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mhsillen said:
mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

And this samus is the first game where she whines like a little emo girl.

So you should really think before you call someone ignorant

I'm a real metriod fan not a game made team ninja and the bad writing of sakamoto

I don't remember the scene where Samus was cutting herself in her bathroom, listening to simple plan, and crying because her mom didn't let her go to her friends house. That is emo. How Samus is portrayed in this game is not emo.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m