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Forums - Sales Discussion - Super Smash Brothers Brawl week one sales in Japan will be _____



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I almost want to say 350K.

Eh why not. I'll say three times the preorders doesn't matter that much.

Note that I still think it'll be the best not MLB Power Pros game on the Wii when released.

350K. It was either that or going 400,001... but the price is right has sucked since Bob Barker left.


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 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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800k seems pretty reasonable.

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Considering Mario Galaxy sold less than expected and Super Smash Bros. Melee sales I expect it to sell somewehre between 300 - 400k copies first week.

We don't know how many customers pre-ordered Galaxy do we? all we knew was retailer pre-orders. So for all we know it could have been 50,000 pre-orders for Galaxy and 150,000 for Brawl.

Japan is weird right now and so I think sales will be way less than expected. I'll say 300,000. In the US about 1 million first week.


well I was going to say 700k or 750k but everyone else said that. So 800k


One thing that people are forgetting is the different mindset of SSBB compared to SMG. SMG is a single player game, if you don't get it right away, you just pick it up a week or so later, nothing lost. It's not like you're really going to care if one of your friends has already collected 100% of the star bits while you still haven't gotten the game.
Smash Bros Melee has a HIGH level of competition, and that's just competing against friends and people that you're sitting right next to. Now you have Brawl that promises to bring that back and then add online multiplayer on top of that. People will be trying to get that as soon as they possibly can to make sure that they have time to learn the system and train up so they don't get pwned in online multiplayer.

The popularity of the game, combined with its competitive nature is going to push sales of this game through the roof.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

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