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Forums - Sales Discussion - Christmas 2010: PS3 vs Xbox360

sly777 said:

I don't thing DC universe will be a major factor...

i didn't even think about DC.U. i don't no much anout mmo's so.

Around the Network
kain_kusanagi said:
bevochan said:

Which system will sell more this holiday season? 

Xbox360 has Halo Reach as the only system seller coming out in Sept and Kinect.

PS3 has Gran Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet 2, DC Universe Online (not sure if this will be a system seller) and Move.

Saying Halo Reach is all Xbox 360 has is an understatment. I'm willing to forgive you forgetting about Fable 3. But, Halo Reach is THE most important game of this holiday season, year, and generation. Halo Reach is all the Xbox 360 needs.

Considering that Starcraft 2 just came out today, I doubt that reach will be the best in any of the catagories  you listed.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

turtuls said:
kain_kusanagi said:
bevochan said:

Which system will sell more this holiday season? 

Xbox360 has Halo Reach as the only system seller coming out in Sept and Kinect.

PS3 has Gran Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet 2, DC Universe Online (not sure if this will be a system seller) and Move.

Saying Halo Reach is all Xbox 360 has is an understatment. I'm willing to forgive you forgetting about Fable 3. But, Halo Reach is THE most important game of this holiday season, year, and generation. Halo Reach is all the Xbox 360 needs.

Considering that Starcraft 2 just came out today, I doubt that reach will be the best in any of the catagories  you listed.

I agree with this 100% and I still believe, unlike most of Vgchartz, that SCII will win more GotY awards than any other game this year, perhaps this generation.

Jay520 said:
kain_kusanagi said:

 But, Halo Reach is THE most important game of this holiday season, year, and generation. 

You forgot "IMO". 

And this generation isn't over yet.

correct imo....


Dance central may the most important game of this Generation... Unless it turns out like spore (great looking then the final product)

For the record Spore was really fun BUT it could have been much much much more for me


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

Dark_Feanor said:

Why people zealously belive GT5 will drive :) PS3 to sell so much more than any other exclusive. It was the same story with God of War 3,  but we all saw what happened.

Just look at pré-order charts.

Nobody care about GT5 any more. There are many other car simulators on the market. And this generation is ruled by FPS games and Online experiences.

Can any one imagine 2mi people playing GT5 online at the same time?


LOL ODST was suppose to boost 360 last holiday what happened? NOTHING......and you know what? ODST was also TOP pre order game last year comapred to say Uncharted 2 but guess who moved more console? THATS RIGHT UNCHARTED.

Around the Network
kain_kusanagi said:
bevochan said:

Which system will sell more this holiday season? 

Xbox360 has Halo Reach as the only system seller coming out in Sept and Kinect.

PS3 has Gran Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet 2, DC Universe Online (not sure if this will be a system seller) and Move.

Saying Halo Reach is all Xbox 360 has is an understatment. I'm willing to forgive you forgetting about Fable 3. But, Halo Reach is THE most important game of this holiday season, year, and generation. Halo Reach is all the Xbox 360 needs.

The halo cult makes me LOL at the same time leaves me scratching my head if they are really serious.........

XxXProphecyXxX said:
Dark_Feanor said:

Why people zealously belive GT5 will drive :) PS3 to sell so much more than any other exclusive. It was the same story with God of War 3,  but we all saw what happened.

Just look at pré-order charts.

Nobody care about GT5 any more. There are many other car simulators on the market. And this generation is ruled by FPS games and Online experiences.

Can any one imagine 2mi people playing GT5 online at the same time?


LOL ODST was suppose to boost 360 last holiday what happened? NOTHING......and you know what? ODST was also TOP pre order last year comapred to say Uncharted 2 but guess who moved more console? THATS RIGHT UNCHARTED.

LOL, these PS3 fan boys a vary funny "dr Jones". Is it so hard to see the truth??

Just look at the charts. It's not a matter of quality, ODST was considered a avarage game, almost nothing new from Halo 3. Nevertheless it sold more than any PS3 "master piece".  

Halo 3: ODST (X360)
3.98 0.06 1.39 5.43

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves(PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
1.68 0.12 1.66 3.46
God of War III (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
1.74 0.10 0.94 2.78
Heavy Rain (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
0.59 0.05 0.72 1.36
MAG: Massive Action Game (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
0.54 0.07 0.26 0.87
Killzone 2 (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
1.11 0.08 1.15 2.34


1. Were talking about which game pushed more system here. And like I said ODST was top pre ordered game last year yet Uncharted 2 sold more system when it release ROFL!!!

2. Whats your point about ODST selling more than PS3 games?

GT5P(a demo) sold  close to 5m which is more than


*Mass effect

*Alan wake



and bunch of other "360 master piece" what does that prove? DIRT SHIT NOTHING thats what, it's called brand name thats what makes it sell SHIT LOAD may it be garbage or gem as long as it's called GRAN TURISMO.

So much hatred!

I quit trying rationalize. Be happy with your reality. 

Dark_Feanor said:

So much hatred!

I quit trying rationalize. Be happy with your reality. 

LOL you rationalize? a guy who says nobody at all cares for gran turismo? LOL AHAHAHAHAHAHA dude......seriously who are you kidding?