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Forums - General Discussion - Will Obama be re-elected in 2012?


Will Obama be re-elected in 2012?

Yes 111 37.00%
No 98 32.67%
Too early to call 79 26.33%
I don't know 12 4.00%
Slimebeast said:

Easily. I don't like the democrats much but Obama has done a great job so far.

He hasn't shown his stance on Israel though yet. I am a bit worried about his Israel policy.

Mmmm? Yes he has, and it's the most leftist since Jimmy Carter.

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BHR-3 said:

you should of had a option of doesnt matter worlds ending end of 2012

i dont see him winning

I wonder what the next big day of doom will be after that passes. Just like every other one that has went by.

Xen said:
Slimebeast said:

Easily. I don't like the democrats much but Obama has done a great job so far.

He hasn't shown his stance on Israel though yet. I am a bit worried about his Israel policy.

Mmmm? Yes he has, and it's the most leftist since Jimmy Carter.

I don't think he has. Not in any important way. Just hinted at a leftist stance yes, but we don't have a clue yet on how hard he will pressure Israel.

Your comment makes me worried though. How has he showed it in your opinion? I'd very much like to hear your impressions as an Israeli.

All the Jews in America hate Obama. He has basically said F*** *** to Israel compared to previous presidents.

As for the topic, I would be suprised if he got re-elected. He isn't popular in the states anymore. When he was a candidate to Bush everyone believed it was like Jesus returning to earth. Since then they have realised he is just the same as the last 100 presidents.

In England he is popular though, although I don't think that counts for much

I don't think so. Obama did not do a very good job last election (he won states Kerry lost in 04 despite Kerry having more votes in those states). It was a perfect storm for the Democrats (republican in office for 8 years, war going on, economic downturn, weak republican canidate). Obama is a very weak politician from what I've seen. He's just too green. Also, the Health care bill could ruin him if it either makes the republicans upset (Republicans are the majority party in the US) or there is too much animosity from the people over it (not sure about this one, but I've heard there are a lot of people upset).

It ws a bad strategy, though, to make the bill kick in in 2016. This was probably due to Obama not wanting to receive flack over it (and save face), but if he loses to a republican, they will over turn it or they will amend it so much it would basically be irrelivant.

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Smashchu2 said:

I don't think so. Obama did not do a very good job last election (he won states Kerry lost in 04 despite Kerry having more votes in those states). It was a perfect storm for the Democrats (republican in office for 8 years, war going on, economic downturn, weak republican canidate). Obama is a very weak politician from what I've seen. He's just too green. Also, the Health care bill could ruin him if it either makes the republicans upset (Republicans are the majority party in the US) or there is too much animosity from the people over it (not sure about this one, but I've heard there are a lot of people upset).

It ws a bad strategy, though, to make the bill kick in in 2016. This was probably due to Obama not wanting to receive flack over it (and save face), but if he loses to a republican, they will over turn it or they will amend it so much it would basically be irrelivant.

Registered democrats are the plurality, i believe. But neither party has enough swing to decide the election, it's that wishy-washy undecided middle that needs catered to.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Smashchu2 said:

I don't think so. Obama did not do a very good job last election (he won states Kerry lost in 04 despite Kerry having more votes in those states). It was a perfect storm for the Democrats (republican in office for 8 years, war going on, economic downturn, weak republican canidate). Obama is a very weak politician from what I've seen. He's just too green. Also, the Health care bill could ruin him if it either makes the republicans upset (Republicans are the majority party in the US) or there is too much animosity from the people over it (not sure about this one, but I've heard there are a lot of people upset).

It ws a bad strategy, though, to make the bill kick in in 2016. This was probably due to Obama not wanting to receive flack over it (and save face), but if he loses to a republican, they will over turn it or they will amend it so much it would basically be irrelivant.

Registered democrats are the plurality, i believe. But neither party has enough swing to decide the election, it's that wishy-washy undecided middle that needs catered to.

I've heard that before. Of course, I will admit, I may not be the most up to date on all the political workings.

yea he will win, the incumbent usually always wins.




there hasnt been 100 presidents.




ShadowSoldier said:
nathantay said:

No he will not be reelected. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves., and anyone who will vote for him again after all the shit he has done is a retard.

.....No offense but Americans are known for doing the retarded guys voted Geroge Bush in....twice

To be fair he was running against John Kerry.  I mean... I voted for John Kerry but it was sadly a much closer deliberation then it should of been.

I considered voting third party, but I didn't know any of them except Nader and I didn't want to accidently vote for some miltia group or anti-capitalist group.