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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Am I the only one not "in love" with Ghibli?

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Galaki said:

Awesome picture is awesome!

don't worry you are not the only one, I lived in japan for a year and have never become a fan of them, I have embraced many other of the japanese tastes and thoroughly adore their culture but never got into Ghibli. I thought I may have been the only one...


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The reality is this gen is so depraved of high quality JRPG on HD consoles, that one from Level 5 and Studio Ghibli on PS3 simply light me on fire.

I've been soldering on FF13 simply because I payed for the damn thing but not because it was fun, and the only other hight quality JRPG around now is Resonance of Fate which is very damn hard according to reviews. Demon Souls is more WRPG to my taste, and I have little hope for FFVerXIII after the mega disaster of its sister. White Knight Chronicles just seems so 'bland' in all its character design and story, its first gorgeous E3 trailer is a lie compare to the final product.

So, yeah, Ni No Ku Ni better come out fast.

see I loved FF13 and I never got into Ghibli, maybe there is some mutual exclusivity going on here, Demons souls was pretty poor though imo, the only thing it had going for it was its difficulty, the (lack of) story just destroyed that game but thats true of a lot of atlus's work, they are masters of game mechanics but they need to employ some better writers

certain classes in demons souls like royalty and the soldier make it a cake walk by comparison to the more interesting classes like theif, I 'cheated' and beat it on royalty and there was not even as difficult as the final 5 (mark) hunts in FF12


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)