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Forums - Website Topics - New VGChartz Network Homepage


Just a minor complaint, though.  Like many others have already said, I'd like to know, when I've been quoted. I know, it's ridiculous, but I honestly can't come up with anything to complain about at the moment...

EDIT: Oh, but wait! I can complain about the removal of "the walls" next to the games in the database, where you can discuss and add your opinions of the game! Yay!

Other than that, looking fabulous.

Around the Network

Much better...well done!


Thanks much better!

(will make me visit other things than the forum again... and will probably increase the comments on news)


One complaint though... the reviews part is not openable in new tabs (greyed out when I right click).


(and I still want back the "quoted in the thread red text" on the recent thread activity.)

2nd compaint... tried to use the site with my Iphone last WE.... impossible to post... (I managed to type once... but it disapeared), there is something wrong with the way to select the typing area on the Iphone.


It's so much better than previous form.

You made the right decision :D!

Much better...the previous hub set-up was seriously not working for me...

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Around the Network

Much better! Hopefully you can tweek the font sizes some to clean the page up a little more.

I hope that you will look at fixing the gamrfeed page too. As it is now I have to scroll on the mouse wheel way to much to check out all the news stories. Couldn't that be changed so that most of the stories can be seen on the page without scrolling?

Awesome, really big improvement, and prety much perfect, I think a search bar would make it perfect

It's great, I think. I honestly can't remember what it looked like before, 'cos I never visited the homepage, haha, but this looks pretty neat.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Still a stickler for the old site, but this is an improvement.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

much better.