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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ModNation Racers will be better than that Nintendo racer

No I got it from the beginnig.

But nevertheless you should wait actually for the game to release and then make up your mind. Its premature to dismiss Modnation Racers so early. Infact it could take over the crown even though ofcourse not the sales crown but it still could be a good game. And be a real rival to MK Wii.

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XxXProphecyXxX said:
Too bad OP got busted already, would have been so much fun to see Wii fans go berzerk.(LOL)

lol don't worry not only do people not read the whole OP but they don't read a single other comment (other than what supports their beliefs) also it seems, few posts above me shows that :D it's friggin hilarious

The ninty defense force of higher sales = quality of the game is HERE~! Just Dance ppl...just DANCE!

'insert a dancing gif here'


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Netyaroze said:
No I got it from the beginnig.

But nevertheless you should wait actually for the game to release and then make up your mind. Its premature to dismiss Modnation Racers so early. Infact it could take over the crown even though ofcourse not the sales crown but it still could be a good game. And be a real rival to MK Wii.

Quite a few reviews have already testified to that too btw

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Damn it, I just realized my post could easily be interpreted as someone jumping to conclusions >_<

I did actually read the OP in its entirety before I posted though, unlike so many others who I'm still laughing at

EDIT: Okay that was weird. A part of my post was cut off :S

Rainbird said:
I'll have to trust you on this, I'll never be playing that Nintendo racer after all...


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Lol, epic thread!

Thank god my post wasn't a meltdown!! :D

what nintendo racer? nintendo racer.........

modnation = mk

modnation >>>> other racers

morenoingrato said:
what nintendo racer? nintendo racer.........

modnation = mk

modnation >>>> other racers

Modnation >>>> other racers or Mario Kart >>>> other racers?


Not sure you meant to type that.

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amp316 said:

Characters:  ModNation Racers really should have done better with this.  Would it be too much to ask for them to have a line up that includes Sackboy, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Ratchet, and Clank?  Having to get one of those characters as a special preorder bonus doesn't cut it.  Despite that Nintendo racer's epic shortcomings, they do have some characters from the Nintendo universe.

Advantage:  That Nintendo Racer

Even though I have read the whole post, I will bait. However, I know this is for fun and jokes and all, so my post might be in the wrong thread.

I have to agree with your whole post, and I do agree that ModNation Racers is shaping up to be much better than That Nintendo Racer (and no, I talk about the REAL That Nintendo Racer). That game is one of my biggest disappointments this generation, and I find that so frustrating. I showed MNR to my friends, and that That Nintendo Racers spark where right back. I don't think it will show that in sales, but that's how things work.

About the part I quoted though. I really think this is a major mistake by Sony. This would be a PERFECT chance to take on That Nintendo Racer, have a roster of Sony characters in the game! This would be amazing "advertising" for their other franchises. The Sony characters could have special traits and power ups that only could be used in SP or Split Screen/Offline, they could have taunts with famous quotes from their respectable games. Like Nathan Drake, he has a lot of slingers laying around. Sony could have a Sony Hall of Fame area in the whole race-menu area, and they could have a trophy, requiring you to be a part of the Hall of Fame so that people would have a reason to go in there (this would kind of work like the trophy system in Super Smash where you have a short biography of a character and show which titles they've been in). Imagine how they could get more people to buy their games. Sony is stupid for not doing this. This would really bolster their other franchises. Instead, they offer it as DLC, PRICED, that maybe 1/10th (and that's being HIGHLY generous) of all ModNation Racers will be using. I know the whole point here is to create stuff yourself, but having Sony characters in the game like the Nintendo characters appear in That Nintendo Racer would've not have hurt the creative mind of the consumer. This will only hurt Sony.

Everything else about ModNation looks amazing. I will be sure to recreate Wario Stadium from MK64, as that track holds one of the reasons to why the later Mario Karts disappoints me. The ability to knock people down so they actually have to DRIVE to get back into the game, not only get picked up by that guy.

Oh, last second addition: I also think they should have some sort of car performance points. Like after you make a car, have 3 categories (Speed, Handling, Acceleration/Thrust/Powerups/etc) and have only 3 points, 2 points or even 1 point to spend. Just to get a little bit more personalities to their cars.Like, imagine having your racer a bit faster, bit your truck cart a bit more powerful. With having few points to spend, it would not be totally unbalanced I think.  Also, they could add a customized weapon orb system. Let's say they have 10 types of powers ups and people can chose a total of 6 that they want to appear. That way we would not see the same weapons all the time, as some weapons would suit different play styles. There is also a chance of this making the game a bit unbalanced,  but skilled developers and players should be able to get around this obstacle. Since you can use a shield from the drift meter, the good player will always have a way to defend himself from weapons, so slightly unbalanced weapons will not be as devastating. All this could be attached to certain characters, so you could have certain characters set up with certain cars/weapons.

I have seen that nintendo racer on sale, shoul I buy it?