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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Khuutra said:

In fairness, the Metroids in Prime were all on one frigate, which is the one that crashed on Tallon IV. They were the ones that were evacuated from Zebes before Samus tore the whole place a new ass.

I kind of forget where they were supposed to come from in the other two games but I believe Dark Samus had something to do with it - since Dark Samus was a Metroid that had become a Leviathan Guardian, it makes sense that she could spawn Phazon-based Metroids.

See, i resolved the issue of the origin of Metroids in my head, between Fusion's testimony and Prime's.


Metroid Prime (the creature itself) was the original Metroid, not a Metroid that became a Leviathan. The Chozo encountered this beast on Tallon IV, but in turn saw that it could be useful, and bred the race of Metroids off of that template for use in combatting the threat of the X Parasites that they encountered on SR388.

I doubt that the other Metroids were bred straight off Dark Samus, since they were called Tallon Metroids, i imagine they were meant to be of the stock bred on Tallon IV

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Mr Khan said:

See, i resolved the issue of the origin of Metroids in my head, between Fusion's testimony and Prime's.


Metroid Prime (the creature itself) was the original Metroid, not a Metroid that became a Leviathan. The Chozo encountered this beast on Tallon IV, but in turn saw that it could be useful, and bred the race of Metroids off of that template for use in combatting the threat of the X Parasites that they encountered on SR388.

I doubt that the other Metroids were bred straight off Dark Samus, since they were called Tallon Metroids, i imagine they were meant to be of the stock bred on Tallon IV

I guess that makes more sense, but the fact remains that all the Metroids in that game, excepting Prime, all were from the one pirate frigate which evacuated with them off of Zebes.

Aiddon said:
Mr Khan said:

Nope. Not gonna read it. Don't need the aggravation.


Metroid's still in my system, though. I was pondering shinesparking up to a secret cave in Monster Hunter 3...

The article has absolutely NOTHING you haven't heard before. It engages in hyerbole, pretends that Samus SOMEHOW had extensive characterization before Other M (i.e., he's mad that his Boba Fett non-personality isn't the one that popped up), bends over backwards to nitpick about things that aren't really damaging to the narrative but just annoyed him, and also fails persuasive writing 101 by insulting either Sakamoto, or even the audience. So basically read any Other M complaint thread and you've read this.

Another strawman argument.

We aren't claiming she had loads of characterization, you guys are claiming she had zero.

We're complaining about BAD characterisation, not simply different charactization.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

But also, the fact that Samus had so little characterization and was largely an empty vessel for the player to project what he wanted onto, was *good*, and in fact is exactly what a player character should be.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Khuutra said:

I think the most ridiculous thing about this game, bar none, is that Samus's Zero Suit has five-inch heels.



Hey, does Zero Suit Samus have jets built into her boots?  I seem to remember that from somewhere.  Maybe it's just that Haloid video but I think she had them in Brawl, too (haven't touched that game in years).  If so, that's the reason.  If not, let's just pretend she does and say that's the reason!!

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Demotruk said:

But also, the fact that Samus had so little characterization and was largely an empty vessel for the player to project what he wanted onto, was *good*, and in fact is exactly what a player character should be.

Well the gameplay should be that, but in cut scenes we could still see something of Samus.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

d21lewis said:
Khuutra said:

I think the most ridiculous thing about this game, bar none, is that Samus's Zero Suit has five-inch heels.



Hey, does Zero Suit Samus have jets built into her boots?  I seem to remember that from somewhere.  Maybe it's just that Haloid video but I think she had them in Brawl, too (haven't touched that game in years).  If so, that's the reason.  If not, let's just pretend she does and say that's the reason!!

It's just Haloid, but all right. Only for you, though.

LordTheNightKnight said:
Demotruk said:

But also, the fact that Samus had so little characterization and was largely an empty vessel for the player to project what he wanted onto, was *good*, and in fact is exactly what a player character should be.

Well the gameplay should be that, but in cut scenes we could still see something of Samus.

I don't agree with that, personally.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Demotruk said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Demotruk said:

But also, the fact that Samus had so little characterization and was largely an empty vessel for the player to project what he wanted onto, was *good*, and in fact is exactly what a player character should be.

Well the gameplay should be that, but in cut scenes we could still see something of Samus.

I don't agree with that, personally.

Did you think Metroid Prime's final cutscene went too far?

Well, honestly I do think it could have been better sans cutscenes completely. But those in Metroid Prime are more like jaywalking in an empty street than serious offences.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.