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Forums - General Discussion - Hold on a second... the US federal reserve bank is... PRIVATE?

albinious you are very well informed and thanks for the information.

The progression of the government towards a 'NWO' is quite scary to me, especially the idea of the RFID chip - it doesn't effect me because in Australia that would never EVER happen, however I just fear for the world when America becomes that controlling of it's people.

What happens to privacy?

Do you think that the system that is in place currently with the FED is a good system?

Especially that the US people are consistently in unlimited debt because the FED charges interest on every dollar that it prints?

How can that be a viable economic situation for the country?

Is it really constitutional to charge an income tax under Ammendment 13 which deals with slavery? Isn't the requirement to work and provide your labour to a company and then paying taxes on your labour a 'roundabout' method of enforcing the enslavement of the US people? Yes you can choose not to work, but how do you live without and income?

How are so many people getting off 'not guilty' for tax charges because even though the 16th Amendment is in place there is no defined law that states that an income tax is payable - it's in the amendments but there is no defined law - am I right?

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Man i guess alan greenspan needs an economics lession.

here's what he thinks about central banks

The fact is, the federal reserve was established to protect the value of the dollar and it has done the exact opposite since its conception.

now i dont claim to be a gold standard expert or anything, but something needs to change, we are on a system of perpetual debt, and it benefits the bankers.
Of course the government wouldent want to get rid of the FED, then they couldent create money as they need it.

I see your point, like I said I haven't read up much on the topic. My only problem with banks running to the private sources of dollars is that many of those sources are not actually private but run by the govts of China, Russia, and Arab countries. Though that's getting out of the economics sphere and into national security and geopolitics.

I haven't heard anyone else mention the problem of what happens when the baby boomers retire and begin drawing down their savings so count me impressed. Even my economics professors have largely held to the 8% return on average forever mentality. I don't think most people understand that money or savings represents labor and so don't understand what a shock it will be when a large share of labor not only disappears but begins drawing on younger people's labor. I don't think that will be as big a problem for the US since our demographic situation is healthy but Europe, Japan, China, and Russia will be hit hard in the coming decades.

I haven't heard anything about this RFID situation, or privacy restrictions, or the Fed pushing it. I also haven't heard much about the NWO since the mid 90's when I lived in Texas. So I can't really say much more than that.

I don't think the Fed system is without problems but I do think it is the best system possible overall. Just look at US economic growth before and after the Fed was established. Before it would grow 15% one year, 10% the next, and then shrink 13% the next year. Since then it has averaged 2-4% pretty well. Inflation has been a bit more dicey but after the montarist induced problems in the 70's the Fed seems to have similarly calmed down inflation. These days we get panicky at 3% inflation, in the past it was thought 3% was impossibly low.

What unlimited debt are the people forced to take on? The Fed charges interest rates on the money it lends to the financial system but how is that any different than what any other banks does. There's only about $800 billion in actual notes in circulation which I suppose if banks have to pay the 5% Fed funds rate on it that would only be $40 billion in a $14 trillion economy. Whatever income the Fed earns after paying for its operations is given the US Treasury. Bank notes have to be printed so allowing any bank to do it causes many more problems and they would still charge interest while having the govt do it interest free would cause the problem of govt control over monetary policy which can cause some very bad things (e.g., hyperinflation) to happen that wouldn't with the Fed.

There isn't a requirement to work and pay taxes. Choosing to work isn't slavery and was in practise prior to and after the 13th Amendment so it isn't something with which the 13th Amendment deals. Involuntary servitude is having no choice and receiving no pay.  That is not and has never been work.  Well people manage to live without working and anyways people under a certain income threshold pay no income tax (the payroll tax is legally different, it's considered a forced pension and not a tax). I think for a family of 4 they have to make $20,000 before they pay any income tax. At the very least, any problems the 13th Amendment may cause are eliminated by the 16th Amendment which supercedes all previous laws.

I've heard that supposedly people can get off not paying the income tax but then again I've heard plenty of stories of people going to jail for refusing to pay the income tax. There was recently a couple in my area who refused to pay the income tax and they were sent to jail and had their assets taken to pay their past taxes. I think though that if there really was any chance that you could get off from paying your income tax every rich person would use it instead of paying accountants and lawyers up to 6 figures a year to find ways to lower their tax liability. Although they don't go to jail, usually, just about every year some big celebrity has their assets seized for not paying income taxes. Again if it was unconstitutional wouldn't their lawyers be able to get them off?

Yeah, I believe the main argument isn't that the income tax is unconstitutional but that there is no law establishing the authority of the IRS to gather income taxes. See above why I don't think that is a justifiable legal argument. I'm sorry I can't go into the legal issues surrounding all that but I do know that if it were true we should be seeing rich people taking advantage of it and we aren't so I highly doubt it is true.

I don't have a lot of time to respond to everything, but thanks for your detailed responses I appreciate it! Will try and respond bigger later.

One thing I think is missing your points about rich people doing it to get out of taxes... I'm not so sure it doesn't happen because none of this stuff is reported by the media to ensure that the majority of the populace don't and can't witness what is 'really happening' as I said it's a bit more transparent to me being a foreigner and seeing the different in the type of media control we have here and in the united states... I was recently on Vacation there and the news stations and channels are vastly different in their approach and presentation of the news, it seems to obviously fabricated and 'spun' in the direction of the owning company and it has a big impact on the citizens of the country who gobble it up without researching things themselves.

I didn't know that the FED gives its money to the US Treasury... I was sure that the allocation of this money isn't provided publically - I certainly can't find the public records of this on the internet (and i'm not saying that is the best way to find information). One thing I could find is an unallocatable expense within the government (missing money) that is more than 2 trillion dollars (something like that).

What is your opinion on Supreme Court rulings vs Constitutional Amendments - which should take precedence? Apparently there is a case which ruled that the 16th amendment gave no such constitutional precedence to the government. There is no defined law that passed congress. It is justified by the amendment but it hasn't been passed.

I didn't think that newer amendments overruled previous amendments if they weren't specific to and amendment of an amendment? But that could be my ignorance not being an American.

How can people accept the fact that their income tax (the largest tax of all) solely goes towards paying the Federal Debt? Get rid of the FED and get rid of the Income Tax because of the unlimited debt of buying money from the FED? Isn't that right?

The federal Reserve does pay most of the money it gets from interest on the government debt back to the government via treasury, but it dident start doing that till the 1940's or so.

i dont agree with that article on everything but it does make some good points.
i dont really feel like researching anything they say so i guess i have to take their word for it.

As far as the income tax goes, the government enforces it without a law, thats why rich people pay it. you know theres no law, the irs knows theres no law, but if you knew you were going to get thrown in jail regardless, you wouldent question it either. ive seen court cases where the judge wont allow the defendant to use the supreme court ruling on the income tax in the case. they get thrown in jail.