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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie and Activision Announce Exclusive, Worldwide Partnership

ewwwwwwww......thats litteraly the most stupid thing I've read in a LONG time. I would have much rather them have joined up with someone like EA than Activision. Look at how Bobby Kotick treats his employees. Look what they did to fucking Infinity Ward. This is the same man who said he wants to take all fun out of gaming. And Bungie joins up with them? Their choice I guess and I'll still support them but if they wanted to go multi they should have signed up with EA, cause Activision is the most corrupt piece of shit company in the industry.

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selnor said:
Barozi said:
Brennan said:
disolitude said:
Brennan said:
Yeah sure, losing their main exclusive dev (Bungie) and letting him going multiplat with Activision won't affect 360 at all. Er, what ?

It's not like 360 had tons of flagship developers. They had only one, Bungie.

Seriously dude...don't you see you are the only one waiving the fanboy flag around here.

Do I have to list the exclusives that Sony list from last gen? Ms didn't lose any here...

Don't worry about MS, they have enough cash to by Valve, Epic and every other remaining independent developer if they wanted to. The key aspect is that Bungie did not want to work on Halo anymore and you can bet they are not a cheap team to secure. Now MS has an oportunity to use that cash and get top end tallent to make the next Halo game.

Otherwise maybe next bungie title is a rail shooter...

I could list those MS lost to PS3 too, like Bioshock, Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean, Ninja Gaiden, Braid, GTA Episodes, so many more...

And yeah, MS just lost any future exclusivity for EVERY game from Bungie, so it's huge and it's actually a lot worse than losing just one game. It will matter a lot when people will decide between Xbox 720 and PS4... It further increases the already big gap in exclusive quality and quantity.

No amount of PR spin can change facts, which is it's a bad news for MS and a good news for Sony.


Would you PLEASE stop spreading lies ? That's probably the 5th time you've said it and it's simply WRONG.



Any Halo game ever made by Bungie after Reach for example will never be on anything other than Xbox. It'sowned by M$. LOL.

Who cares about future Halo games when they're made by an unknown dev... lol

They could still sell due to the name, but other than that, real Halo = Bungie and it's over.

Bungie games is what cares.

What I find more interesting is:
What if this new ip flops and/or Bungie simply decides to not make a second game in the same universe ?

1UP: Is Bungie now contractually obliged to give Microsoft first-look on future titles, Halo-related or otherwise?

Jarrard: We aren't at liberty to discuss the specifics of this business arrangement but suffice it to say that we look forward to continuing to work with Microsoft as a great partner and world class publisher.


WN: One of the details that was going around before the official announcement was that Microsoft was going to have right of first refusal on the games Bungie was making — or is it the case that Microsoft Game Studios is the publisher from here on out?

FO: Microsoft Game Studios is our publisher for two projects that we’ve announced, and beyond that I can’t talk about the details of the deal, because we are a privately held LLC, but on the other hand Microsoft is a publicly held company, so they might be able to talk about those details in more depth than we can.

Okay found it apparently GameInformer started the whole "rights of refusal" thing. but their page can't be found.


Its unlikely that it would be a limited time deal that would expire in 3 yrs as that would be to short of time for Microsoft to exercise its benefits, either GameInformer got it wrong or Microsoft didn't want the new game. Well, theres other possibilities I guess: Bungie paid MSFT to get out of the deal( would likely be in the $50+ million range); the new game may not be out for another 2 yrs pushing it out of a 5 yr deal; or the deal was for a fixed number of games and bungie has hit that mark, maybe the next bungie game is still exclusive? and the new IP from this deal is going to be down the road.

Brennan said:
JaggedSac said:

MS Response:

"Our partnership with Bungie as a first-party developer for Xbox 360 remains unchanged, and right now we're deeply engaged with them on the development of Halo Reach, which is poised to be the biggest game of 2010."

Translation : "It hurts. May you all Bungie scumbags die in hell. But please make Halo Reach another AAA game first before going PS3 / 360."

Priceless. So looks like MS doesn't know the definition of a 1st party dev either. Or they lie again.

Their PR talks look more and more like Iraqi Information Minister stuff recently, between that and "FF13 will sell more on 360" (that one was hilarious, they were outsold like 3 or 4:1). Next PR : "There are no tanks in Bagdad, we're winning the war" ?

Here is a reminder MS :

"In the video game industry, a first-party developer is a developer that is part of a company that actually manufactures a video game console."

List of 1st party devs, strangely Bungie is not on it :

Bad journalism or another MS lie ?


There was a nice discussion in this thread aboput bungie, halo, future projects etc etc.... but then Brennan came in to ruin the fun.

You said MS shopuld buy / build 1st party studios... Do you really think this way? You prefer Sony consoles, someone might even call you a fanboy, but I won't go this way. Imagine MS really goes out and buys studios They could buy Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker, Valhalla Games, Valve, Bioware and Capcom with the money they earned this month... Do you really want this? Please be honest.

MS has a lot of talented studios and probably a lot of games in the pipeline we haven't even heard of yet. Lionhead, Rare, Turn10, 343 Industries and Firebird Studios all have at least one game in development we don't know anything about yet.

And they have awesome 3rd party support. Actually the best  for any  console. Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker say Hi.

We knew that Bungie would go multiplat since 2007. The one thing that makes me wonder is why they picked Activision. I hope Activision does not ruin Bungies games in any way.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Around the Network
disolitude said:
Xero said:
I don't understand how not developing a set of first party studios will work long-term for a console. I don't mean to troll but there's no way to see this as anything but a terrible thing for Microsoft.

Its a loss for sure...but you can't force a studio like bungie to work on something they don't want to work on. You will have a complete studio desctruction if you tried this. Just ask Activision...

Like MS is prolly laughing a bit on the inside at how fucked up this may turn out for Bungie. They have had huge success with Halo and are proly a little cocky at what they can do and the market reaction they can expect. And Activision doesn't fuck around.

Whilst that's true. Was there even any indication Microsoft even made a play for Bungie? 

On Sonys side, when MM considered going multiplatform Sony immediately got in there and picked them up. 

I just don't think Microsoft appreciates first party development enough, and if Patchers predictions are correct (no more 3rd party exclusives) then surely Microsoft are going to be forced to spend a whole lot of $$$ to hold exclusivity on games... and I don't think timed exclusivity impacts sales figures as much as they would like to think. 

They could at least put Rare to good use. Rather than trying to abuse there backlog of developments and re-release them on Live. 

Brennan said:
selnor said:
Barozi said:
Brennan said:
disolitude said:
Brennan said:
Yeah sure, losing their main exclusive dev (Bungie) and letting him going multiplat with Activision won't affect 360 at all. Er, what ?

It's not like 360 had tons of flagship developers. They had only one, Bungie.

Seriously dude...don't you see you are the only one waiving the fanboy flag around here.

Do I have to list the exclusives that Sony list from last gen? Ms didn't lose any here...

Don't worry about MS, they have enough cash to by Valve, Epic and every other remaining independent developer if they wanted to. The key aspect is that Bungie did not want to work on Halo anymore and you can bet they are not a cheap team to secure. Now MS has an oportunity to use that cash and get top end tallent to make the next Halo game.

Otherwise maybe next bungie title is a rail shooter...

I could list those MS lost to PS3 too, like Bioshock, Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean, Ninja Gaiden, Braid, GTA Episodes, so many more...

And yeah, MS just lost any future exclusivity for EVERY game from Bungie, so it's huge and it's actually a lot worse than losing just one game. It will matter a lot when people will decide between Xbox 720 and PS4... It further increases the already big gap in exclusive quality and quantity.

No amount of PR spin can change facts, which is it's a bad news for MS and a good news for Sony.


Would you PLEASE stop spreading lies ? That's probably the 5th time you've said it and it's simply WRONG.



Any Halo game ever made by Bungie after Reach for example will never be on anything other than Xbox. It'sowned by M$. LOL.

Who cares about future Halo games when they're made by an unknown dev... lol

They could still sell due to the name, but other than that, real Halo = Bungie and it's over.

Bungie games is what cares.

You haven't got a clue. 343 Studios is a First Party Studio built by M$ last year. LOL. Some devs from Bungie are already working there. And more go there after Reach is finished. LOL. Halo is far from over. LOL.

You know what 343 is in Halo right?

Lord Flashheart said:
Didn't Bungie say recently that they might revisit Halo in 10 years?

exactly what I was thinking

Time to Work !

DirtyP2002 said:
Brennan said:
JaggedSac said:

MS Response:

"Our partnership with Bungie as a first-party developer for Xbox 360 remains unchanged, and right now we're deeply engaged with them on the development of Halo Reach, which is poised to be the biggest game of 2010."

Translation : "It hurts. May you all Bungie scumbags die in hell. But please make Halo Reach another AAA game first before going PS3 / 360."

Priceless. So looks like MS doesn't know the definition of a 1st party dev either. Or they lie again.

Their PR talks look more and more like Iraqi Information Minister stuff recently, between that and "FF13 will sell more on 360" (that one was hilarious, they were outsold like 3 or 4:1). Next PR : "There are no tanks in Bagdad, we're winning the war" ?

Here is a reminder MS :

"In the video game industry, a first-party developer is a developer that is part of a company that actually manufactures a video game console."

List of 1st party devs, strangely Bungie is not on it :

Bad journalism or another MS lie ?


There was a nice discussion in this thread aboput bungie, halo, future projects etc etc.... but then Brennan came in to ruin the fun.

You said MS shopuld buy / build 1st party studios... Do you really think this way? You prefer Sony consoles, someone might even call you a fanboy, but I won't go this way. Imagine MS really goes out and buys studios They could buy Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker, Valhalla Games, Valve, Bioware and Capcom with the money they earned this month... Do you really want this? Please be honest.

MS has a lot of talented studios and probably a lot of games in the pipeline we haven't even heard of yet. Lionhead, Rare, Turn10, 343 Industries and Firebird Studios all have at least one game in development we don't know anything about yet.

And they have awesome 3rd party support. Actually the best  for any  console. Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker say Hi.

We knew that Bungie would go multiplat since 2007. The one thing that makes me wonder is why they picked Activision. I hope Activision does not ruin Bungies games in any way.

Lol you really think there'd be any viability in purchasing big publishers like Capcom or Valve? These are god awful examples. I'd be happy to see them buy Mistwalker, Epic (doubt Epic would go for it since they have other obligations). Remedy isn't viable either, 1 game every 5 years is not good enough for the nature of the games they produce and Bioware is a subsidiary of EA... So Mistwalker and Valhalla games... sure why not. 

They need to be looking at snapping up new and upcomming developers rather than pre-existing and heavily established. 

@Dirty : It's not that I 'want' MS to buy studios. I just say that if they want to compete in the long run, that's the only thing they can do in my opinion. I just wonder why they don't now that Sony is taking market share.

Clearly MS strategy is different (Betting everything on Natal ? Being able to leave the market one day easily ? I don't know)

360 is successful enough now so it won't die anytime soon and will get like the PS3 every 3rd party multiplatform games. The problem is not there.

But after that ? Why should I choose the next Xbox over PS4 ? Only console exclusives can help me decide, and only studios can make exclusives...

Bungie was making some. Now they're going multi, I know I'll play their games elsewhere if I want...

So on one side (PS4) I have the tons of Sony exclusives + every multiplat.

Or on 720, only the multiplats plus what ? If there are tons of exclusives too, it'll be ok but right now, I don't see the studios they need, it's just not there now. Only major one left is Epic and they can leave anytime.