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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Casual games" changed my life

oldschoolfool said:
Cross-X said:

I don't like to use the term 'Casual Games' coz it has no significant definition for me.

This whole mentality of for example, Wii Sports being a 'Casual Game' is just rubbish. I would call it a Party Game where friends and families can get together and play the game.

And then there's the fanboy terms where they call the Wii "The Casual Console". I mean... WTF... So then how are games like Mario Galaxy, Mario Party, etc all so called "Casual"? Is it because there's no blood and shooting other humans invovled and not hardcore and hence it's "Casual"??? Rubbish I'd say...

That's the whole point of a causual game,to appeal to people that normally would'nt play a video game at all,so  wii sports is a casual game. It's easy to pick up and play and the whole family can get together and play it. Calling the wii the casual console does'nt mean every single game is casual. Maraio galaxy is a platformer and mario party could be consider casual. The wii appeals to an audience that what not normally play a video game at all. It appeals to women and the elderly. So I could see why people would call the wii a casual console.

I meant according to fanboys, they call it casual just to bash the Wii. It's just stupid fanboy logic.


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Casual games to me are games that anyone can play. I have a couple casual games and when my family comes over they want to play those games. I don't see anything wrong with casual games.


NoddyHolder said:

the Wii is an abomonation that will ruin gaming for most people, gaming used to be cool, fun and special, now its shitty mass produced casual turd.

So, who exactly is costing you content to play, that you enjoy?  Has the number of new games you want to play decreased in recent years?  If not, why complain about what others are playing? 

I see the above attitude as one that I am glad isn't major as far as videogames go.  I see it in the area of chess, and other abstract strategy games, and it a major reason why those games aren't relevant in society.  The 'leet bigot is one of the greatest banes any hobby niche faces.

News flash... The world doesn't center around leets.

RolStoppable said:
oldschoolfool said:

casual games are just games that appeal to a broader audience. There just easy pick up and play/party games.How is the term casual games an insult to anyone,That does'nt make any sense once so ever.

The way the industry thinks and talks about "casual games" makes it an insult. I personally don't use the term to describe any good game, because its definition excludes quality. When the industry says "casual games", it's about cheap to make games that are rushed to the market to make a quick buck.

Marketing suits don't have a clue as to the nature of what people really want.  They spin and speak of this inane talk about how something is "family friendly" and so on.  It isn't the games that are the issue, but the reality that people who don't know about games are involved with games.  This goes from Pachter and onward.

KylieDog said:
Wii_R2_Hardcore said:

That video posted above is great. Yeah, I agree. Arcade and casual are very similar. (The same?)

Arcade games are way too hard to be casual games.  Things like Street Figtther, Tekken, Mortal Kombat etc are not casual games either and those sorts are what keep arcdes alive (where they have not died).  Thats like calling Megaman 9 casual because someone can play any 1 level and die after not long, thats the arcade experience.

Whack-a-mole, there is your casual arcade game.

If you set Street Fighter and others on the easiest difficulty setting, then what?  Challenge level isn't a measure of a game style or not.  Also, you can ramp up the difficulty with whack-a-mole to.

There was a day in the past, where arcades were the place you played videogames.  These games started out simple enough and ramped up.  You could explain the essense of what was involved in a few seconds and people got it.  This meant a universally appealing design, what we say about casual games now.

Accessible is a virtue of videogames, particularly casual games, is not something to be knocked.  Who here wants to start talking about the need for reading monster sized manuals to play as a virtue?

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Pyro as Bill said:

Lack of controls? Wii Sports Resort doesn't have auto-aim like casual games do.

Defeating the bosses in WSR would be impossible using a traditional controller. How would a control pad help when there are three hundred and sixty possible lines of attack in Swordfighting?

After playing Mount & Blade WSR swordfighting seem a little shallow.   I thought WSR  bow and arrows was better than swordfighting. In M&B you can move your character, use a shield,  swing your sword in multiply directions and heights, shoot your bow, ride a horse. (up to 64 players at a time online)  You also have different weapons as a one handed sword swing faster than a two handed sword (just like you can swing a wii-mote faster than any sword.) This is the problem with 1:1 motion controls, your weapons has no weight which is important when you have multiply class of weapons.

 Another neat thing about M&B combat is how the damage in dealt which is not only determined by your weapon and it's speed but also by the speed and direction your body (or horse) is heading.

Smidlee said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Lack of controls? Wii Sports Resort doesn't have auto-aim like casual games do.

Defeating the bosses in WSR would be impossible using a traditional controller. How would a control pad help when there are three hundred and sixty possible lines of attack in Swordfighting?

After playing Mount & Blade WSR swordfighting seem a little shallow.   I thought WSR  bow and arrows was better than swordfighting. In M&B you can move your character, use a shield,  swing your sword in multiply directions and heights, shoot your bow, ride a horse. (You also have a lot more than two players fighting at a time yet it's online.)  You also have different weapons as a one handed sword swing faster than a two handed sword (just like you can swing a wii-mote faster than any sword.) This is the problem with 1:1 motion controls, your weapons has no weight which is important when you have multiply class of weapons.

That game sounds nearly as good as Zangeki no Reginleiv. Over 300 bows, swords, heavy swords, axes, spears and magic wands too, online multiplayer, ANY direction/height for your weapons. Can't say I noticed the weapon weight issues you speak of, did you have the same issues playing with M/KB? Maybe someone should release a plastic, casual 'swords and axes' set like the sports one we saw for Wii Sports.

WSR Swordfighting will seem shallow compared to a game dedicated to swordfighting. Zangeki has superceeded WSR Swordfighting and Archery for me. Sounds like ZnR has everything/more than Mount and Blade as well as 1:1 motion control.

Weren't we talking about boss difficulty?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Pyro as Bill said:
Smidlee said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Lack of controls? Wii Sports Resort doesn't have auto-aim like casual games do.

Defeating the bosses in WSR would be impossible using a traditional controller. How would a control pad help when there are three hundred and sixty possible lines of attack in Swordfighting?

After playing Mount & Blade WSR swordfighting seem a little shallow.   I thought WSR  bow and arrows was better than swordfighting. In M&B you can move your character, use a shield,  swing your sword in multiply directions and heights, shoot your bow, ride a horse. (You also have a lot more than two players fighting at a time yet it's online.)  You also have different weapons as a one handed sword swing faster than a two handed sword (just like you can swing a wii-mote faster than any sword.) This is the problem with 1:1 motion controls, your weapons has no weight which is important when you have multiply class of weapons.

That game sounds nearly as good as Zangeki no Reginleiv. Over 300 bows, swords, heavy swords, axes, spears and magic wands too, online multiplayer, ANY direction/height for your weapons. Can't say I noticed the weapon weight issues you speak of, did you have the same issues playing with M/KB? Maybe someone should release a plastic, casual 'swords and axes' set like the sports one we saw for Wii Sports.

WSR Swordfighting will seem shallow compared to a game dedicated to swordfighting. Zangeki has superceeded WSR Swordfighting and Archery for me. Sounds like ZnR has everything/more than Mount and Blade as well as 1:1 motion control.

Weren't we talking about boss difficulty?

M&B does not  have 1:1 motion. Once the sword in motion it doesn't require any more input from the mouse. The mouse does set the direction and height. The biggest disappointment of M&B is it's a low budget game. I wonder how much better it could have been if it had the money for a bigger developing crew.

 I have to give Zangeki a try.

It's the same for ZnR. Slower attacks are delayed while they charge up. Everytime you see a blue line in the video it's a stronger, slower attack.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

RolStoppable said:
oldschoolfool said:

casual games are just games that appeal to a broader audience. There just easy pick up and play/party games.How is the term casual games an insult to anyone,That does'nt make any sense once so ever.

The way the industry thinks and talks about "casual games" makes it an insult. I personally don't use the term to describe any good game, because its definition excludes quality. When the industry says "casual games", it's about cheap to make games that are rushed to the market to make a quick buck.

The industry except Nintendo I suppose. Me, as aconsumer, I don't have a problem calling Wii Sports a casual game. But it is darn good and hard. Yes, it is easy to pick up and enjoy but really hard to master. For instance, is it even possible to score a perfect game in Wii bowling? I mean, even making four strikes in a row is a great achievement. It is hard to master. I even have problems keeping my "Pro" status, lol! But maybe I am not that hardcore. I guess it is possible to rank way over a 1000 points in every discipline but I don´t care.

Besides, being offended is a choice you make. Why is people who call themselves hardcore trying to insult other gamers by calling them casual? (If casual=bad&stupid) Why are they feeling threatned? Their problem, not mine.

Calling games "expanded audience games" is too technical for me. Only Nintendo do that. Yeah, I know that the term "casual" maybe empty for them. But as long games are good and fun, call them as you wish.