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Aiddon said:
Mr Khan said:

Nope. Not gonna read it. Don't need the aggravation.


Metroid's still in my system, though. I was pondering shinesparking up to a secret cave in Monster Hunter 3...

The article has absolutely NOTHING you haven't heard before. It engages in hyerbole, pretends that Samus SOMEHOW had extensive characterization before Other M (i.e., he's mad that his Boba Fett non-personality isn't the one that popped up), bends over backwards to nitpick about things that aren't really damaging to the narrative but just annoyed him, and also fails persuasive writing 101 by insulting either Sakamoto, or even the audience. So basically read any Other M complaint thread and you've read this.

Another strawman argument.

We aren't claiming she had loads of characterization, you guys are claiming she had zero.

We're complaining about BAD characterisation, not simply different charactization.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs