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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie and Activision Announce Exclusive, Worldwide Partnership

twesterm said:

I love announcements like these because it really shows the hypocrisy of some people.

Yesterday, if you asked a PS3 fan of Halo and Bungie it was they make the same game over and over again and that game sucks.

Today, if you ask that same person about Bungie and Halo, they'll say Halo is a decent game but OMG BUNGIE ROCKS!  MS IS DOOMED!

All in all though, complete surprise announcement. I assume Activision originally wanted to save this for E3 but since they have had so much bad PR lately they decided they needed something big to divert attention away from the Infinity Ward fiasco. Still, good for Bungie and hopefully good for gamers.

You can think losing Bungie is a huge blow for MS without loving Bungie games.

I think Bungie is very talented but I don't love FPS that much on consoles. No hypocrisy involved here.

Whether you think Bungie games are crap or not is irrelevant. The fact is they mattered a lot for MS as a dev.



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twesterm said:
hobbit said:
JaggedSac said:
hobbit said:

Troll got his facts can we get back on topic now? What kind of IP does one sign a 10 yr deal for? Some sort of role playing game that could turn into an MMO? Another big universe IP that could have multiple spin offs? Im really shocked that the deal is so long and only pertains to the  one IP.

Yes it is curious.  It is either something they think will be a huge franchise ie Halo, or something that will need support for 10 years if successful, ie an MMO.  Either way, Activision is banking heavily on Bungie's IP to be a BIG success.

Well we don't know the terms of the deal but it does seem that activision is banking on its sucess, which makes the "rights of refusal"
thing interesting.

It won't be an MMO or RPG, it's going to be some sort of shooter franchise that will probably have 3-4 games by the time the deal is up.

They call it "Bungie’s next big action game universe" so who knows. It seems wierd that they would call it a 10 yr deal instead of a 4 game deal tho. This whole deal is pretty wierd in terms of the normal practices that we are use to seeing.

Brennan said:
twesterm said:

I love announcements like these because it really shows the hypocrisy of some people.

Yesterday, if you asked a PS3 fan of Halo and Bungie it was they make the same game over and over again and that game sucks.

Today, if you ask that same person about Bungie and Halo, they'll say Halo is a decent game but OMG BUNGIE ROCKS!  MS IS DOOMED!

All in all though, complete surprise announcement. I assume Activision originally wanted to save this for E3 but since they have had so much bad PR lately they decided they needed something big to divert attention away from the Infinity Ward fiasco. Still, good for Bungie and hopefully good for gamers.

You can think losing Bungie is a huge blow for MS without loving Bungie games.

I think Bungie is very talented but I don't love FPS that much on consoles. No hypocrisy involved here.

Whether you think Bungie games are crap or not is irrelevant. The fact is they mattered a lot for MS as a dev.



The Halo name is what matters for MS, not-so-much Bungie.  Don't get me wrong, Bungie full of hugely talented people and they are the reason the Halo name matters, but MS could put crap in a box and write Halo on it and it would make money (unless of course you get an overly expensive studio making something completely different to crap in that box ).  As long as the Halo game caters to the Halo audience, it will sell.

I don't really see this as a huge blow to MS, they still have their exclusives and it really is time to move on from Halo.  Sure, there will probably still be spin-offs but it should be obvious MS is already working on making the next Halo.


And I feel I should clarify-- I agree that losing Bungie isn't optimal in any way at all for MS, it doesn't spell out their doom.  While Halo has been exclusive for MS, Bungie hasn't been for a while and I have to assume they're at least somewhat competent and have been prepared for this.

DirtyP2002 said:
Xero said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Brennan said:
JaggedSac said:

MS Response:

"Our partnership with Bungie as a first-party developer for Xbox 360 remains unchanged, and right now we're deeply engaged with them on the development of Halo Reach, which is poised to be the biggest game of 2010."

Translation : "It hurts. May you all Bungie scumbags die in hell. But please make Halo Reach another AAA game first before going PS3 / 360."

Priceless. So looks like MS doesn't know the definition of a 1st party dev either. Or they lie again.

Their PR talks look more and more like Iraqi Information Minister stuff recently, between that and "FF13 will sell more on 360" (that one was hilarious, they were outsold like 3 or 4:1). Next PR : "There are no tanks in Bagdad, we're winning the war" ?

Here is a reminder MS :

"In the video game industry, a first-party developer is a developer that is part of a company that actually manufactures a video game console."

List of 1st party devs, strangely Bungie is not on it :

Bad journalism or another MS lie ?


There was a nice discussion in this thread aboput bungie, halo, future projects etc etc.... but then Brennan came in to ruin the fun.

You said MS shopuld buy / build 1st party studios... Do you really think this way? You prefer Sony consoles, someone might even call you a fanboy, but I won't go this way. Imagine MS really goes out and buys studios They could buy Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker, Valhalla Games, Valve, Bioware and Capcom with the money they earned this month... Do you really want this? Please be honest.

MS has a lot of talented studios and probably a lot of games in the pipeline we haven't even heard of yet. Lionhead, Rare, Turn10, 343 Industries and Firebird Studios all have at least one game in development we don't know anything about yet.

And they have awesome 3rd party support. Actually the best  for any  console. Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker say Hi.

We knew that Bungie would go multiplat since 2007. The one thing that makes me wonder is why they picked Activision. I hope Activision does not ruin Bungies games in any way.

Lol you really think there'd be any viability in purchasing big publishers like Capcom or Valve? These are god awful examples. I'd be happy to see them buy Mistwalker, Epic (doubt Epic would go for it since they have other obligations). Remedy isn't viable either, 1 game every 5 years is not good enough for the nature of the games they produce and Bioware is a subsidiary of EA... So Mistwalker and Valhalla games... sure why not. 

They need to be looking at snapping up new and upcomming developers rather than pre-existing and heavily established. 


[  ] did understand my post

[x] did not understand my post

I never said they should buy these studios, I said they could if they wanted to.
Heck, MS offered 43 billion USD for Yahoo. They can buy any developer they want. Financially there is no limit. That's what I was talking about.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned: The customer does not care about 1st or 3rd party exclusives. All they see is "exclusive". That is enough. 3rd party exclusives like Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction (and hopefully soon Alan Wake) did very well and they are exclusive. That is what counts. Nobody cared if they were made by 1st or 3rd party studios.


Except it doesn't work like that in gaming. You can't "buy" a dev unless you've got good relations with them otherwise every dev just leaves the boat and it's over (see infinity ward, no amound of Actibliz money could keep them from leaving). MS having unlimited money is just a myth anyway.

I agree that when you buy the product, what matters is that they're exclusive, not 1st or 3rd party, but look at your list :

1) Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell, Gears, Left 4 Dead, nearly every game in your list is NOT exclusive since you can play them on PC, heck that's what I do, FPS are better on PC anyway (playing Mass Effect on PC right now, great game, but exclusive it is not).

You see ? there's nearly no real exclusive on your list. My PC cost me a few hundred euros and it's a lot more powerful than a 360. It plays most 360 games, just better (better gfx, mouse for FPS, better sound and so on). PS3 / PC gamers have very few reasons to buy a 360, and it's even worse now with Bungie gone.

2) The problem with 3rd parties is sooner or later they're LEAVING (stopping being exclusive). You're losing your exclusivity when they go multi. See Bungie, it's lost for 10 years now as an exclusive provider. That's why Sony buys studios. BUT you've got to keep good relations with them too. Which Sony manages to do. Read what devs say, they basically worship Sony and respect them for being left alone...

MS must stop releasing its big games on PC (which they started to do), but they should also buy studios in my opinions, by first forging long run partnership and good relations with big devs.

Epic could be a great target.


The happy new couple

Harold Ryan got cut off go here if you want to see the rest of his face:

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Lol @ the fake smiles on this pic. Makes me wonder where his left hand is.

Brennan said:
Lol @ the fake smiles on this pic. Makes me wonder where his left hand is.

He is trying to get some of that MSFT money out of Ryan's back pocket.

Xero said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Xero said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Brennan said:
JaggedSac said:

MS Response:

"Our partnership with Bungie as a first-party developer for Xbox 360 remains unchanged, and right now we're deeply engaged with them on the development of Halo Reach, which is poised to be the biggest game of 2010."

Translation : "It hurts. May you all Bungie scumbags die in hell. But please make Halo Reach another AAA game first before going PS3 / 360."

Priceless. So looks like MS doesn't know the definition of a 1st party dev either. Or they lie again.

Their PR talks look more and more like Iraqi Information Minister stuff recently, between that and "FF13 will sell more on 360" (that one was hilarious, they were outsold like 3 or 4:1). Next PR : "There are no tanks in Bagdad, we're winning the war" ?

Here is a reminder MS :

"In the video game industry, a first-party developer is a developer that is part of a company that actually manufactures a video game console."

List of 1st party devs, strangely Bungie is not on it :

Bad journalism or another MS lie ?


There was a nice discussion in this thread aboput bungie, halo, future projects etc etc.... but then Brennan came in to ruin the fun.

You said MS shopuld buy / build 1st party studios... Do you really think this way? You prefer Sony consoles, someone might even call you a fanboy, but I won't go this way. Imagine MS really goes out and buys studios They could buy Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker, Valhalla Games, Valve, Bioware and Capcom with the money they earned this month... Do you really want this? Please be honest.

MS has a lot of talented studios and probably a lot of games in the pipeline we haven't even heard of yet. Lionhead, Rare, Turn10, 343 Industries and Firebird Studios all have at least one game in development we don't know anything about yet.

And they have awesome 3rd party support. Actually the best  for any  console. Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker say Hi.

We knew that Bungie would go multiplat since 2007. The one thing that makes me wonder is why they picked Activision. I hope Activision does not ruin Bungies games in any way.

Lol you really think there'd be any viability in purchasing big publishers like Capcom or Valve? These are god awful examples. I'd be happy to see them buy Mistwalker, Epic (doubt Epic would go for it since they have other obligations). Remedy isn't viable either, 1 game every 5 years is not good enough for the nature of the games they produce and Bioware is a subsidiary of EA... So Mistwalker and Valhalla games... sure why not. 

They need to be looking at snapping up new and upcomming developers rather than pre-existing and heavily established. 


[  ] did understand my post

[x] did not understand my post

I never said they should buy these studios, I said they could if they wanted to.
Heck, MS offered 43 billion USD for Yahoo. They can buy any developer they want. Financially there is no limit. That's what I was talking about.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned: The customer does not care about 1st or 3rd party exclusives. All they see is "exclusive". That is enough. 3rd party exclusives like Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction (and hopefully soon Alan Wake) did very well and they are exclusive. That is what counts. Nobody cared if they were made by 1st or 3rd party studios.

I did, I just said they were bad examples. What's the point in saying they 'could' buy them? Obviously people suggesting they buy studios were suggesting they buy studios, appropriately. Not publishers. Sure they COULD buy big publishers if they wanted to, but they'd no longer be making a profit on the 360.

Third party exclusives don't hold true, as shown by tonnes of previous titles. I'll be amazed if SC:C and ME stay exclusive. I also don't think timed exclusives add much to system sales, and since this is not a PS3 vs 360 argument, L4D, GoW, ME and SCC are not exclusive. 

Personally, I just see first party studios as an investment in the future for the system. 

First party doesn't mean shit, it is the brain trust that you invest in.  PC gamers don't have "1st party studios" in a traditional sense and they do just fine.  That's why MS doesn't concentrate on cultivating devs, we live in a free country where people can work where they want to.

You convince devs to work on your platform based on merits - profitability, ease of development, etc.  MS has no problems with any of these, so I don't see why people are concerned, especially since the barrier of entry to develop on MS's platform is significantly smaller.

Furthermore, the name of the studio holds little weight when it really is only a handful of devs (people) out there that really make the differences.  MS isn't domed, they prefer the ecosystem to be grown from the ground up, unlike Sony which likes to do it top down.  This is arguably a better approach, because it preserves developer autonomy and creativity moreso than having to purchase studios to get the results corporate wants.  Japanese companies prefer to exert a large amount of control over their platform, which is the wrong model to pursue - as seen by the Iphone/Apple ecosystem.

Finally, in MS's eyes exclusivity on PC or 360 doesn't matter, it's still their platform.  If they had wanted to push for exclusivity on 360, they would have made DirectX on Xbox a subset and incompatible to the PC version, but they didn't because they wanted easy ports.  All evidence shows that future convergence of the two platforms is very likely.

Bungie is gonna make next COD game and the setting will be in not so distant future...

i can sence some hurt amoungst some users about this deal!

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...