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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Hardware Profitable

Grimes said:

If you can't even acknowledge that Sony or anyone else can take a loss on products due to circumstances beyond their control, and in some cases circumstances in their control, then there is no point in debating because you're not being in any way reasonable.

they can take a loss but they won't as mostly they will be even now

Around the Network always gets ugly in threads like these, people trying too hard to prove the PS3 is making money or losing more money.

all I can say is: whether the PS3 is making money, breaking even, or even losing less money is a positive for Sony in anyway, some people make it seem sony will lose money forever on the PS3( taking in all the gaming sites I go to)

arcane_chaos said: always gets ugly in threads like these, people trying too hard to prove the PS3 is making money or losing more money.

all I can say is: whether the PS3 is making money, breaking even, or even losing less money is a positive for Sony in anyway, some people make it seem sony will lose money forever on the PS3( taking in all the gaming sites I go to)

thats what

SONY said they are amking profit and these people throw all the problems that happen all the time and are sustained by big comapnies like SONY all the while and they  act as they are all new problems and SONY has nothing planned to couter them

and that howmuch ever profit SONY makes,it will all be taken away by labor costs,marketing,currency fluctuation,etc

i thought the ps3 had been profitable since the slim released?

Solid_Snake4RD said:
arcane_chaos said: always gets ugly in threads like these, people trying too hard to prove the PS3 is making money or losing more money.

all I can say is: whether the PS3 is making money, breaking even, or even losing less money is a positive for Sony in anyway, some people make it seem sony will lose money forever on the PS3( taking in all the gaming sites I go to)

thats what

SONY said they are amking profit and these people throw all the problems that happen all the time and are sustained by big comapnies like SONY all the while and they  act as they are all new problems and SONY has nothing planned to couter them

and that howmuch ever profit SONY makes,it will all be taken away by labor costs,marketing,currency fluctuation,etc

That's not what Sony said. The Sony exec said they they would be able to cover the cost of the PS3 sometime within the year. That's not the same thing as saying they are making a profit.

Anyone can guess. It takes no effort to throw out lots of predictions and have some of them be correct. You are not and wiser or better for having your guesses be right. Even a blind man can hit the bullseye.

Around the Network
Solid_Snake4RD said:
arcane_chaos said: always gets ugly in threads like these, people trying too hard to prove the PS3 is making money or losing more money.

all I can say is: whether the PS3 is making money, breaking even, or even losing less money is a positive for Sony in anyway, some people make it seem sony will lose money forever on the PS3( taking in all the gaming sites I go to)

thats what

SONY said they are amking profit and these people throw all the problems that happen all the time and are sustained by big comapnies like SONY all the while and they  act as they are all new problems and SONY has nothing planned to couter them

and that howmuch ever profit SONY makes,it will all be taken away by labor costs,marketing,currency fluctuation,etc

You know if you were just able to see more than a console war and a fanboy world when it comes to financial statements you'd be able to realize this was not at all what people were trying to say.

Imagine you owe me 10$. I ask you for the money and you say "listen, I'll get 10$ from my parents tomorrow". I then ask you whether you'll need some of that money for yourself or if I'll get it later still and you start screaming "bah, you want me to fail! You want me to go bankrupt!" even though I merely asked a question.

Is it not allowed to ask a simple question without being accused of wanting a company to fail? Do you really think everyone is 13 years old and plays "console wars" over the internet?

I already told you why I am critical of Sony but you didn't even get that dimension of critisism. Your thinking stops as soon as someone leaves the "console war". You can't think outside of "pro" and "con".

Please tell me: Do you really think I was just posting because I "hate" a company? ...Really?

kowenicki said:

Can I just re-iterate what was said VERY recently by the Sony Financial officer... it really renders the whole thing mute.  Its up in the air.  They havent factored in the collapsing Euro so their end results will be hit if things stay as they are... as they look likely to.

from a recent Reuters report (mid may 2010)

"If the Greek crisis spreads and the European economy stalls, that would have a big impact," Sony Chief Financial Officer Nobuyuki Oneda told a news conference.


"If you ask me if Greece's problems are included in our operating profit forecast, the answer, regrettably, would be 'hardly'. It surfaced as a big problem just a few weeks ago."

remember this is the SONY Chief Financial Officer speaking.... is he lying and a hater too?

Not to mention, it may have been mentioned already since it was so obvious, Sony needs the PS3 to continue turning a profit in order to recoup that $4-7 billion loss they took before they lowered the price of the PS3 down to an acceptable level in order to become profitable.

Until Sony recoups that $4-7 billion loss, then it does not matter how many PS3s are sold in comparison to the 360 or Wii, it is a financial loser that will force changes such as the firing/resignation of Kaz Hirai and/or no more console gaming for Sony.

The former of Kaz Hirai leaving in shame due to his part in creating an overpriced, unprofitable cutting edge console for 3 years (2006-2009) is expected. I see the latter if both Nintendo and Microsoft release new consoles in the next 3 years and the economy stays the same with around a 10% official unemployment rate or higher in the US, Europe and Japan.

TX109 said:

i thought the ps3 had been profitable since the slim released?

IIRC they were losing a few tens $ in USA, so back then, with the Euro stronger that gave almost an additional 20% revenue even after paying VAT (EU price include it), they were surely already profiting in EU. Now Euro is much lower and after paying VAT they have only a 5% extra compared to USA, but now costs are lower, so they have a smaller extra profit in EU, but, if they are telling the truth, they are profiting in USA too, due to costs reduction. Costs reduction works everywhere, while strong Euro worked only for EU, so the overall balance is obviously better now, because PS3 sales are quite evenly spread around the world, EU is its biggest market, but it doesn't excessively prevail.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

UncleScrooge said:


 I wasn't talking about Blu-Ray. I never mentioned it. I was talking about the "Cell" and the inclusion of parts that were so expensive they knew they'd have to take a loss with and I'm blaming that on people who lost touch witht their consumers because they like expensive computing machines. They could've included Blu-Ray and made the rest 200$ cheaper.

yes but what advantage would blu-ray have without CELL.also cheaper CPU would easily be hacked which SONY really didn't want.other CPU's would bring anywhere near the leap CELL brought at that price.

Business is always about compromises. Being unable to take a compromise shows that you are a bad businessman. It's funny that you seem to think the opposite.

SONY made a compromise for future profits

 I am not "mocking" Kutaragi. You didn't get the point of my post at all. I was talking about responsibility. That includes Kutaragi as well as the rest of the company.

yes but you picked out Kutaragi and Friends when Kutaragi would be against it as it would have declined his division

Grimes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
arcane_chaos said: always gets ugly in threads like these, people trying too hard to prove the PS3 is making money or losing more money.

all I can say is: whether the PS3 is making money, breaking even, or even losing less money is a positive for Sony in anyway, some people make it seem sony will lose money forever on the PS3( taking in all the gaming sites I go to)

thats what

SONY said they are amking profit and these people throw all the problems that happen all the time and are sustained by big comapnies like SONY all the while and they  act as they are all new problems and SONY has nothing planned to couter them

and that howmuch ever profit SONY makes,it will all be taken away by labor costs,marketing,currency fluctuation,etc

That's not what Sony said. The Sony exec said they they would be able to cover the cost of the PS3 sometime within the year. That's not the same thing as saying they are making a profit.

SONY CFO said they were making $10 profit in USA in JAN-MAR 2010 period