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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie and Activision Announce Exclusive, Worldwide Partnership

I've been wondering what Kotick planned to do after he ran Call of Duty into the ground. This makes a great deal of sense.

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Well wtf? Maybe bungie has been sent in to destroy the beast from the inside?

wow, so bungie officially goes multiplat. well awesome news for pc/ps3 owners.

I am curious what this might mean for MS/Bungie Halo. Will MS find another company to make the next Halo's? It is still their Flagship game no?


"For Bungie? As far as right now, currently, yes. This is our last Halo Bungie game. Now in the future, who knows? You can never say never, because things change. Maybe ten years down the line we decide to make another Halo game, but for right now, yes. This is it for us."




makes sense now.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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Well there you go.. Activision has a back up plan..


Reach is the last bungie halo? Who will take the reins? But a better question is, "Bungie COD?".

Sad face.

poroporo said:
DirtyP2002 said:

They should have known better. I have got a feeling that Bungie will think about the time with Microsoft as a time of being milked like a big fat cow for more and more Halo games.

Fixed. Activision isn't any better, but at least we might stop hearing about the Halo franchise for a little while, that alone being worth the price.

oh noes they made 5 Halo games in 10 years......

learn your facts before you write a fail post like that.

The same thing EA and Respawn did is the same exact thing Activision and Bungie turn around and did also. Bungie have been seeking to go multi-platform for some time now, and with Bungie being such a big company the only companies that can really publish for them are EA or Activision.

Capcom and SE could have publish for them also, but I'm pretty sure that whatever game Bungie and Acti develops will be publish by Capcom or SE in Japan and Asia anyway.