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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do you fell the 360 is the closest to the ps2 this gen?


Do you fell the 360 is the closest to the ps2 this gen?

Yes 78 22.74%
No 207 60.35%
Maybe 16 4.66%
I dont know 5 1.46%
Can you repeat the question? 24 7.00%
Your not the boss of me n... 13 3.79%

I see where you're going with this J-Man but it seems to me the two most important factors in a comparison would be market share and HW which point to Wii as the most similar. The year early, types of user etc. don't carry as much weight to me. The no. of AAAs per. plat. isn't clear-cut this gen. as shown by this spirited discussion. I'm sure we could all point at a game or two we feel is on the wrong side of the 89-90 line. Desperation? He was just talking about the similarities in gens not putting your fav. HW down. Jeeessuskfm.

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flowjo said:
selnor said:
Oh yes absolutely.

Thats why last gen I owned and loved the PS2, and why this gen I own and love the 360.

The 360 has more games that are better across a wider variety of genres. It gets most games first as well. Very rare to see PS3 to get games first. ( The wii to me is not a gamers console. Sorry, but Ive played many Wii games and boredom comes to mind. ).

Whether it be RPG's, JRPG's or especially Racing games. 360 has the biggest and more pleasing library. It also looks set to take the physoclogical/horror genre as well. TPS is in the bag as is FPS. The 360 really is the place to be as a gamer.

LOL woooow guess your not really a gamer then gosh that whole 1 semi exclusive you had all year woooow (mass effedct 2 as well on pc), dude you spout so much garbage, real gamers have, PC and PS3 first then buy a 360 later for the very very small amount of pure exclusive material

by far ps3 has the more robust , dynamic and better visually pleasing pure exclusives , it has more exclusives this gen (psn and hardcopy) put together than all the other consoles.  i wouldnt say it has more games than the pc as the pc has unlimited amount of dedicated content.


just looks what ps3 has released just this year and last year they had even more exclusives

MAG, white knight, yakuza 3 and 4, god of war 3, heavy rain , hustle kings, sam and max , blue toad mystery , the show 2010..


dude huge diverse lineup already dont spout silly 360 non sense, last year was the same thing with ps3 it was game after game

Please don't come in here spewing this crap about what "real gamers" do. I am a real gamer and own a 360 and a DS. That being said, it doesn't matter one bit to me whether a game coming out for the 360 is exclusive or not. Believe it or not, people buy them and use them for reasons other than exclusives, as shocking as it may seem on this site.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

patapon said:
I know this is a minority opinion, but the xbox was actually my favorite console last gen. With that said, I don't think the xbox 360 lives up to my very high opinion of it's predecessor.

IMO, the ps3 is like the xbox of last gen. It has the best software.

So yeah... I guess the 360 is like the ps2, I don't really care for it.

I would say the PS3 is most like the Xbox because of its size, weight and generally decent build quality and reliability.  Software wise the PS3 has been playing catchup with the 360 this generation so imo its still behind in that category (although some people love the xmb or hate NXE).

You only have to look at the Xbox-scene forums though to see how many former Xbox junkies despise the poor quality of the 360 hardware, you're not alone i that regard.

I'd say is the closest out of a group of really shallow competitors - relative to what the PS2 fielded.

The closest competitors to the PS2 are the PS1 and SNES, with anything this gen being a very distant place

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

The 360 has the potential, but isnt close to the ps2 in my opinion, the wii is pretty mainstream, but not for the same demographic as the ps2 i think the 360 is mainstream for the average gamer's demographic and the ps3 is trying to wrestle that away from it.

I Hate the fact that all these pillows are contaminated by retard!!

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@cgi-quality - I was being sarcastic lol. I find threads like this funny. ppl arguing over the stupidest things, coming up with louzy lists, and worshipping metacritic. It's all quite sad. so instead of saying somthing I'll regret I go straight for sarcasm :)

flowjo said:
selnor said:
Oh yes absolutely.

Thats why last gen I owned and loved the PS2, and why this gen I own and love the 360.

The 360 has more games that are better across a wider variety of genres. It gets most games first as well. Very rare to see PS3 to get games first. ( The wii to me is not a gamers console. Sorry, but Ive played many Wii games and boredom comes to mind. ).

Whether it be RPG's, JRPG's or especially Racing games. 360 has the biggest and more pleasing library. It also looks set to take the physoclogical/horror genre as well. TPS is in the bag as is FPS. The 360 really is the place to be as a gamer.

LOL woooow guess your not really a gamer then gosh that whole 1 semi exclusive you had all year woooow (mass effedct 2 as well on pc), dude you spout so much garbage, real gamers have, PC and PS3 first then buy a 360 later for the very very small amount of pure exclusive material

by far ps3 has the more robust , dynamic and better visually pleasing pure exclusives , it has more exclusives this gen (psn and hardcopy) put together than all the other consoles.  i wouldnt say it has more games than the pc as the pc has unlimited amount of dedicated content.


just looks what ps3 has released just this year and last year they had even more exclusives

MAG, white knight, yakuza 3 and 4, god of war 3, heavy rain , hustle kings, sam and max , blue toad mystery , the show 2010..


dude huge diverse lineup already dont spout silly 360 non sense, last year was the same thing with ps3 it was game after game

No real gamers do not buy PC and PS3 first. I personally am definately a gamer. Firstly, I prefer not to play any games on PC. As do many many gamers. Thats my and their preference. So the choice is PS3 or 360. To many people. As sales of PC vs 360 games also shows.

And no, PSN does NOT have more exclusives than the 360. And has had alot more than 1 game arrive first on 360, and get 1- 2years exclusitivity.

The 360 has had plenty of exclusives the last year. Just not that many huge game releases like PS3 in the last year. But then PS3 doesn't have as many huge game releases this year compared to M$. In terms of quality via what review scores and sales are likely to be.

Games like Ninja Gaiden 2, Star Ocean, Bioshock, The Last Remnant, Lost Planet, Saints Row, Tales Of Vesperia, Braid, Oblivion, etc all were available on the 360 first before the PS3. And in some cases as muc as 16 months before.

In terms of visuals, we have been here before. Dedicated engines for use only on 360 have been very sparse. Looking at Alan Wake, and we see the true capabilities of the 360. Very impressive. Reach again looks technically amazing.

For racers the 360 has quality titles availbale now like PGR3/4, Forza 2/3, Hydro Thunder Hurricane all exclusive and higher rated than any PS3 racing game that is exclusive. A racing fan is in a very comfy position to own a 360 out of the 2 right now.

Rpg's it's fairly simple. With Mass Effect 1/2, Fable 2, Lost Odyessy, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery as well as picking up FF13 the 360 has this genre right now to.

FPS still belongs to M$. No exclusive touches Halo in terms of hype, aniticipation, sales and review scores. Classics like Perfect Dark are also available for 360.

TPS is probably more even with the release of Uncharted series.

The PS3 has great games. But less of them in certain genres. It matches the 360 in some genres, but loses out to big in others.

IMO, for games the 360 has a higher quality variety.


The ps2 can't be compared to anything but the PS2. It was just so awesome. I mean sure you may be able to compare the sales of the Wii to the PS2. But the library just destroys it.

lostintheodyssey said:
leo-j said:
The XBOX 360 does not offer the variety in games that the PS2 had either, or for that matter the PS3..

In what genres does the 360 lag behind the PS3? 

I think they are pretty even.  The only thing the 360 lacks that the ps3 has is a good platformer there is no answer for ratchet there is kameo and banjo but they aren't loved by as many fans and reviewers.  But the ps3 lacks wrpgs there is no answer for fable and mass effect on the ps3.  Both have good shooters and jrpgs.  Both have good action adventure titles, and both have good racing titles.

The only other thing where sony may have a leg up on the competition is when it comes to a few innovative titles like heavy rain and littlebigplanet.  And who knows maybe microsoft is waiting to put all of their innovation and take risks with their natal titles since they said they were going to treat it like a new console. 

Doesn't make sense to me either tbh. They feel about even in most genre's except platformer for now.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad