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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reasons why people may Dislike Super Mario Galaxy!

i think the only complaint that i have that actually matters to me is that i wish it was a bit harder. the other few complaints are so minor they don't really take away from the game at all. the game is designed absolutely brilliantly.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

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The people who don't like the camera angles when upside down fall into one of two categories. The first is people who get motion sickness and have a legit reason to dislike it, and the second is people who would rather blame their lack of skill on the intentional difficulties of the camera angle rather than just sucking it up and accepting their fault.

Its not like their weren't videos and screenshots showing what it was going to be like ahead of time.

1) The swimming definitely could have used some work, but I can't think of a game that that isn't true of.
2) I actually enjoyed the eclectic level designs and in general would call this a compliment not a complaint.
3) Any situation where the camera has something between you and it is a camera fault, and should have been addressed. This happened exactly once to me for the record.
4) I loved the bowser fights~

PS - I was just giving my take on some of the things people have commented on~

To Each Man, Responsibility

Sqrl pretty much said what I was going to, so I'll bring up some of the things people have not yet talked about;

Flying Mario; Flying was the only thing I thought could make this game better, and it did. It just wasn't used enough. I can understand why it wasn't suitable for general gameplay (given the level structure) but certainly a few Coin stars could have benefited from it.

Voice acting; Minor complaint, I know, but I'm seriously wondering why Nintendo doesn't just do it properly if they're going to use it at all. In all honesty, what's the point in making Rosalina say one word of the on-screen text? Is it really that difficult to just record the rest? Frankly, it boggles the mind.

The Ending; Galaxy wasn't nearly as bad as Twilight Princess, but I still felt the final boss (just another Bowser fight) didn't live up all that crazy destruction-of-the-universe stuff going on besides it (Why did that happen anyway?) I know Nintendo isn't about storyline, but OoT still did this perfectly. Why can't the more recent Nintendo games do the same?

I have 2 main problems with the game:

1. Motion Sickness, some of the worlds are really though on me and the game as a whole makes my girlfriend dizzy enough that she refuses to play/watch it anymore. While I encounter this problem with a number of first person shooters it's not a problem I've ever had with a Mario title before.

2. It really hasn't lived up to the hype for me, honestly I feel like I'm playing Mario 64 with nicer graphics but less interesting worlds.

flagship said:
I have 2 main problems with the game:

1. Motion Sickness, some of the worlds are really though on me and the game as a whole makes my girlfriend dizzy enough that she refuses to play/watch it anymore. While I encounter this problem with a number of first person shooters it's not a problem I've ever had with a Mario title before.

2. It really hasn't lived up to the hype for me, honestly I feel like I'm playing Mario 64 with nicer graphics but less interesting worlds.

 When you finally catch those bunnies get back with us, m'kay?

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Because it was hyped as possibly the best game of all time and it's not even close.



fkusumot said:
flagship said:
I have 2 main problems with the game:

1. Motion Sickness, some of the worlds are really though on me and the game as a whole makes my girlfriend dizzy enough that she refuses to play/watch it anymore. While I encounter this problem with a number of first person shooters it's not a problem I've ever had with a Mario title before.

2. It really hasn't lived up to the hype for me, honestly I feel like I'm playing Mario 64 with nicer graphics but less interesting worlds.

When you finally catch those bunnies get back with us, m'kay?

 I'm 47 stars passed the bunnies, thank God for Dramamine.

MontanaHatchet said:
Because it was hyped as possibly the best game of all time and it's not even close.

Sounds to me like you gotta a major Wii problem.

No, it's a great game, just not anywhere near the best.



yeh, you are right.. its a whole 0.2% from being the best