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Forums - Sony Discussion - Without a doubt in my mind Kratos would annihilate Link.

Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:

Capable of doing what?  He's only held the entire triforce once.

and he's also only ever fought ganon once technically, as each new Link is a new reincarnation.

oh I thought some were true sequals meaning that Link wasn't capable of just fixing the world so that it was all good and nothing bad happens again.  Having not played them I wasn't sure. 

Manly I was getting at is that at the end of a Legend of Zelda game there will be another and Link will have to fight all over again.  Vs God of war games where when he's killed gods' they stay dead.  So I was useing that as a way of saying Link isn't able to finish a fight off for good. 

I guess that's kind of fair, but so far nothing in the universe has been able to kill Ganon for good. He's been incinerated, impaled, stabbed in the face, and even totally-for-sure killed a few times, but he always comes back through sheer force of will, sometimes forging himself a new body with no explanation as to how he did it.

Isn't that becuase Ganon himself used the Triforce and the Triforce makes it so the User can't die until their wish is fufilled?

Ganon made himself the proverbial rock that god can't life.  Hence why you need to subdue him in other ways.

This is much more powerful then say, Kratos desire to keep coming back to life.

So just a part of the triforce can stop the whole trifoce?  Kinda week if you ask me :P

and what made the triforce?  From a few things I looked over looks like it was made by gods or goddeses so wouldn't that then only make it a tool with the powers of gods but not the powers of the gods themselves? 

No.  It was the entire Triforce.

Ganon held the entire Triforce... used it's power... but if you use it's power and you aren't pure of heart, it seperates and you are left with the piece that best represents you.


ok thanks that answered one of the questions still not the who made it.

Also does that mean if Links wish isn't pure it might not come true on Kratos?

No, it would either, make the wish come true, and then split up the triforce.

Or it would give link the ability to accomplish the goal, split up the triforce and make Link immortal until said goal happened.

This is why Ganon is immortal to my knoweldge.

LoZ chronology isn't my strong suite though, since I don't really care.

All the really matters is that the GoW universe is pretty watered down compaired to the LoZ univers power wise, despite the fact that GoW tries much harder with the "Bad ass looking feats."

It's like compairing a trained samurai vs some random guy with a sledgehammer.  The sledgehammer guy is going to do more impressive looking things with it, then the guy with the sword would... but Samurai is going to win that fight every time.

and yet no example you can give backs your claims up except for end game story. But in **SPOILERS** end game story to GoW is also world changing. Maybe not "multi dementional" like the Zelda universe but again... GoW isn't in the Zelda universe thus the Triforce wouldnt effect Kratos unless Link obtained it while fighting him.... but then again Kratos would be able to obtain it just like he did with pandoras box.

Yes it would.  Multi-dimensional means it effects dimensions not native to it.

It's such a basic grasp of common sense I can't see how you can't grasp it.

You do realize that by your same logic... Kratos sword can't effect Link right?  I mean... it's not from Links dimension!

Kratos changes only happen due to those gods being tied to THAT specific world.

While the Triforces power comes soley from the triforce.

Only thing stopping the Triforce is something with multidimentional powers... like marvels "The One above all."

No... the simple concept that isnt being grapsed is you not grasping that the scenerio thats layed out... Kratos swords can not damage link... because link isnt a party of the universe... That is obvious. In this scenario though Link would need to beat Ganon first in order to get the triforce to fight Kratos... That rarely happens.

You said "Kratos could beat all links combined"


Link with the Triforce power... that is a link?  Yes?

So... combined link beats Kratos.  Yes?

Take a deep breath, man up... and say you were wrong... and then we can get to why your wrong in general outside of "combined link".

I don't think you have him agreeing that triforce link beats kratos

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Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:

Capable of doing what?  He's only held the entire triforce once.

and he's also only ever fought ganon once technically, as each new Link is a new reincarnation.

oh I thought some were true sequals meaning that Link wasn't capable of just fixing the world so that it was all good and nothing bad happens again.  Having not played them I wasn't sure. 

Manly I was getting at is that at the end of a Legend of Zelda game there will be another and Link will have to fight all over again.  Vs God of war games where when he's killed gods' they stay dead.  So I was useing that as a way of saying Link isn't able to finish a fight off for good. 

I guess that's kind of fair, but so far nothing in the universe has been able to kill Ganon for good. He's been incinerated, impaled, stabbed in the face, and even totally-for-sure killed a few times, but he always comes back through sheer force of will, sometimes forging himself a new body with no explanation as to how he did it.

Isn't that becuase Ganon himself used the Triforce and the Triforce makes it so the User can't die until their wish is fufilled?

Ganon made himself the proverbial rock that god can't life.  Hence why you need to subdue him in other ways.

This is much more powerful then say, Kratos desire to keep coming back to life.

So just a part of the triforce can stop the whole trifoce?  Kinda week if you ask me :P

and what made the triforce?  From a few things I looked over looks like it was made by gods or goddeses so wouldn't that then only make it a tool with the powers of gods but not the powers of the gods themselves? 

No.  It was the entire Triforce.

Ganon held the entire Triforce... used it's power... but if you use it's power and you aren't pure of heart, it seperates and you are left with the piece that best represents you.


ok thanks that answered one of the questions still not the who made it.

Also does that mean if Links wish isn't pure it might not come true on Kratos?

No, it would either, make the wish come true, and then split up the triforce.

Or it would give link the ability to accomplish the goal, split up the triforce and make Link immortal until said goal happened.

This is why Ganon is immortal to my knoweldge.

LoZ chronology isn't my strong suite though, since I don't really care.

All the really matters is that the GoW universe is pretty watered down compaired to the LoZ univers power wise, despite the fact that GoW tries much harder with the "Bad ass looking feats."

It's like compairing a trained samurai vs some random guy with a sledgehammer.  The sledgehammer guy is going to do more impressive looking things with it, then the guy with the sword would... but Samurai is going to win that fight every time.

and yet no example you can give backs your claims up except for end game story. But in **SPOILERS** end game story to GoW is also world changing. Maybe not "multi dementional" like the Zelda universe but again... GoW isn't in the Zelda universe thus the Triforce wouldnt effect Kratos unless Link obtained it while fighting him.... but then again Kratos would be able to obtain it just like he did with pandoras box.

Yes it would.  Multi-dimensional means it effects dimensions not native to it.

It's such a basic grasp of common sense I can't see how you can't grasp it.

You do realize that by your same logic... Kratos sword can't effect Link right?  I mean... it's not from Links dimension!

Kratos changes only happen due to those gods being tied to THAT specific world.

While the Triforces power comes soley from the triforce.

Only thing stopping the Triforce is something with multidimentional powers... like marvels "The One above all."

No... the simple concept that isnt being grapsed is you not grasping that the scenerio thats layed out... Kratos swords can not damage link... because link isnt a party of the universe... That is obvious. In this scenario though Link would need to beat Ganon first in order to get the triforce to fight Kratos... That rarely happens.

You said "Kratos could beat all links combined"


Link with the Triforce power... that is a link?  Yes?

So... combined link beats Kratos.  Yes?

Again... simple logic you are not following. You are venturing into story lines which does not work. In the story link gets the triforce and uses it to restore the world thus him not having it anymore. Thus him needing to regain it. So... he needs to do something extremly rare for a badguy he doesn't know is even on the way yet. Also, Kratos can get the tri-force too since link never seems to gain its powers both (and this actually works in the story) Can be on a quest for the triforce... and why the fuck not... lets say its kratos in Zelda universe and not neutral... why can't Kratos become the new owner of the Tri-force of power when ganon loses it and link uses it?

Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:

what comic character still has all their power when put in a video game? 

what happens when an unstoppable force meats an imovable object?

can't happen those can't coexist.  One or both would have to be renamed.  The univeres in god of war limits powers because it's a video game.  you have much more freedom in comics. 

1) Galactus for one.

The God of war universe has limited power... peirod.  That's all there is too it.  If Galactus came to Kratos universe... he would just eat the planet.


2) God of War is also a comic.


what video game is glacus in where he has all his power?

comic to video game is not the same as video game to comic.  When you go from comic to video game you have to reduce the amount of power the character has to something that is playable.  video game to comic you can keep the level the same.

God of war univeres is limited by it starting as a video game. If you were to just take the characters it has in it and aply all the myth behind them they have pleanty of power.



spoiler for god of war 1






End of the first game Kratos is the god of war watching over earth  Our EARTH.  From there one could argue Kratos could then annihilate Link from excistence by getting rid of all the video games cartoons and anything else Link was every in. 

Except... it's not our earth.  The Greek Gods are nothing like how they were portrayed in other worlds.

It doesn't matter.  We aren't taking a Comic book character and putting him into a videogame.

We are taking a comic book character and putting him into a videogame WORLD.

Nobody is going to be playing Thor vs the Gods.  Therefore there is no game balancing done.

Besides videogames are themselves there own seperate dimensions... at least according to marvel.

That god of war is limited by being a game... that's my point.  It is.  The GOW gods are weak.

LoZ characters aren't AS limited.

Put Thor in LoZ... Link probably beats him.

well it is our earth they use in showing what he's over

it does matter becuase if you go by the rules of gow world who is the god of lightning?  not thor

But is it really that the gow gods are weak or just that kratos makes them look week? 


A) Considering the end of GOW3 and looking outside... does it look like the same earth to you?

B) It doesn't matter.  Thor still has all of his powers. Have you never seen a crossover before?  Thor went to the DC universe... he hada ll the powers he still had.

C) Yes... it really is that the gods were just that weak.   You even admitted as much.  Either way, they don't even close to ominpotence powers.

The marvel equivlent to the Triforce is like... The Infinity Gauntlet... if the Infinity Gauntlet worked in multiple universes.


Was going based on god of war 1

It does matter because whatever rules that the universe you are in follows affect all that are in it.  If the universe has a rule that allows exceptions from other universes that is still a rule.

so whoever decised the rules is pretty much going to decide the winner.


That's not true thoug.

Nor do you have any evidence that it would be the case that the God of War universe for some reason acts differently then every universe that's EVER had a crossover.

and what are the rules for every universe that has had a cross over?  They don't all act the same. Or maybe I'm missing something and you know the only rules all universes follow.

Super smash brothers brawl does like have all his power?  do any of the characters? 

If you set the rules you'd have Link win if letsdance sets the rules Kratos annihilates. 

Actually, all the Super Smash Brothers Brawl characters do have all of their powers.  Super Smash Brothers Brawl does not involve mainline Mario Link and Kirby etc.

Smash Brothers ball isn't even a "crossover" game.   It's a shared universe game.  Like Banpresto's Super Robot Wars... except the story is even more modified so that Bowser doesn't even Kidnap Princess Peach etc.


Regardless, for all vs battles, in general you assume a nuetral setting where all characters powers operate as they normally would.


Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:

That's not true thoug.

Nor do you have any evidence that it would be the case that the God of War universe for some reason acts differently then every universe that's EVER had a crossover.

and what are the rules for every universe that has had a cross over?  They don't all act the same. Or maybe I'm missing something and you know the only rules all universes follow.

Super smash brothers brawl does like have all his power?  do any of the characters? 

If you set the rules you'd have Link win if letsdance sets the rules Kratos annihilates. 

letsdance already set the rules. All Links combined with all their powers.

That includes the Triforce.

Kratos literally cannot win.

and why not? there was the senario I offered earlier where he Annialated Link

there is also him taking the trifore going back in time before link gets it

(yes if we add time travel we all loose I'm sorry)


letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:

Capable of doing what?  He's only held the entire triforce once.

and he's also only ever fought ganon once technically, as each new Link is a new reincarnation.

oh I thought some were true sequals meaning that Link wasn't capable of just fixing the world so that it was all good and nothing bad happens again.  Having not played them I wasn't sure. 

Manly I was getting at is that at the end of a Legend of Zelda game there will be another and Link will have to fight all over again.  Vs God of war games where when he's killed gods' they stay dead.  So I was useing that as a way of saying Link isn't able to finish a fight off for good. 

I guess that's kind of fair, but so far nothing in the universe has been able to kill Ganon for good. He's been incinerated, impaled, stabbed in the face, and even totally-for-sure killed a few times, but he always comes back through sheer force of will, sometimes forging himself a new body with no explanation as to how he did it.

Isn't that becuase Ganon himself used the Triforce and the Triforce makes it so the User can't die until their wish is fufilled?

Ganon made himself the proverbial rock that god can't life.  Hence why you need to subdue him in other ways.

This is much more powerful then say, Kratos desire to keep coming back to life.

So just a part of the triforce can stop the whole trifoce?  Kinda week if you ask me :P

and what made the triforce?  From a few things I looked over looks like it was made by gods or goddeses so wouldn't that then only make it a tool with the powers of gods but not the powers of the gods themselves? 

No.  It was the entire Triforce.

Ganon held the entire Triforce... used it's power... but if you use it's power and you aren't pure of heart, it seperates and you are left with the piece that best represents you.


ok thanks that answered one of the questions still not the who made it.

Also does that mean if Links wish isn't pure it might not come true on Kratos?

No, it would either, make the wish come true, and then split up the triforce.

Or it would give link the ability to accomplish the goal, split up the triforce and make Link immortal until said goal happened.

This is why Ganon is immortal to my knoweldge.

LoZ chronology isn't my strong suite though, since I don't really care.

All the really matters is that the GoW universe is pretty watered down compaired to the LoZ univers power wise, despite the fact that GoW tries much harder with the "Bad ass looking feats."

It's like compairing a trained samurai vs some random guy with a sledgehammer.  The sledgehammer guy is going to do more impressive looking things with it, then the guy with the sword would... but Samurai is going to win that fight every time.

and yet no example you can give backs your claims up except for end game story. But in **SPOILERS** end game story to GoW is also world changing. Maybe not "multi dementional" like the Zelda universe but again... GoW isn't in the Zelda universe thus the Triforce wouldnt effect Kratos unless Link obtained it while fighting him.... but then again Kratos would be able to obtain it just like he did with pandoras box.

Yes it would.  Multi-dimensional means it effects dimensions not native to it.

It's such a basic grasp of common sense I can't see how you can't grasp it.

You do realize that by your same logic... Kratos sword can't effect Link right?  I mean... it's not from Links dimension!

Kratos changes only happen due to those gods being tied to THAT specific world.

While the Triforces power comes soley from the triforce.

Only thing stopping the Triforce is something with multidimentional powers... like marvels "The One above all."

No... the simple concept that isnt being grapsed is you not grasping that the scenerio thats layed out... Kratos swords can not damage link... because link isnt a party of the universe... That is obvious. In this scenario though Link would need to beat Ganon first in order to get the triforce to fight Kratos... That rarely happens.

You said "Kratos could beat all links combined"


Link with the Triforce power... that is a link?  Yes?

So... combined link beats Kratos.  Yes?

Again... simple logic you are not following. You are venturing into story lines which does not work. In the story link gets the triforce and uses it to restore the world thus him not having it anymore. Thus him needing to regain it. So... he needs to do something extremly rare for a badguy he doesn't know is even on the way yet. Also, Kratos can get the tri-force too since link never seems to gain its powers both (and this actually works in the story) Can be on a quest for the triforce... and why the fuck not... lets say its kratos in Zelda universe and not neutral... why can't Kratos become the new owner of the Tri-force of power when ganon loses it and link uses it?

There isn't a facepalm picture big enough.

A) Link at the time he had the triforce was infact... a Link.

B) Versus battles don't happen in either characters parent universe.  They happen in a nuetral site with any equipment they have with them.  In this case... the Triforce.

Around the Network

Haha this is still going on. It's hilarious trying to match two characters to fight each other and see who wins.



Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:

That's not true thoug.

Nor do you have any evidence that it would be the case that the God of War universe for some reason acts differently then every universe that's EVER had a crossover.

and what are the rules for every universe that has had a cross over?  They don't all act the same. Or maybe I'm missing something and you know the only rules all universes follow.

Super smash brothers brawl does like have all his power?  do any of the characters? 

If you set the rules you'd have Link win if letsdance sets the rules Kratos annihilates. 

letsdance already set the rules. All Links combined with all their powers.

That includes the Triforce.

Kratos literally cannot win.

and why not? there was the senario I offered earlier where he Annialated Link

there is also him taking the trifore going back in time before link gets it

(yes if we add time travel we all loose I'm sorry)


If Kratos used Time travel he'd lose the fight for retreating via Battlefield Removal.  Also... he'd be retrating... just in general, meaning he lost the fight.

Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:

what comic character still has all their power when put in a video game? 

what happens when an unstoppable force meats an imovable object?

can't happen those can't coexist.  One or both would have to be renamed.  The univeres in god of war limits powers because it's a video game.  you have much more freedom in comics. 

1) Galactus for one.

The God of war universe has limited power... peirod.  That's all there is too it.  If Galactus came to Kratos universe... he would just eat the planet.


2) God of War is also a comic.


what video game is glacus in where he has all his power?

comic to video game is not the same as video game to comic.  When you go from comic to video game you have to reduce the amount of power the character has to something that is playable.  video game to comic you can keep the level the same.

God of war univeres is limited by it starting as a video game. If you were to just take the characters it has in it and aply all the myth behind them they have pleanty of power.



spoiler for god of war 1






End of the first game Kratos is the god of war watching over earth  Our EARTH.  From there one could argue Kratos could then annihilate Link from excistence by getting rid of all the video games cartoons and anything else Link was every in. 

Except... it's not our earth.  The Greek Gods are nothing like how they were portrayed in other worlds.

It doesn't matter.  We aren't taking a Comic book character and putting him into a videogame.

We are taking a comic book character and putting him into a videogame WORLD.

Nobody is going to be playing Thor vs the Gods.  Therefore there is no game balancing done.

Besides videogames are themselves there own seperate dimensions... at least according to marvel.

That god of war is limited by being a game... that's my point.  It is.  The GOW gods are weak.

LoZ characters aren't AS limited.

Put Thor in LoZ... Link probably beats him.

well it is our earth they use in showing what he's over

it does matter becuase if you go by the rules of gow world who is the god of lightning?  not thor

But is it really that the gow gods are weak or just that kratos makes them look week? 


A) Considering the end of GOW3 and looking outside... does it look like the same earth to you?

B) It doesn't matter.  Thor still has all of his powers. Have you never seen a crossover before?  Thor went to the DC universe... he hada ll the powers he still had.

C) Yes... it really is that the gods were just that weak.   You even admitted as much.  Either way, they don't even close to ominpotence powers.

The marvel equivlent to the Triforce is like... The Infinity Gauntlet... if the Infinity Gauntlet worked in multiple universes.


Was going based on god of war 1

It does matter because whatever rules that the universe you are in follows affect all that are in it.  If the universe has a rule that allows exceptions from other universes that is still a rule.

so whoever decised the rules is pretty much going to decide the winner.


That's not true thoug.

Nor do you have any evidence that it would be the case that the God of War universe for some reason acts differently then every universe that's EVER had a crossover.

and what are the rules for every universe that has had a cross over?  They don't all act the same. Or maybe I'm missing something and you know the only rules all universes follow.

Super smash brothers brawl does like have all his power?  do any of the characters? 

If you set the rules you'd have Link win if letsdance sets the rules Kratos annihilates. 

Actually, all the Super Smash Brothers Brawl characters do have all of their powers.  Super Smash Brothers Brawl does not involve mainline Mario Link and Kirby etc.

Smash Brothers ball isn't even a "crossover" game.   It's a shared universe game.  Like Banpresto's Super Robot Wars... except the story is even more modified so that Bowser doesn't even Kidnap Princess Peach etc.


Regardless, for all vs battles, in general you assume a nuetral setting where all characters powers operate as they normally would.


but then in general you'd assume the characters powers not universe altering items.  see what happens when we assume

Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:
Kasz216 said:
Wonktonodi said:

what comic character still has all their power when put in a video game? 

what happens when an unstoppable force meats an imovable object?

can't happen those can't coexist.  One or both would have to be renamed.  The univeres in god of war limits powers because it's a video game.  you have much more freedom in comics. 

1) Galactus for one.

The God of war universe has limited power... peirod.  That's all there is too it.  If Galactus came to Kratos universe... he would just eat the planet.


2) God of War is also a comic.


what video game is glacus in where he has all his power?

comic to video game is not the same as video game to comic.  When you go from comic to video game you have to reduce the amount of power the character has to something that is playable.  video game to comic you can keep the level the same.

God of war univeres is limited by it starting as a video game. If you were to just take the characters it has in it and aply all the myth behind them they have pleanty of power.



spoiler for god of war 1






End of the first game Kratos is the god of war watching over earth  Our EARTH.  From there one could argue Kratos could then annihilate Link from excistence by getting rid of all the video games cartoons and anything else Link was every in. 

Except... it's not our earth.  The Greek Gods are nothing like how they were portrayed in other worlds.

It doesn't matter.  We aren't taking a Comic book character and putting him into a videogame.

We are taking a comic book character and putting him into a videogame WORLD.

Nobody is going to be playing Thor vs the Gods.  Therefore there is no game balancing done.

Besides videogames are themselves there own seperate dimensions... at least according to marvel.

That god of war is limited by being a game... that's my point.  It is.  The GOW gods are weak.

LoZ characters aren't AS limited.

Put Thor in LoZ... Link probably beats him.

well it is our earth they use in showing what he's over

it does matter becuase if you go by the rules of gow world who is the god of lightning?  not thor

But is it really that the gow gods are weak or just that kratos makes them look week? 


A) Considering the end of GOW3 and looking outside... does it look like the same earth to you?

B) It doesn't matter.  Thor still has all of his powers. Have you never seen a crossover before?  Thor went to the DC universe... he hada ll the powers he still had.

C) Yes... it really is that the gods were just that weak.   You even admitted as much.  Either way, they don't even close to ominpotence powers.

The marvel equivlent to the Triforce is like... The Infinity Gauntlet... if the Infinity Gauntlet worked in multiple universes.


Was going based on god of war 1

It does matter because whatever rules that the universe you are in follows affect all that are in it.  If the universe has a rule that allows exceptions from other universes that is still a rule.

so whoever decised the rules is pretty much going to decide the winner.


That's not true thoug.

Nor do you have any evidence that it would be the case that the God of War universe for some reason acts differently then every universe that's EVER had a crossover.

and what are the rules for every universe that has had a cross over?  They don't all act the same. Or maybe I'm missing something and you know the only rules all universes follow.

Super smash brothers brawl does like have all his power?  do any of the characters? 

If you set the rules you'd have Link win if letsdance sets the rules Kratos annihilates. 

Actually, all the Super Smash Brothers Brawl characters do have all of their powers.  Super Smash Brothers Brawl does not involve mainline Mario Link and Kirby etc.

Smash Brothers ball isn't even a "crossover" game.   It's a shared universe game.  Like Banpresto's Super Robot Wars... except the story is even more modified so that Bowser doesn't even Kidnap Princess Peach etc.


Regardless, for all vs battles, in general you assume a nuetral setting where all characters powers operate as they normally would.


but then in general you'd assume the characters powers not universe altering items.  see what happens when we assume

The universe altering items are part of the characters equipment.

It's not an assumption it's BASIC logic.

I mean my god... it would be meanignlessess otherwise if you didn't put the two characters in a nuetral setting where there powers worked.


In a nuetral setting where everyones powers work normally... link wins... end of story.  If you want to tweak things around because you don't like Link... that's fine... but in a completly equal and evenhanded setting... Kratos just loses...

Kratos would just simply kill himself from jealousy because Link is hell lot more likable than his sorry buttface.