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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Can Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, and FF XIII turn things around?

Antonio said:
endurance said:
Antonio said:
endurance said:
libellule said:
"""libellule said:
Gear of war was a big help for the Xbox360 in 2006, same for Halo3/Bioshock in 2007.

yeah but in 2008 360 wont have a game in the same calibur as those

==> I believe too, it is why the PS3 sales will go up for me.

while 360 will still sell good ps3 will sell better in 2008

Well I wouldn't say it will sell better, it will do good as the 360. But it will be hard for Sony to surpass the 360 if the 360 contiunes to sell good numbers.

im talking about 2008,in ps3's total for 2008 only will be higher then 360's total for 2008 only


Really I don't think so, considering Microsoft is going to make price cuts, and find more ways to bring Xbox Live Arcade into the mix. So really price cuts are behind Microsoft. Sony might have the games for 2008, but how many of those are really going to release?

sony can also use a price cut,and most of the games will get released in 2008

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Antonio said:
endurance said:
CrazzyMan said:
I think there will be a bundle 40GB with MGS4 in. =) Great deal. =)
Same will go with GT5. And probably with FFXIII. :)

PS3 will be unstoptable with so many great games in 2008.

But sales are unpredictable, like SMG in Japan, the big game Bombed.
Time will show, with variety of AAA games in 2008, sales definetely will go up, and don`t forget about STRONG BRAND.


yes it will get a boost,but the question is how much

 Yea how much, will it boost....probably a couple of thousands but not Wii numbers...

yep and the people that are expecting wii numbers will be disappointed



Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy games have (typically) been a well known franchise games which is one of the best games of the generation, and are released (practically) exclusively on the most popular system that was affordable and had already sold very well.

The PS3 will not be particuarly affordable, will have not sold (particularly) well and will not be the most popular system when these games are released; these games are going to sell at a far lower level than their PS2 counterparts sold, just like every other PS3 game that has been released.

Killzone was a mediocre title released for the PS2 that didn't sell well. Killzone 2 is being sold heavily like Lair was with a focus on pretty screenshots and videos with little/no attention to how the game plays. I see very little reason to believe that Killzone 2 will be dramatically better (or sell dramatically) better than Killzone.

Soriku said:
endurance said:
Soriku said:
Number 2? No.

Number one? BIG no.

Will they help? YES.

A lot? YES.

you never know they have a shot to become no2,though no1 will be a big maybe for ps3 and small no


So do you honestly think 3 games--no matter what they are--will push 8 mil+ PS3 units? It needs constant AAA games, not just 3. And if the PS3 continues going down the path it's going right now, do you think more AAA games will come? Did SSB, Mario, Zelda, etc. help the GC? YES. To #1? No. To #2? Another no. FF XIII, MGS4, KZ2, etc. will provide push, but not as extroadinarly as you think.

It won't be 8mil by then. The difference will have grown considerably.

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The gap is larger than the total units sold of the PS3.

If FFXIII plays anything like FFXII did, then personally I'll have nothing more to do with the mainline FF series. :(

Personally I never card for the other 2 series either, despite owning 43 PS2 games.

White Knight Story is on my "interest" list, but considering I've yet to enjoy a title from that developer, I'm not placing my bets too high. (Level5, isn't it? I know what games this group made, but I get the name wrong occasionally).

Anyways, about 90% of my gaming collection are games from Japan, so the PS3's current "iffy" support from games I enjoy over there isn't really making me change my decisions for waiting to purchase one (I'll wait for it to hit $200 with backwards compatibility, otherwise it's not worth it to me).

The two "biggest" games for 2008 for the PS3 for me are Soul Calibur 4 and Disgaea 3, but they still aren't enough for me to consider it still.

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

Soriku said:
I meant 8 mil+ PS3s sold JUST because of those games, not the number of PS3s sold at that time.

I was reffering to the same thing; the gap needed to be filled between the PS3 and Wii by the time FFXIII launches. It will propably have grown.

Lets get some crap out of the way

1. "xbox 360 doesnt have any good games next year, ps3 has them all so ps3 is gonna win!"
Bullshit, even if gears isnt released the 360 lineup is hardly weak, its rather very strong, that and easily could they fit a kotor to be announced at e3 or something

2. "ps3 has sold just as well without these AAA games so it will dominate when they arrive!"
Ever consider that the ps3 has also had 2 price cuts, bundled, made cheaper sku and more? wii hasnt done squat, and 360 cut its price by a meek 50 bucks, and 30 on its cheaper, hardly a 100 dollar price cut sony did TWICE.
If sony wants to keep bleeding let them.

3. "FF and MGS4 sold big on the ps2, so they should be huge boosters to the ps3!"
They were big on a 100 million seller console. They will not sell like they did on such a small userbase, unless ps3 owners actually start buying games.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
eugene said:
Those games are HOT! For sure. NO doubt. All will move significant units of the PS3. But are they enough to move the PS3 into the number 2 or even the number one position? Sony sure has a lot of hopes in those games.

I don't care if it moves the PS3 into second postion world wide or not. I just want to play them and for them to turn out awesome!

Just kiss the tip.