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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 is the greatest game ever made!!!

SmoothCriminal said:
Tuganuno said:
SmoothCriminal said:
Let me say one more thing.

Half-Life 2: Not a single cutscene in the entire game yet it tells a story twice as compelling with characters that are three times as compelling. The big difference is, the actual gameplay in Half-Life 2 is fun, while MGS4's is not.

To be honest, you probably failed at math lol

I hate to be an ass, but here we go:


I have an IQ of 170, I scored a 1610 on the SAT when I was thirteen years old. I'm in the 92% of all high-school students, and I'm in eight grade. I think it's safe to say I didn't fail math.


 No harm done, right?


No, not at all, but how can someone with an IQ of 170 say that MGS4's plot isn't nearly as good as Half-Life? =P

As someone on this thread said, MGS4 is a roller coaster of emotions. It's the best example of games that couldn't be recreated in the cinemas or in books (or it wouldn't nearly be the same experience) - games in a certain way, can be art as well.

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Tuganuno said:
SmoothCriminal said:
Tuganuno said:
SmoothCriminal said:
Let me say one more thing.

Half-Life 2: Not a single cutscene in the entire game yet it tells a story twice as compelling with characters that are three times as compelling. The big difference is, the actual gameplay in Half-Life 2 is fun, while MGS4's is not.

To be honest, you probably failed at math lol

I hate to be an ass, but here we go:


I have an IQ of 170, I scored a 1610 on the SAT when I was thirteen years old. I'm in the 92% of all high-school students, and I'm in eight grade. I think it's safe to say I didn't fail math.


 No harm done, right?


No, not at all, but how can someone with an IQ of 170 say that MGS4's plot isn't nearly as good as Half-Life? =P

As someone on this thread said, MGS4 is a roller coaster of emotions. It's the best example of games that couldn't be recreated in the cinemas or in books (or it wouldn't nearly be the same experience) - games in a certain way, can be art as well.

The only emotion I felt throughout MGS4 was frustration. Frustration with the controls, story, acting, graphics, everything. 


Actually, I think MGS4 is the perfect example of a game that COULD be a movie. You want a counter example?

Braid. In Braid, the story is non-linear. Not in the same sense as GTA or Fallout, but in the sense that time doesn't really pass. It just kind of is. That is truly an example of a game that cannot be a movie. It is also the only game that I would ever even think of coming close to being described as art.

I love the game but the cut-scene are way too long... Beside of that, the game could be the best of all time !

Not quite, but it's probably my favourite, this gen, so far.

Best Game I've ever played. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. It's all on my profile.

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I purchased my ps3 for this game and it didn't disappoint. MGS 4 and Uncharted 2 alone make the ps3 my favorite console though it has many other amazing games.

SmoothCriminal said:
Tuganuno said:
SmoothCriminal said:
Let me say one more thing.

Half-Life 2: Not a single cutscene in the entire game yet it tells a story twice as compelling with characters that are three times as compelling. The big difference is, the actual gameplay in Half-Life 2 is fun, while MGS4's is not.

To be honest, you probably failed at math lol

I hate to be an ass, but here we go:


I have an IQ of 170, I scored a 1610 on the SAT when I was thirteen years old. I'm in the 92% of all high-school students, and I'm in eight grade. I think it's safe to say I didn't fail math.


 No harm done, right?


Yeah You Go keyboard Warrior you tell them how smart you wanna be, and also no one cares how smart you are in this thread, this is all about MGS4

The game is a masterpiece, but my only complain is that when you reach GW you should have fought a......
Wait for it.
METAL GEAR!!! Damn it!!!

Xbbjf9s said:
Muffin31190 said:

OMFG YESSSS !!!!!!!!! just look at my sig, MGS4 the Greatest Game of All Time and Yes Best Gameplay, Best Graphics, Best Charecters .... Love Drebin and Sunny LOLZ and whoever is says that MG4 has too long of cut scenes is just teasing themselves because they have never been told an experience such as this ...... <-------- Meaning that Most games do not have half of the Story that MGS tells you and its soo consistent and wraps up the Series with the best Ending of all Time.


LOLZ, I know Right and also i hate how people are like arrggggg the cutscenes are to long RAWWWWRRR, LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ i mean sure after you've seen it the first time and you know whet thier goin to say its understandable that you wouldnt want to see it again but you have the option of skipping it, But when they show you a cutscene its because they are trying to tell you somthin ... THE STORY .... and if you dont realize that then and you cant bear to have a story told to you while you actually play through it then you have ADHD so go get yourself to a docter LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ

just playin with you all  XP

no feelings were meant to be hurt

Xbbjf9s said:

The controls were a little still compared to the others but it wasn't that bad to hinder the gameplay (he is old snake afterall lol). I agree people have different tastes but this is one of very few games that have been out for years and still get thos kind of hype. I have seen so many comments stating that this game is a must have for ps3 owners and after getting it I see why. I understand that saying "best game ever" my seem rash to you consider the game industry is far from dead but I can't see any game that has the magic this one has. Uncharted is good but it has a "indiana jones meets national treasure" feel. I like infamous but really? infamous? Metal Gear 4 hits emotions here and there, based on what i'm hearing at the end I'm gonna need diapers and tissues lol. Gameplay is good but the story is the soul and if you don't have both you end edn up with bayonetta (yea I sadi it!) game has a soul like mgs4.

I am comparing inFamous to MGS4 as GAMES.  In regards to a comparison of GAMES, my measure is which I had more fun with.  I had more fun with inFamous.  So, for me, inFamous was better than MGS4.  So, I compare things on a game front, rather than some "literary excellence" front.  One can argue that MGS4 has a superior story, but that is different than games.  And it isn't for me, about having "soul".  It is about having "fun".  I prefer sandbox super heroe games over what MSG4 is, and I found the controls superior also in inFamous.  MGS4 just felt stiff to me (you can climb walls like Spiderman in inFamous).

By the way, I played through MGS4, and your view of sadness will depend on your being taken in by the characters.  I will tell you that you do need to watch beyond the credits.  It is like they created one ending before the credits and then had something different that also wrapped up stuff, that is worth watching (hint: it isn't as sad).

I will say that the approach to storytelling in MGS4 (execution) is excellent, eventhough I thought the story and game world did strain credibility (the war economy angle is really suspect to me).  But, it did FEEL epic as far as telling a story goes.  It felt like a movie simulator to me.  And on that, I contrast that with Uncharted (either one) which felt like i was in an Indiana Jones/National Treasure film.