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Forums - Sales Discussion - I just realized that Nintendo will stay in first place for a long time

WilliamWatts said:
Gilgamesh said:

Don't know why people are expecting the 3DS to keep the handheld crown again for another generation when no one knows the competition it's rather ridiculous if I do say so myself. That's like in early 2005 some people can say the X360 is going to be the console leader because it's got good graphics and Live, and yet they know nothing about the PS3 or Wii yet, see makes no sense. Wait and see what Sony's offering first and then we'll judge.

The PSP was Sony's first handheld, they learn a lot from it and what to improve to make it better, the PSP2 is only going to be that much better, and now that Sony knows what there competition is they can do whatever they want to make it that much better then the 3DS. 

The Playstation brand is still defined through it's big games, Sony has the most first party studios then any other gaming company and they constantly pump out AAA games, Playstation is still known to have the best games, just not as much as they use to (third party games). Microsoft is moving in a different direction the Sony and Nintendo anyway with Kinect, (here's another anything can happen line) hell next gen it could be Nintendo and Microsoft competing and Sony in a different group all together or Sony and Nintendo competing and Microsoft being in a different audience. You never know :)


Noone knows the competition? Its kind of obvious really as you've got in order of current market power:

1. Nintendo. (3DS)
2. Apple. (iTouch, iPhone, iPad)
3. Sony. (PSP2??)
4. Google. (Android)
5. Microsft/Nokia (Win Mobile 7 or Symbian)

You know the PS3 was Sony's third console, the N64 was Nintendos third console and the Saturn was Segas third console. Just because a company is learning and evolving doesn't assure them market position or power. Even if the PSP2 is better than the PSP it doesn't mean that its going to be better relative to the competition of the time.

If the Playstation brand is defined by the big third party games which Nintendo now has, and the critically acclaimed Sony first party games how can they compete with the critically hated Nintendo games if said Nintendo games sell in the multiples of 5M just as often as a Sony title crosses 2M? How many new 10M selling franchises has Sony made since the PS1? 0. How many 5M selling new I.P franchises has Sony made since the PS1? I think 0 as well. How many 10M selling franchises does Sony have? 1. How does Sony as a publisher compete with Nintendo when 34 of the top 50 best selling titles are Nintendo published?

There are many good reasons why the PSP2 probably can't compete with the 3DS. Sure anything could happen, but the betting folk will still say Nintendo 99/100 because.

1. 3DS is first to market with all the momentum of a system winning console and all the hype.
2. 3DS has all the major third party support.
3. 3DS is supported by Nintendo, the most prolific creater of system selling software in existance.


...Ok we know what company is in competition of the handheld market but we don't know what there going to come up with next gen thats what I mean.

Sony went in a different direction with the PS3 then they did with the PSOne and PS2, I like to think of it as an experiment, the PSOne and PS2 was simple, cheap and played great games, it didn't have the best graphics or really any add ons or features. All we want is a console that plays great games. The PS3 is a beast, they put tons and tons of money in making this a monster. The main thing they did wrong was when the PS3 launched it had practically no good games and it was very expensive (opposite of PSOne and PS2).

I know that even if the PSP2 is better then PSP doesn't mean it'll sell a whole lot better, but assuming 3DS is going to take over the handheld market again without knowing anything about Sony, Apple and maybe even Microsoft's next gen handheld is not very intelligent.  Like I said wait and see what the competition announces for a next gen handheld, then you can make your assumptions, because right now a lot of people are sounding very fanboyish.

"If the Playstation brand is defined by the big third party games which Nintendo now has"

I don't understand that line? the Playstation brand is not defined by just good third party games but just all over good games period, thats first second and third party, also what do you mean by "which Nintendo has"??? have you not noticed the Wii's third party support this gen...are you talking about all the shovelware games the PSOne and PS2 had?

That's just Nintendo, there fanbase always goes crazy over Mario games, always has. And what do you mean how can Sony compete with Nintendo? they beat Nintendo for 2 generations, just because they don't have 10 million sellers doesn't mean the console isn't going to be the market leader or sell well.

Like I said again, I'm sure the betting man was putting all there money on the Nintendo 64 when the PSOne came out. We know that getting to market early doesn't matter that much (Wii released a year after X360), who said third party is going to completely ignore the PSP2 when it comes out?  Nintendo is mainly good at selling first party games, not so much third party. Here's a fact you might want to ponder over, as of December 2009 Nintendo sold 3.2 billion games, Sony close to 3 billion. Nintendos been out for 10 years longer then Sony...hmmm who sells software better?

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This gen is going to be so big that sometimes I wonder whether this couldn't backfire on the next gen...

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Really? Super Mario Galaxy isn't a Killer App? 8.5 million units sold is certainly pretty awesome, and almost sits itself in the top 50 best-selling games ever.  That is within the top 0.5%. 

And what about New Super Mario Bros. Wii?  That game has sold 15.2 million units worldwide, sitting at #29 (I believe), and is not even close to finished selling.  And it does have a degree in difficulty--that game is tough as nails.  Even the people at gamrReview and IGN say that.

And lastly, what about Mario Kart Wii? over 22.5 million units sold.  Sits itself as one of only 12 games to sell that well...all the rest of them, incidentally, also made by Nintendo.  And it also has a degree in difficulty.  Are you going to tell me that the 150cc CPUs in the game were easy?  Sure, it wasn't the hardest game ever, but it wasn't easy, either. 

Actually, I just HAD to point out that Nintendo has 37 of the top 50 best-selling games ever ^_^


Top 10 best selling games ever: 10/10

Top 20 best selling games ever: 18/20

Top 50 best selling games ever: 37/50

I'd say the answer to "have Nintendo 1st party games sold better than Sony 1st party games?" is a definite Yes. :D

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mai said:
Qays said:

"So no thoughts on that matter whatsoever?"

Do you have a specific question?

Give your opinion on why those works are good.

Once again you're dodging questions. Don't worry I'm not seeking to disprove your supposedly good taste, your ego won't be harmed.


I feel epicness in this one.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson


The reason why Nintendo don't sell to the teenagers between 12 an 18 this gen is because there where not enough shooters for the Wii, the missing HD features, and not enough games with the dark look that pubertal male teenagers prefer.

But it seems Nintendo is aware of this fact and games like Goldeneye, The Last Story, Metroid Other M shows that they wan't to get this teens too.

If Nintendos next console has graphics like the competitor there is no limit for the Wii2. Even if Sony and MS make similar consoles, most gamers would buy the next Nintendo console because of the high quality nintendo franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc.).

Another side effect of this generation: At the start oft this generation all third party believed that the Wii would be a flop. As they recognized the Wii become the phenomenon we see today, it was to late for most of them to make expensive blockbusters for the Wii. But as you see with the 3DS, the third parties are not willing to make this mistake again and the Wii successor will have even better third party support than the 3DS.

Gilgamesh said:

Obviously I don't know what Sony has up there sleeve so I can't answer how they'll beat the 3DS but saying the 3DS is going to automatically win next gen is stupid, Sony has just as much a chance. When the PSOne came out no one expected it to be as big a hit as it was, yet out of nowhere Sony comes out with a video game console and completely dominated Nintendo for over 12 years. They can easily get back on the top just like Nintendo did this gen.

The only reason why the Wii has such high sellers compared to the PS3 is because it's double the user base of the PS3 so obviously there big games would have such high sales compared to PS3's big games, and Nintendo Fanboys go nuts over Mario games. From what we've seen this generation Sony is doing just fine with there First party games, a lot of 3 million sellers is good enough they still make tons of money off sales of 3 million. Also Nintendo has pretty well no third party support for the Wii and they seems to be doing fine so why does Sony need it so bad?  exclusive third party games isn't what makes a video game console the leader.

Like I already said next gen could be completely different and Sony and Microsoft could not be in direct competition like this gen, why would history repeat itself next gen. Sony said themselves that Nintendo and Microsoft are more then likely going to come out with a next gen console before them, so they'll have plenty of time to come up with a product to take back the crown, who knows what they'll come up that the world will go nuts over, obviously there not going to do what they did this gen and they'll likely go back to there roots and come out with something interesting and affordable.

First, the console that is first to market always does well. The Genesis beating the SNES to the market really hurt Nintendo. Had Donkey Kong Country not come out, the Genesis would have won. The Playstation did well because it was first to market. For Sony, if they are not first to market, they lose. This is what happened to both the PSP and PS3. If the trend congtinues, the PSP2 will also lose. Being first to market mean that third parties get acustom to your system verses the other guys. This what hurt the Gamecube and Xbox. Sony relies more on third parties then the other two, so launching last will kill the PSP2.

The only reason why the Wii has such high sellers compared to the PS3 is because it's double the user base of the PS3 so obviously there big games would have such high sales compared to PS3's big games, and Nintendo Fanboys go nuts over Mario games. From what we've seen this generation Sony is doing just fine with there First party games, a lot of 3 million sellers is good enough they still make tons of money off sales of 3 million. Also Nintendo has pretty well no third party support for the Wii and they seems to be doing fine so why does Sony need it so bad?  exclusive third party games isn't what makes a video game console the leader.

I don't think you get the market. First and foremost, rule number one about video games is software moves the hardware. "No Games," hurt the PS3. They launched with a weak line up that couldn't move the system. It's not that Nintendo games sell well because the console sells well. It's the console sells well becuase the games sell well. Wii sales are all about strong software. How else did Nintendo sell 4 million Wiis in Christmas of last year? It was New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Also, you don't understand Sony. Sony has to launch first because they are reliant on third parties. The best selling games on the PS3 are third party games. Nintendo is successful because they have their games move their systems. Sony moves their systems by having all the third parties. Sony can not acheive this is they are not first to market. The 360 launched them first has really hurt the PS3, so much so that they've had to cut the price 50% in order to stay afloat. Now, 3 million is still good sales, but it's good for a third party. 3 million is not pushing systems. Nintendo's goal is 10 million. Until Sony's third parties can acheive this, they can not compete with Nintendo without launching a year earlier.

Like I already said next gen could be completely different and Sony and Microsoft could not be in direct competition like this gen, why would history repeat itself next gen. Sony said themselves that Nintendo and Microsoft are more then likely going to come out with a next gen console before them, so they'll have plenty of time to come up with a product to take back the crown, who knows what they'll come up that the world will go nuts over, obviously there not going to do what they did this gen and they'll likely go back to there roots and come out with something interesting and affordable.

Actually, that will end the Playstation line. Like I've said, Sony has to get the forward momentum to be successful. Anytime they don't, they fail. This happened to both the PSP and PS3.Sony has to launch first.

Also, Sony and Microsoft can't do what Nintendo did. Nintendo disrupted them. It's not that easy to get back on top. Sony and Microsoft also don't have the ability to disrupt Nintendo. They have to have a unique skill and motivation, which neither of them could make. For instance, in Sony wanted to expand gaming, then they'd be copying Nintendo. This means that once Nintendo jumps into their expanded market, Nintendo will absorb it and Sony. Sony can't disrupt, and it loosk like they don't want to any way.

I doubt Sony will get back on top.

There's just no winning for me in a Rol thread now is there?

I give up I've been basically repeating myself in every post  so it's pointless to quote anymore. I'll keep going on about playing my Sony system/games and saying it's the best and always will be, and you guys can go on about playing your Nintendo system/games and saying whatever you want about your favorite video game company and we'll all live happily ever after :D