protect hephaestos over hatmoza.

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Guys...may I remind you that Day 2 ends in 13 hours ?

pick up the slack

*Dirty look*

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theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:

One thing is bothering about Hep scenario, if he is targeted by Athena & the mafia "recruiter" whats the result?

Unvote: ToS

it wouldn't matter, because if they have a recruiter, then they certainly have a blocker.

In which case thye know who to block and we don't

recruiter & a blocker? that's

but like hatmoza said (watchers, trackers..etc) can keep an eye on hatmoza and Hep for us

that way mafia wont risk targeting them

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honestly, best case scenario, and I'm not playing any mind games here, just covering all potential bases:

we block heph. We aren't entirely sure he actually is the SK, or if he is, whose side he is honestly on. 

If we have a watcher or tracker or whatever, I don't know how it works but see if anyone visits him. 

Also doctor heph, because if he is legit we should protect him.

Nobody is going to target hat, because it doesn't matter at this point, if he isn't blocked by mafia, he will get heph, if he is, and heph is recruited (I read somewhere that in some games mafia have to give up their night kill to recruit a traitor, and kratos is a traitor to the gods.

Potential targets of investigation should be the overlap in lists that myself and nikells compiled. sm128, therepublic, dtewi. If you have a power to read one of them or follow them, do it.

If they are pro-town roles, you can then vouch for them. But not explicitly saying I trust ____ 100%. If you want, write it in such a way that I would be able to screen. 

I have decided to extend the timer by 12 hours !


noname2200 said:

Rules Questions for GodOfWar:  If time elapses without anyone being hammered, does that result in a No Lynch, or in the person(s) with a majority getting lynched?  Also, hammering: does it apply, or does retracting a vote cancel the lynch?

Person(s) with the most votes gets hammered.

No vote cancelling after hammering.

theprof00 said:

Potential targets of investigation should be the overlap in lists that myself and nikells compiled. sm128, therepublic, dtewi. If you have a power to read one of them or follow them, do it.

Dtewi wasn't on my list: he's being far from inconspicuous and doesn't fit the profile.

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Anyhow, now that we seem to have extended the day, let's see what we have:

Squilliam is pretty much at the verge of getting lynched. I think it's perfectly safe to call this a bandwagon, as both TruckOSaurus and ScifiBoy voted for the same reasons Nikells and theprof stated a few posts before. 

We should give Squilliam the chance to show up. Wanting to lynch him quickly just looks scummy.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

GodOfWar_3ever said:

I have decided to extend the timer by 12 hours !


noname2200 said:

Rules Questions for GodOfWar:  If time elapses without anyone being hammered, does that result in a No Lynch, or in the person(s) with a majority getting lynched?  Also, hammering: does it apply, or does retracting a vote cancel the lynch?

Person(s) with the most votes gets hammered.

No vote cancelling after hammering.

So, Double-lynches are acceptable in this game?

That's interesting.  

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

c03n3nj0 said:

We should give Squilliam the chance to show up. Wanting to lynch him quickly just looks scummy.

I'll unvote him if it get's too close: obviously he should be allowed to defend himself.

nen-suer said:
Nikells said:
theprof00 said:

also, I'm sure that anyone who is pro-town is trying to extend the time limit. Mafia want this day to go through without a lynch.

Or they could just be trying to look like they're pro-town.

That's yomi2000 or something.

You're both wrong, if no mafia member is suspected the mafia will push the idea of day lynching

extending time may work well for them to get the town to lynch one of the suspects

(again if no one of them is in that list)

If you read above, this distribution of votes  is encouraged by the fact that one of them is under heavy scrutiny.

And yes, under normal circumstances, they would vote to extend time, but because I said pro-town people would vote to extend, they would not want to appear eager in proving their pro-town-ness. I can say with good confidence that anybody who voted to extend after I made that statement are actually pro-town.

c03n3nj0 said:


Anyhow, now that we seem to have extended the day, let's see what we have:

Squilliam is pretty much at the verge of getting lynched. I think it's perfectly safe to call this a bandwagon, as both TruckOSaurus and ScifiBoy voted for the same reasons Nikells and theprof stated a few posts before. 

We should give Squilliam the chance to show up. Wanting to lynch him quickly just looks scummy.


my argument is very convincing. We need to lynch someone. We're fractured. We must have come really close earlier to nabbing one, or one of them is really high on the radar, so they are trying to disperse the focus.

I don't think truck or sfb are any more suspicious than they were earlier.

@nikells, do not remove your vote.