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It looked and played a lot better than the Zelda Nintendo showed on the Wii. I say show me a video of Link shanking up a bottle of potion and drinking it and i'm sold on Zelda, until then Socery looked way better than Zelda in every way.

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andremop said:

Lol, c'mon... I liked sorcerer too but... it's on a completely  different level.

I bet it's small budget, small production time, family orienteded game. Zelda is guaranteed to be huge, high production values, 4 years in development, made by fans for fans. 

But Sorcery was the best thing of sony's conference, I give you that.

you must be joking, or just not even the most minute sony fan.

killzone 3 and Twisted metal were breathtaking, and socom looked very entertaining, as well as Medal of Honor. But those things just probably aren't up your alley one bit.

I just look at the video...looks interesting, and quite fun. Maybe I'll try it some day... but I don't believe it will be close to zelda. But let's see.... I wont know it until I play 'em

hatmoza said:

before I read the comments I'd like to say that Sorcery was my treat of E3

Call me corny and cheezy but remember last year's E3 when the idea of the "bulb" changing colors when different spells could be casted was pitched? well, I thought that was an amazing idea. 

the controls, power measuring, freezing, tornado, flame balls and flame shield spells all made the nerd in me scream. When I saw the flame mixed into the tornado I was sold. I was kind skeptic when I started to think, "what if he gets swamped by a dozen enemies at once?" but when I saw that seismic spell my imagination went wild!

Really looking forward to this. 

Edit * oh OP Sorcery >>>>>>> Zelda

too early to judge either, both showed so little.  Sorcery has edge only due to showing at least some hint at its overal story and world.  Zelda we were stuck in like the tiny path between kokiri village and deku tree.  We saw nothing.


But I do have to say that I was somewhat impressed with the sorcery game, but not at all to do with the wand.  Those things you mentioned like the fire wall and then putting it in a cyclone was I thought really neat.  The whole breaking ice thing isn't new and been doing it forever with metroid at least.  But regardless the whole mix of spells is a neat thing. 

The move aspect of this though was total fail and screamed wii copy, oh besides the glowing ball. 

noname2200 said:
theprof00 said:

do you mean playable as in the game worked, or playable on the show floor?



*Unless you're Miyamoto.

RolStoppable said:

This is what I thought you probably meant, but how was Sorcery not playable?

Did people besides the demonstrators get to play it?  If so, I retract my statement.

to be fair, someone in the audience had their cell phone on. Miyamoto could've done a much better show if that hadn't happened :P

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loy310 said:

It looked and played a lot better than the Zelda Nintendo showed on the Wii. I say show me a video of Link shanking up a bottle of potion and drinking it and i'm sold on Zelda, until then Socery looked way better than Zelda in every way.

Man it's weird seeing this from Sony fans.  I mean where is all the bashing saying I don't to swing my arm or do this or that when i can just push a button.  So now Zelda just pushes the (-) button to drink a potion, while this game you have to basically take a shot, oh and possibly shake the wand first, and now that cool?

Maynard_Tool said:

I just look at the video...looks interesting, and quite fun. Maybe I'll try it some day... but I don't believe it will be close to zelda. But let's see.... I wont know it until I play 'em

I am completely in agreement that Zelda will be a better final product, but today, sorcery was better. It doesn't mean much because that jsut boils down to "this game in development is better than another game in development". Today, eyepet was better than COD5. But, to have those demonstrations at press conferences at E3...sorcery was better.

theprof00 said:
andremop said:

Lol, c'mon... I liked sorcerer too but... it's on a completely  different level.

I bet it's small budget, small production time, family orienteded game. Zelda is guaranteed to be huge, high production values, 4 years in development, made by fans for fans. 

But Sorcery was the best thing of sony's conference, I give you that.

you must be joking, or just not even the most minute sony fan.

killzone 3 and Twisted metal were breathtaking, and socom looked very entertaining, as well as Medal of Honor. But those things just probably aren't up your alley one bit.

I'm not! The only things I liked were Sorcery and LBP2.

I hate blood and guns. And edgy games like twisted metal too - heck, I'm a pink blob guy (kirby) not a Sadistic Clown one (that guy from twisted metal). And most important, I hate with a passion Racing Sims - so GT was like always the very bad part of E3 (forza too btw)

So, by my tastes, Sorcery was good, the others were not breathtaking. Not at all.

i'm not sure what he is saying, but this is waht happened to those not in knowledge

Zelda on stage had tech issues and didn't work like really at all.  Everything he tried was screwing up.  Afterwords they had like 10 screens of playable zelda demo's for all to try and heard nothing but positive back from them in how they worked flawless and felt great and pretty much 1:1.

Sorcery worked fine on stage in the demonstration, but we are wondering is that it?  Is there a playable booth somewhere?  Does anyone get to try it out, or was it just a demonstration on stage and no hands on with the game?

Sorcery looked good and all, but come on.. Better than Zelda? ZELDA??

That's like saying Little Big Planet is the better platformer than NSMB Wii.

The powers looked fun to use, but the environments and enemies looked bland. It's like Harry Potter but a bit more dark.