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I read a cool preview on this game on IGN, and the nanosuit makes it sound pretty interesting. I've got my eye on this for sure. RAZ, while I appreciate that you love your 360, I do as well, you're just wasting your time with pointing out what you did in the article. It made you look like you were baiting PS3 guys.

I love the reactions to this article. It says, Crysis 2 is the best looking game on console. They are talking about the 360 version (and the PS3 version which is the EXACT same) so therefore it's better looking than anything on either, even running on the - as MikeB said "something in between the Wii and PS3 (read:last gen)" Xbox 360.

This seems to confirm my feelings that I've held for a long time, there is a SLIM to NON-EXISTANT difference between the two HD consoles, and any graphical differences have 99% to do with the programming ability of the developers.