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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo is living in the past

Looks like a Rol's thead and Amp had success on it

I laughted at the reply's

You forgot to mention that 3DS has motion control (1 Acelerometer and 1 Gyroscope) as the almost four year old Wiimote 

WiiU/Wii/3DS/DS/Xbox360/PS3/PSP Owner 
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Nintendo is living in the past because it has multi million fanbase from its past to sell stuff to. And gess what? that fanbase had sex!!! OMG and now they have kids!!!!!! holly crap!!!!. Yes Gamers from the 1980 had sex and had kids and now own a Wii. How freeken hard is that to understand???


I gess that is a perty big leap for any 36 year old vergin, to take ill admit.  


One day your going to have sex. and have kids and Sony or MS will make a system with a bunch of retro crap for you to buy and share with your offspring.


ok just wanted to say something a bit funny for my last post today. If you think its not funny im sorry.

Anyway have a good day everyone!



I think the reason why DK, GoldenEye, and NBA Jam are all coming back is b/c of the fans and of course money helps.


ZaP~ said:

Looks like a Rol's thead and Amp had success on it

I laughted at the reply's

You forgot to mention that 3DS has motion control (1 Acelerometer and 1 Gyroscope) as the almost four year old Wiimote 

I write all of my own stuff, good and bad.

Rol doesn't ghost write for me like he does for other people. 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Albion said:

Nintendo is living in the past because it has multi million fanbase from its past to sell stuff to. And gess what? that fanbase had sex!!! OMG and now they have kids!!!!!! holly crap!!!!. Yes Gamers from the 1980 had sex and had kids and now own a Wii. How freeken hard is that to understand???


I gess that is a perty big leap for any 36 year old vergin, to take ill admit.  


One day your going to have sex. and have kids and Sony or MS will make a system with a bunch of retro crap for you to buy and share with your offspring.


ok just wanted to say something a bit funny for my last post today. If you think its not funny im sorry.

Anyway have a good day everyone!



Yes.  People that gamed in the 80's had sex and their kids now have a Wii.  I don't understand your point, but I'll agree with this.

I know that the 36 year old virgin comment is directed at me so I will address it.  First off, I am actually 37.  For some reason I put in my correct birthday, but VGChartz makes me a year younger, not that I'm going to complain about it.  When you get a year, you don't question it and take it.  Secondly, I had an intense love making session with my lady last night.  As a matter of fact, she's posted in this thread.  Let's see if you can figure out she is and if you do, ask her if I'm telling the truth. 

I wasn't here yesterday because I was celebrating Father's Day with my dad and then hung out over at my lady's place for a while.  I was living in the past and then living in the moment.


Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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Is there a way to put people on a ignore list so you can't see anything they post?? beacuse I seriously need it now after reading some of the most stupid thing I have ever read on this last page...

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

infamous23 said:

You don't see Sony just putting out sequel after sequel featuring  Jak, Crash, Spyro, Ratchet, or Sly this gen.

lololol!  Oh god, I don't think the world can take that much irony.

Actually... did Sony have any retail PS3 games at E3 that weren't direct sequels?  Was Heroes on the Move (a game featuring... well, almost all their milked mascots) and that soulless Harry Potter clone the only ones?

I thought the saying is "tried and true", not "tired and true". Weird wording there, imo.

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The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

MadeInDK said:

Your so wrong. Nintendo give the future.

Some of the latest....

1. wii-mote... motion control.

2. 3d WHITOUT glasses

3. Mario Galaxy

4. Touch screen

Many new games.. new game types. Some of them, MS and sony need to copy.. (or die)

Motion sport games

action motion games

"Nintendogs" games

Fitnes games

The "Nintendo gold ones" Zelda, Mario. donkey.. are i'm afraid is not to be copied.

awesome very well said- hits the nail on the head :)

luv Nintendo !

Everyone lives in the Past!!!11!!!,?.<><;p/.