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twesterm said:
hobbit said:
JaggedSac said:
hobbit said:

Troll got his facts can we get back on topic now? What kind of IP does one sign a 10 yr deal for? Some sort of role playing game that could turn into an MMO? Another big universe IP that could have multiple spin offs? Im really shocked that the deal is so long and only pertains to the  one IP.

Yes it is curious.  It is either something they think will be a huge franchise ie Halo, or something that will need support for 10 years if successful, ie an MMO.  Either way, Activision is banking heavily on Bungie's IP to be a BIG success.

Well we don't know the terms of the deal but it does seem that activision is banking on its sucess, which makes the "rights of refusal"
thing interesting.

It won't be an MMO or RPG, it's going to be some sort of shooter franchise that will probably have 3-4 games by the time the deal is up.

They call it "Bungie’s next big action game universe" so who knows. It seems wierd that they would call it a 10 yr deal instead of a 4 game deal tho. This whole deal is pretty wierd in terms of the normal practices that we are use to seeing.