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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

Im after a good game and from everything I read its a good game so Im buying it.

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darthdevidem01 said:
So Other M did fine, it didn't chart worse than the lowest opening metroid (prime 2)


It'll end up lower though. Metroid Other M won't beat 1.29 million.


BTW, why does it get to be compared to the weakest selling Prime game which launched not only on the Gamecube, but when the Gamecube was already pretty much dead.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Btw, some people were expecting this game to do 7 million ;)


I wonder if my prediction in that thread was too optimistic...

I did expect there would still be hype for Other M at launch, but there doesn't seem to have been much.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Demotruk said:
darthdevidem01 said:
So Other M did fine, it didn't chart worse than the lowest opening metroid (prime 2)


It'll end up lower though. Metroid Other M won't beat 1.29 million.


BTW, why does it get to be compared to the weakest selling Prime game which launched not only on the Gamecube, but when the Gamecube was already pretty much dead.

Its not disastrously bad.

They should make a profit at least.

Whats bad is it had lots of TV ads in the UK yet these sales

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Demotruk said:

Btw, some people were expecting this game to do 7 million ;)


I wonder if my prediction in that thread was too optimistic...

I did expect there would still be hype for Other M at launch, but there doesn't seem to have been much.

I have less hope for the second condition of our bet, now, but I won't judge until I see how it did, come Thursday.

Going back and reading our bet topic, I notice that I reiterated that I didn't think cutscenes were a good thing, just that I had faith.

Truth be told? I booted up Other M for the first time with my wife sitting next to me - she loves Metroid more than I do, which is a lot, and part of it is because of Samus.

After the intro, she asked if we could play something else, and suggested that she might finally start playing Corruption.

Its a fun game in parts but I am so bitterly disappointed

Around the Network
Khuutra said:
Demotruk said:

Btw, some people were expecting this game to do 7 million ;)


I wonder if my prediction in that thread was too optimistic...

I did expect there would still be hype for Other M at launch, but there doesn't seem to have been much.

I have less hope for the second condition of our bet, now, but I won't judge until I see how it did, come Thursday.

Going back and reading our bet topic, I notice that I reiterated that I didn't think cutscenes were a good thing, just that I had faith.

Truth be told? I booted up Other M for the first time with my wife sitting next to me - she loves Metroid more than I do, which is a lot, and part of it is because of Samus.

After the intro, she asked if we could play something else, and suggested that she might finally start playing Corruption.

Its a fun game in parts but I am so bitterly disappointed

Like it, or half like it... It's just a game.  

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Khuutra said:

I have less hope for the second condition of our bet, now, but I won't judge until I see how it did, come Thursday.

Going back and reading our bet topic, I notice that I reiterated that I didn't think cutscenes were a good thing, just that I had faith.

Truth be told? I booted up Other M for the first time with my wife sitting next to me - she loves Metroid more than I do, which is a lot, and part of it is because of Samus.

After the intro, she asked if we could play something else, and suggested that she might finally start playing Corruption.

Its a fun game in parts but I am so bitterly disappointed

Like it, or half like it... It's just a game.  

Its status is a game is not related to how disappointed I am, or how disappointed it is reasonable to be. I was hyped for this game. I expected it to be awesome, a game of the caliber of the first Prime but withh Ninja Gaiden-level action and freneticism.

Khuutra said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Khuutra said:

I have less hope for the second condition of our bet, now, but I won't judge until I see how it did, come Thursday.

Going back and reading our bet topic, I notice that I reiterated that I didn't think cutscenes were a good thing, just that I had faith.

Truth be told? I booted up Other M for the first time with my wife sitting next to me - she loves Metroid more than I do, which is a lot, and part of it is because of Samus.

After the intro, she asked if we could play something else, and suggested that she might finally start playing Corruption.

Its a fun game in parts but I am so bitterly disappointed

Like it, or half like it... It's just a game.  

Its status is a game is not related to how disappointed I am, or how disappointed it is reasonable to be. I was hyped for this game. I expected it to be awesome, a game of the caliber of the first Prime but withh Ninja Gaiden-level action and freneticism.

Isn't that the case? Many complain its just Gaidentroid.

I rank it a solid 9,but not awesome. So what.

Perhaps the game you had in you head or heart wasn't realistic at all - much like it read in some reviews. You can't blame Nintendo for not reading your mind. They did the best they could, and in your opinion it just didn't work out.


In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Khuutra said:

Its status is a game is not related to how disappointed I am, or how disappointed it is reasonable to be. I was hyped for this game. I expected it to be awesome, a game of the caliber of the first Prime but withh Ninja Gaiden-level action and freneticism.

Isn't that the case? Many complain its just Gaidentroid.

I rank it a solid 9,but not awesome. So what.

Perhaps the game you had in you head or heart wasn't realistic at all - much like it read in some reviews. You can't blame Nintendo for not reading your mind. They did the best they could, and in your opinion it just didn't work out.

I know for a fact that this isn't hte best they could do, bcause I've playd much better from them in this series.

Khuutra said:

After the intro, she asked if we could play something else, and suggested that she might finally start playing Corruption.

Well at least something great came out of this then, no?  I think Corruption's the weakest of the Prime games, but it's still awesome.