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If FFXIII plays anything like FFXII did, then personally I'll have nothing more to do with the mainline FF series. :(

Personally I never card for the other 2 series either, despite owning 43 PS2 games.

White Knight Story is on my "interest" list, but considering I've yet to enjoy a title from that developer, I'm not placing my bets too high. (Level5, isn't it? I know what games this group made, but I get the name wrong occasionally).

Anyways, about 90% of my gaming collection are games from Japan, so the PS3's current "iffy" support from games I enjoy over there isn't really making me change my decisions for waiting to purchase one (I'll wait for it to hit $200 with backwards compatibility, otherwise it's not worth it to me).

The two "biggest" games for 2008 for the PS3 for me are Soul Calibur 4 and Disgaea 3, but they still aren't enough for me to consider it still.

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.