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flowjo said:
selnor said:
Oh yes absolutely.

Thats why last gen I owned and loved the PS2, and why this gen I own and love the 360.

The 360 has more games that are better across a wider variety of genres. It gets most games first as well. Very rare to see PS3 to get games first. ( The wii to me is not a gamers console. Sorry, but Ive played many Wii games and boredom comes to mind. ).

Whether it be RPG's, JRPG's or especially Racing games. 360 has the biggest and more pleasing library. It also looks set to take the physoclogical/horror genre as well. TPS is in the bag as is FPS. The 360 really is the place to be as a gamer.

LOL woooow guess your not really a gamer then gosh that whole 1 semi exclusive you had all year woooow (mass effedct 2 as well on pc), dude you spout so much garbage, real gamers have, PC and PS3 first then buy a 360 later for the very very small amount of pure exclusive material

by far ps3 has the more robust , dynamic and better visually pleasing pure exclusives , it has more exclusives this gen (psn and hardcopy) put together than all the other consoles.  i wouldnt say it has more games than the pc as the pc has unlimited amount of dedicated content.


just looks what ps3 has released just this year and last year they had even more exclusives

MAG, white knight, yakuza 3 and 4, god of war 3, heavy rain , hustle kings, sam and max , blue toad mystery , the show 2010..


dude huge diverse lineup already dont spout silly 360 non sense, last year was the same thing with ps3 it was game after game

Please don't come in here spewing this crap about what "real gamers" do. I am a real gamer and own a 360 and a DS. That being said, it doesn't matter one bit to me whether a game coming out for the 360 is exclusive or not. Believe it or not, people buy them and use them for reasons other than exclusives, as shocking as it may seem on this site.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.