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I don't have a lot of time to respond to everything, but thanks for your detailed responses I appreciate it! Will try and respond bigger later.

One thing I think is missing your points about rich people doing it to get out of taxes... I'm not so sure it doesn't happen because none of this stuff is reported by the media to ensure that the majority of the populace don't and can't witness what is 'really happening' as I said it's a bit more transparent to me being a foreigner and seeing the different in the type of media control we have here and in the united states... I was recently on Vacation there and the news stations and channels are vastly different in their approach and presentation of the news, it seems to obviously fabricated and 'spun' in the direction of the owning company and it has a big impact on the citizens of the country who gobble it up without researching things themselves.

I didn't know that the FED gives its money to the US Treasury... I was sure that the allocation of this money isn't provided publically - I certainly can't find the public records of this on the internet (and i'm not saying that is the best way to find information). One thing I could find is an unallocatable expense within the government (missing money) that is more than 2 trillion dollars (something like that).

What is your opinion on Supreme Court rulings vs Constitutional Amendments - which should take precedence? Apparently there is a case which ruled that the 16th amendment gave no such constitutional precedence to the government. There is no defined law that passed congress. It is justified by the amendment but it hasn't been passed.

I didn't think that newer amendments overruled previous amendments if they weren't specific to and amendment of an amendment? But that could be my ignorance not being an American.

How can people accept the fact that their income tax (the largest tax of all) solely goes towards paying the Federal Debt? Get rid of the FED and get rid of the Income Tax because of the unlimited debt of buying money from the FED? Isn't that right?