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Forums - General Discussion - UK General Election, Election Day and Results Thread


UK General Election, Election Day and Results Thread

New Labour - Gordon Brown 9 17.65%
Conservatives - David Cameron 15 29.41%
Liberal Democrats - Nick Clegg 21 41.18%
UKIP - Lord Pearson 3 5.88%
Green Party - Caroline Lucas 0 0%
Others (National Parties,... 3 5.88%

I hope they managed to stop the tories raising the inheritance tax threshold. I never understood why they wanted to do that at a time of a lot of cuts.

Around the Network
Seece said:
jonop said:
Lib-con government then. David Cameron, officially the UK Prime minister.

I prefer Con-Dem

Lol. I avoided that on purpose Iv'e heard that joke way too much over the last couple of days.

We don't know if the Liberal Democrats have accepted the coalition yet. Their party could still vote it down, I believe.

But at least Cameron is PM. Finally I have some optimism for British politics.

Internet is full of David Cameron hate from people who can't speak English.

Delightful. How long is this going to go on?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

kowenicki said:
Will someome shut Salmond up.... he keeps saying that the scottish people comprehensively voted against the Tories... this is true.... but he forgets to mention they also voted comprehensively against SNP too! Tories 16.7 Lib 18.9 SNP 19.9. So almost twice as many people voted for Con?lib as voted SNP... he cant have it both ways.

In any case, Scotland is merely a region of the UK in parliamentary terms as we stand.... so shut you mouth Salmond.

Secretary of State for Scotland will likely be a Lib Dem anyway. Same with Wales.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
Kantor said:
Internet is full of David Cameron hate from people who can't speak English.

Delightful. How long is this going to go on?

Let them whine... poor things, probably slow of thought.

is this an example of the new more tolerant Conservative Party im reading?

Kamal said:
I for one never actually hated Brown, for one thought he did well to nationalise the banks. Overall it was just the timing of when he came into power and castatrophic problems that overwhelmed.

Give it 6 months before we'll all cry for another Labour government.

not me and plenty of others to

thank the lord labour have finally been ousted,be a while before we see them again i pray

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


SciFiBoy said:
kowenicki said:
Kantor said:
Internet is full of David Cameron hate from people who can't speak English.

Delightful. How long is this going to go on?

Let them whine... poor things, probably slow of thought.

is this an example of the new more tolerant Conservative Party im reading?


                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


kowenicki said:
SciFiBoy said:
kowenicki said:
Kantor said:
Internet is full of David Cameron hate from people who can't speak English.

Delightful. How long is this going to go on?

Let them whine... poor things, probably slow of thought.

is this an example of the new more tolerant Conservative Party im reading?

its a reaction to the rather thick boo boys that labour seems to attract and have started even before the government has even had a chance.


whereas im sure that during the Labour years the entire Conservative support base was silent, well behaved and gracious in accepting what the government did and its moments in power?


zuvuyeay said:
Kamal said:
I for one never actually hated Brown, for one thought he did well to nationalise the banks. Overall it was just the timing of when he came into power and castatrophic problems that overwhelmed.

Give it 6 months before we'll all cry for another Labour government.

not me and plenty of others to

thank the lord labour have finally been ousted,be a while before we see them again i pray

Me neither. I couldn't be happier that Labour are out of government. They have been promoting the wrong values and work ethic that this country needs to prosper. Sure people who literally "cba" to work won't get as much money but this promotes a better work ethic and will ultimatly boost the economy.

Welcome David Cameron...the leader of the United Kingdom

As Blair said in the past...."The people have spoken"