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Forums - Website Topics - The VGC 3.0 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

Best forum layout of any gaming website has turned into this...


*changes home page*


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i dont like it at all. it is way to confusing to navigate, and i can hardly find anything, especially the best part of the site, forums! some suggestion:

1. way to bright in the backround. add a feature that allows you to make it darker

2. make the forums WAY easier to find and bring back the colored titles, bring back the side bar that allowed you to see recent forums and if people replied/quoted you.

3. bring back the thing that tells when other users are online.

4. bring forums, news, and basic sales to one page that is easy to get to with one click.

it would be a start.


I second the recent posts bar returning.

Another very minor request is that our wall should be strictly for user to user chat, and that any other notifications should be stored somewhere else (a personal mini-feed) to avoid clutter and the possible missing of a sent message.

I would be happy if the Hot Topics section was restored as it was before, even if only on a sub-page. The section was part of what made VGChartz forums better than all other game forums.

I know Recent Threads exists, and Recent Posts, but neither has subsections by forum like the old one and Recent Posts is far too long to show all the hot threads without scrolling while Recent Threads doesn't show if there has been new posts there.

Adding a tab to Recent Posts containing something like the old Hot Topics panel would be enough, with sections for each forum and just the topic name, starter and number of posts displayed in a list.

(Repost from 'New site design' thread)

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Tanstalas said:
miz1q2w3e said:

there are no COLORS in the text editor!!!!  D:

also, we need the most active/most recent threads to be more visible pleeeeeeease :)
(the one that used to be at the lower part of the main page, where you chose Gaming, Nintendo, Sony... etc)

also, it would be cool if the headlines (news section) be colored according to topic (Gaming=orange, Nintendo=blue, Sony=red ...etc)

but i DO love they new look, and i've already gotten used to the new aesthetic, it's really cool :)

well THANKS! :D

Yeah, but that could be a good thing, bright lime green replies on white... ick

Edit: Oh well, I have font color, guess you are out of luck miz :P

Edit - Added color to your post too, just for fun :P

You are sooooo funny. :)

  • First off, THANK YOU THANK YOU for the return of Quick Reply.  And Rich Text Reply is integrated which will occasionally save me a click. 
  • THANK YOU for the return of multiple-page and first-and-last navigation.
  • Thank you for the forum column width seems to be back to normal.
  • Major complaints
    • Where are my photo albums???  I am going to be really annoyed if they got blowed up without notice. 
    • Post timestamps are gone!  "Posted x time ago" is but a poor shadow.  Maybe "Posted x time ago at xx xxxx"?  Lack of timestamp is unacceptable IMO.  THANK YOU!
    • The View Post button is gone, and the bookmarks of my old ones don't work!  (Including the link in my sig.)  Oh hey my moderation history revealed that the feature is still in existence, just buried!  Bring back the button please.  (I fixed my sig.)  Thank you!
    • The ban reason is apparently gone from banned users.  I consider this an extrememly valuable feature, which both informs users why people were banned and cuts down on complaints and questions of the banning mods. 
    • OMFG all my wall posts before April 23 are gone, is this permanent???
    • The Styles drop down box is broken, which means I cannot change typeface size. 
  • Minor complaints/suggestions
    • I would like a universal search option (Search the whole VGC Network, perhaps from the hub) instead of only being able to search within each zone. 
    • I really miss the "Add Friend" button that was under people's names along with "Send Message"
    • I miss the "*Online*" notification
    • My message box only gets 10 per page now, I think it used to get more.  Could this be made adjustable like the forums?  Or simply increased?  I like the little preview I get now, though. 
    • There was a very neat "Wall to Wall" button that made it display all the Wall posts between you and the person who made the Wall comment you clicked the button on.  It seems to be gone. 
    • [edit:  as long as I'm making these, I might as well resurrect my old wish for the return of VGC1.0 style post history:  i.e. show the whole post, not just the first little bit of it sans formatting.  But I know I'm not likely to get this wish.] 
  • Aesthetic complaints/suggestions
    • why "gamr" when it could just be "vgReview, vgConnect, vgFeed"? 
    • OVERALL it feels like some social networking site now like Facebook or what have you.  Changing from timestamp to "x time ago", posts and other things are word bubbles now, the way my friends list looks, etc.  I don't like it and I especially don't like VGChartz turning itself into that.  I don't want to see it go that direction.  VGC is losing its personality IMO. 
    • The green text of names, links, pages etc. is a little too light, if it could be made more like the Points color looks that would be better IMO.  Except for my name on the left because it needs to be light there to counter the dark background.  Dark on Light, Light on Dark.  Not Light on Light. 
    • The background is really too white, I really think it would be better if it was the shade of the current shade of the post bubbles or the quote nests. 
    • WTF is that shiny thing doing in the corner of my avatar, and why does it cover HALF of my avatar on the Profile page?  Please remove it. 
    • I guess this goes hand in hand with the word bubble thing:  the word bubbles on short posts stop without going all the way to the right side, this is somewhat disconcerting
    • The column width given to posts is considerably shorter than it used to be, by about 4.5cm.  (The smilies line in my sig used to all fit on one line with room to spare.  Also I still have a tab open of the old one as of this writing which I was anal enough to measure.  I measured space that was definitely actually usable by writing in both cases.  16.5cm vs. 21cm.) 

  • Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

    "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

    Tanstalas said:
    miz1q2w3e said:

    there are no COLORS in the text editor!!!!  D:

    also, we need the most active/most recent threads to be more visible pleeeeeeease :)
    (the one that used to be at the lower part of the main page, where you chose Gaming, Nintendo, Sony... etc)

    also, it would be cool if the headlines (news section) be colored according to topic (Gaming=orange, Nintendo=blue, Sony=red ...etc)

    but i DO love they new look, and i've already gotten used to the new aesthetic, it's really cool :)

    well THANKS! :D

    Yeah, but that could be a good thing, bright lime green replies on white... ick

    Edit: Oh well, I have font color, guess you are out of luck miz :P

    Edit - Added color to your post too, just for fun :P


    <font color="#ff0000">COLOR</font>

    lol, didn't work >_>

    omg @ editting post without refreching pag!!!
    (though the 'edit' button disappears after the first edit :p)

    TX109 said:

    i dont like it at all. it is way to confusing to navigate, and i can hardly find anything, especially the best part of the site, forums! some suggestion:

    1. way to bright in the backround. add a feature that allows you to make it darker

    2. make the forums WAY easier to find and bring back the colored titles, bring back the side bar that allowed you to see recent forums and if people replied/quoted you.

    3. bring back the thing that tells when other users are online.

    4. bring forums, news, and basic sales to one page that is easy to get to with one click.

    it would be a start.

    You just described months of work. And for no reason; stop complaining and try to adapt as we all do.

    the reply, quote, report buttons dont work in IE. is anyone having this problem????