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Soriku said:
endurance said:
Soriku said:
Number 2? No.

Number one? BIG no.

Will they help? YES.

A lot? YES.

you never know they have a shot to become no2,though no1 will be a big maybe for ps3 and small no


So do you honestly think 3 games--no matter what they are--will push 8 mil+ PS3 units? It needs constant AAA games, not just 3. And if the PS3 continues going down the path it's going right now, do you think more AAA games will come? Did SSB, Mario, Zelda, etc. help the GC? YES. To #1? No. To #2? Another no. FF XIII, MGS4, KZ2, etc. will provide push, but not as extroadinarly as you think.

It won't be 8mil by then. The difference will have grown considerably.