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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - CVG: Crysis 2 is the best looking game on console. Boom

Boutros said:
Vetteman94 said:
Boutros said:
I'm not sure I understand the meaning of the article.
So Uncharted 2 (or God of War 3) will still be the best looking game on the PS3?

Nope, thats exactly it.  

But but but ?


And: but then



Crytek is full of it.

PR talk at its finest, LOL

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RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

I think the hater is 10 inches in front of your computer screen.

RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

No, at least they are developing for the PS3 and not having another company do it.   But its the claims of Crytek that this will be the graphical ceiling for the PS3 that even the article proved wrong.   

Also, why didnt you bold the part where they said it runs indentically on both systems? 

RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

The difference between Crytek and Valve is that Crytek actually made the game run equally well on both the PS3 & 360. This was stated and proven in the article you posted, so from my understanding you skimmed through the article chose a quote that suited you and went on your little mission to start stirring people up.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

Boutros said:
I'm not sure I understand the meaning of the article.
So Uncharted 2 (or God of War 3) will still be the best looking game on the PS3?

I think so...

What I'm not sure about is this: "What about PlayStation 3?" you cry, waving a DualShock3 in disgust. Blame Crytek for that one.

Could mean two things: Either the controls really suck on PS3 or the author doesn't like the Dualshock3...

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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Edit,  wrong qoute

It will truly be a polished turd and everyone will rejoice and praise, ignoring the stench.

I read a cool preview on this game on IGN, and the nanosuit makes it sound pretty interesting. I've got my eye on this for sure. RAZ, while I appreciate that you love your 360, I do as well, you're just wasting your time with pointing out what you did in the article. It made you look like you were baiting PS3 guys.

I love the reactions to this article. It says, Crysis 2 is the best looking game on console. They are talking about the 360 version (and the PS3 version which is the EXACT same) so therefore it's better looking than anything on either, even running on the - as MikeB said "something in between the Wii and PS3 (read:last gen)" Xbox 360.

This seems to confirm my feelings that I've held for a long time, there is a SLIM to NON-EXISTANT difference between the two HD consoles, and any graphical differences have 99% to do with the programming ability of the developers.

CES, the guy showing off cryengine 3 is displaying the new water effects to the studio on both pc and 360. He describes this amazing gravity responded water system that works off a radious and applies ti surfaces and he says

"huh, it looks kinda wierd on the 360" LMAO yeah sure parity, the only reason they are showing the 360 is microsoft paying them not to show the better looking PC version, as for how the two compare console wise, most console games have unnoticable differences, Im sure this will be the same.


Boutros said:
RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

I think the hater is 10 inches in front of your computer screen.

I like Crytek man. They made the best looking game of this gen on consoles and PC. Mucho respek!

Vetteman94 said:
RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

Also, why didnt you bold the part where they said it runs indentically on both systems? 

Says where? They just said that in "the breifest glimpse they looked identical", that doesn't tell us how it runs- It's hardly Digital Foundry.

Vetteman94 said:
RAZurrection said:
Man, so many haters. I guess it's not long before Crytek becomes the next Valve.

No, at least they are developing for the PS3 and not having another company do it.   But its the claims of Crytek that this will be the graphical ceiling for the PS3 that even the article proved wrong. 

I'd sooner listen to the people that made the best looking console and PC game then put it all on wishful thinking. They know their stuff.


Man this is a bummer that in a demonstration of an Xbox 360 technology on the Xbox 360 forum the topics so full of hate. VGCharts won't let Xbox have nice things *sigh*