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Forums - General Discussion - A Surprise in Nature's Operating System -- Interesting look at DNA


You can think of DNA as nature’s operating system. It carries all the instructions needed to make you, or a grape. And the grape has more genes. (Picture from the Scientific Creative Quarterly.)

The reason is that the DNA operating system runs McAfee. As Michael Specter writes this week in The New Yorker, roughly 10% of our DNA consists of retrovirus code, the equivalent of a McAfee anti-viral’s virus signatures.

Evolution encoded these retroviruses in our genes. They represent long-dead diseases that once threatened our ancestors with extinction, until this detection code was added. Grapes probably have more code because they’ve been around longer.

All this offers intriguing questions, not just about human viruses but about computing as well.

  • Would it make sense to put anti-viral signatures in the center of the Internet, in its operating system as it were, rather than at the edge, as is done now?
  • Can we encode the HIV virus into the human genome, rendering it harmless, and should we?

The 20th century saw enormous progress made against bacteria, through the development of antibiotics like penicillin. We have the chance to make the same progress against viruses, but the solution will raise more basic questions.


I find this very interesting and also very scary. The idea that if we physically change our DNA outside of evolution we can build our own internal protection. However, at what consequence? Is there any medicine that has not had some side affect? One of the only TV shows I watch is Stargate. In the SG1 series there was a race called the Asgards. They died off because they kept tampering with thier DNA to help push along thier own evolution. Eventually they lost the ability to reproduce sexually and had to clone blank bodies that they could move thier concious (sp?) into. I think these ideas to artificially mutate our genes is very scary.

 What do you think?


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yes i watch stargate as well, this is a very interesting development, but it better go through EXTENSIVE testing before it gets into my genes!

Our bodys have grown, there would be no way of changing the DNA in every cell of your body now that we are fully grown. This DNA editing would have to be done to unborn children for later generations. To make this work you would have to change the DNA of a sperm or egg while it is still one cell. Then when the egg multiplies cells the whole body has the new DNA instead of only a few of your cells.

It is very unlikely that tampering with DNA will make us not be able to reproduce, that is just TV. I'm not saying there in no chance of side effects, but I'm sure they wouldn't be that major.

Actually I watched a pretty interesting documentary about "The Smartest boy" yesterday which in a way kind of peeved me off a bit. This kid was tested in India and in the states and was found to have a pretty damn high IQ. Then they take him to London England, cut him down a few notches, make him take another IQ test and kick him out of the country. I was pretty unimpressed with the way they handled the kid. He's been researching Cancer and HIV and he's made it his personal goal to test his ideas for cures. I would have rather seen someone take him as being less a joke and offer him assistance then see him get cut down and shipped out. People burn out too fast, he's young if he burns out soon at least you will have had some research done by the kid. His ideas centered around the 1 pill to cure them all, basically rewrite your genetic code inside your body to fend off any virus's probably much in the same way that the genetic code for older virus's exist already in us, he probably wanted to cure us by making the HIV a part of us. No longer able to hurt us. Anyway if you get a chance to watch the show, be prepared to be angry ;)

I for one believe that it doesn't matter how old you are, a fresh idea is always welcomed.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.


i haven't seen it, but any person who shows themselves to be a genius should be given the high road as they have the best abilities to sold humanities greatest issues.

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This is weird , because I just read a similar article a couple of weeks ago on GS ... they are some nice ideeas in there , but I bet that we will have to wait tens of years , untill we will see any benefit from this research ...

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