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Forums - Sony Discussion - HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEAT GOD OF WAR 3?

I got it the first day it released and I have beat it 5 times. I beat it 2 times first week. 1 time the week after, and now I have spring break and it's been raining so I beat it 2 more times. How many times have you beat it?

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Got it first day as well, and I've beaten it only once, I'm going to replay it on Titan, but I want to take my time with the game. I used to do exactly the same thing you did, but now I decided to keep playing different games from time to time, just to spice things up hehe.

Once. Got my Platinum too.

Still havent beaten the Challenge of Olympus yet and I plan on playing through a third time.


and im on my 3rd playthrough which I postponed since I'm going through the GOW collection.

I have all but one trophy, and that is the labyrinth one, I also beat the game in CHAOS mode.


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Man I have so many games to play right now that im embarassed to say I got it on release day, was one of my most anticipated games ever and am just passed hades on my first playthrough, between playing battlefield way too much, ffxiii, madden, fallout 3 goty, me2, halo3 odst, red faction and just cause 2 theres too much for me to beat. I will eventually though lol


leo-j said:

and im on my 3rd playthrough which I postponed since I'm going through the GOW collection.

I have all but one trophy, and that is the labyrinth one, I also beat the game in CHAOS mode.

Labrynth one is easy. When you die, just quit and load the auto-save. Doesn't count the death. DO NOT GO TO RETRY. I did that place on the hard mode.

twice and soon for my 3rd

Official Member of the Xbox 360 Squad 

sadly im on chaos with the save file, so if i get hit once I die.. not risking it


leo-j said:

and im on my 3rd playthrough which I postponed since I'm going through the GOW collection.

I have all but one trophy, and that is the labyrinth one, I also beat the game in CHAOS mode.

You really did beat it on Chaos? Shit man you have my deepest respect! I'm shitting myself on Titan.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising