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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

alot of people saying the last boss is phatoon

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mhsillen said:
mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

And this samus is the first game where she whines like a little emo girl.

So you should really think before you call someone ignorant

I'm a real metriod fan not a game made team ninja and the bad writing of sakamoto

I don't remember the scene where Samus was cutting herself in her bathroom, listening to simple plan, and crying because her mom didn't let her go to her friends house. That is emo. How Samus is portrayed in this game is not emo.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

chriscox1121 said:
Mr Khan said:
chriscox1121 said:



So I finished the game and i thought it was over the top!!!!!  Couple of questions.  

1.  was that mother brain at the end?  I assume it was.

2.  They never told you who the deleter was.  I assume it was K.G. since he was the only one not dead on your menu characters.

3.  Also, if it was K.G. was he being controlled by M.B. or was he intentionally planted within Adam's unit?

 I don't think Adam is dead.  I can see a sequel to this easy. 

1. No, but an AI designed after Mother Brain's thought patterns, or did you mean something else?

2. I assumed it was the one that was dead in the room where you left Melissa, given that you saw something attack her after you left her initially, and she obviously survived.

3. Planted from the outside, otherwise he wouldn't attack Melissa.

Adam has to be dead, unless they make a direct sequel to this, given that he is definitely dead by Fusion.


On my own part, some of these items are ingeniously hidden based on perspective. One room took me forever to figure out, because what i thought was part of the ceiling was actually a platform that hung out slightly below the ceiling, asking for me to shinespark up

Sectors 2 and 3 completely cleaned, and i haven't had to use the guide yet.

So the end fight was M.B.?  Cause i thought that the GF took her away or did they just leave her and she evolve.  kinda confused.

Also, if you look at K.G. status it says that it's unknown.  And also mentions that he is a trainie or rookie somewhere else in the game.

The last boss is Phantoon. He's the same guy you fight in the haunted ghost ship in Super Metroid.


K.G was killed and thrown into the lava earlier in the game. His status at the end of the game say he's still alive, but the Federation can't find him anywhere onboard the bottle. This is because he was secretly killed by the deleter earlier in the game and thrown into lava, where no one can find him. The deleter was the guy killed by MB near the end of the game.


My friend and I came up with a CRAZY theory about Adam. What if he really WAS the head in charge of this whole operation? The real reason he didn't want Samus to go into sector 0 and destroy the metroids was because he wanted to save the metroids! He pretended to be the hero and rip off sector 0 with him inside. But what if he secretly took sector 0 to a rendezvous to continue further research on them. I know this is extremely unlike Adam but it's such a crazy theory I love it. ^_^

wfz said:
chriscox1121 said:
Mr Khan said:
chriscox1121 said:



So I finished the game and i thought it was over the top!!!!!  Couple of questions.  

1.  was that mother brain at the end?  I assume it was.

2.  They never told you who the deleter was.  I assume it was K.G. since he was the only one not dead on your menu characters.

3.  Also, if it was K.G. was he being controlled by M.B. or was he intentionally planted within Adam's unit?

 I don't think Adam is dead.  I can see a sequel to this easy. 

1. No, but an AI designed after Mother Brain's thought patterns, or did you mean something else?

2. I assumed it was the one that was dead in the room where you left Melissa, given that you saw something attack her after you left her initially, and she obviously survived.

3. Planted from the outside, otherwise he wouldn't attack Melissa.

Adam has to be dead, unless they make a direct sequel to this, given that he is definitely dead by Fusion.


On my own part, some of these items are ingeniously hidden based on perspective. One room took me forever to figure out, because what i thought was part of the ceiling was actually a platform that hung out slightly below the ceiling, asking for me to shinespark up

Sectors 2 and 3 completely cleaned, and i haven't had to use the guide yet.

So the end fight was M.B.?  Cause i thought that the GF took her away or did they just leave her and she evolve.  kinda confused.

Also, if you look at K.G. status it says that it's unknown.  And also mentions that he is a trainie or rookie somewhere else in the game.

The last boss is Phantoon. He's the same guy you fight in the haunted ghost ship in Super Metroid.


K.G was killed and thrown into the lava earlier in the game. His status at the end of the game say he's still alive, but the Federation can't find him anywhere onboard the bottle. This is because he was secretly killed by the deleter earlier in the game and thrown into lava, where no one can find him. The deleter was the guy killed by MB near the end of the game.


My friend and I came up with a CRAZY theory about Adam. What if he really WAS the head in charge of this whole operation? The real reason he didn't want Samus to go into sector 0 and destroy the metroids was because he wanted to save the metroids! He pretended to be the hero and rip off sector 0 with him inside. But what if he secretly took sector 0 to a rendezvous to continue further research on them. I know this is extremely unlike Adam but it's such a crazy theory I love it. ^_^

Actually that isn't too far off, because the Metroids have to still exist for Fusion, and Bergman claims that the DNA for the Bottle Ship Metroids came directly off of Samus' armor (implying that they didn't have DNA samples left over from when they had the Metroid before the start of Super)


Metroid DNA from the Bottle Ship had to survive, so that isn't all that crazy, though it would reopen the question of how he died.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

wfz said:
mhsillen said:
mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

And this samus is the first game where she whines like a little emo girl.

So you should really think before you call someone ignorant

I'm a real metriod fan not a game made team ninja and the bad writing of sakamoto

She is definitely not emo, and I fail to see any line in the script where she is being whiney. Care to elaborate?


She never shuts the f... up 

And i am not going back into that travesty of a game

As soon as they bring back the metriod where you are by yourself with the feeling of isolation  in an alien world.

Then most of us older fans will come back.  It's to bad they couldnt make the game for all metriod fans 

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I'm really enjoying the game so far- have just got out of the artifical desert thing- does anyone know how far into the game this is?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

And some gamers are telling me I don't know Metriod.

Any fan will see this is a big departure. It is a different Samus and she is adams bitch F... him

Right in the middle of his telling her what to do she lift her arm blast him.  Messed up game

I am a huge nintendo  Fan boy who has owned all nintendo hand helds and consoles save for the virtual boy

I have never been mad at the direction nintendo has gone

My only complaints were what they didn't give us not what they did release. I didn't get mad at the boring engineer zelda

even though it was ridiculous 


mhsillen said:
wfz said:
mhsillen said:
mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

And this samus is the first game where she whines like a little emo girl.

So you should really think before you call someone ignorant

I'm a real metriod fan not a game made team ninja and the bad writing of sakamoto

She is definitely not emo, and I fail to see any line in the script where she is being whiney. Care to elaborate?


She never shuts the f... up 

And i am not going back into that travesty of a game

As soon as they bring back the metriod where you are by yourself with the feeling of isolation  in an alien world.

Then most of us older fans will come back.  It's to bad they couldnt make the game for all metriod fans 

She definitely has a lot of talking in this game, but I don't remember where talking = whining. I really don't remember any whining in that game.


I felt isolated and alone in the game, especially at the end, and it was the first metroid game to ever make me a little jittery. I've been a metroid fan since Super Metroid came out.

There was no whining. There was self-reflection.

I quite enjoyed the story myself. It was no work of art, but it was good enough for a game. And the gameplay was a lot of fun.

Fave boss was during the epilogue, mind. Everyone above has mentioned him, but I'm not gonna say it.

I think that showing fear and still fighting and kicking ass is much braver than having no fear at all.


Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

Fallen to 40th in it's second week in the UK.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.