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@Dirty : It's not that I 'want' MS to buy studios. I just say that if they want to compete in the long run, that's the only thing they can do in my opinion. I just wonder why they don't now that Sony is taking market share.

Clearly MS strategy is different (Betting everything on Natal ? Being able to leave the market one day easily ? I don't know)

360 is successful enough now so it won't die anytime soon and will get like the PS3 every 3rd party multiplatform games. The problem is not there.

But after that ? Why should I choose the next Xbox over PS4 ? Only console exclusives can help me decide, and only studios can make exclusives...

Bungie was making some. Now they're going multi, I know I'll play their games elsewhere if I want...

So on one side (PS4) I have the tons of Sony exclusives + every multiplat.

Or on 720, only the multiplats plus what ? If there are tons of exclusives too, it'll be ok but right now, I don't see the studios they need, it's just not there now. Only major one left is Epic and they can leave anytime.