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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Surfer Girl 'credibility' and 'questions' thread

What will you do if it is on PS3?

Will you buy a PS3 for it? or will you vote a 0/10 for it on the game database and say PS3 sucks?

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Oh come on leo-j we know you're Gballzack, or is it Soriku? or me? or ioi? Geez, this whole Gballzack this is becoming a nightmare...

@ Soriku I am so sure if SG said KH3 will be on PS3 you will hated her and say to everyone who believes her that you should not believe her.

There are rumors about Valkyrie Profile 3 being done for the PS3, is this true?

Wow, if what Surfer Girl says turns out to be true then S-E are throwing some really good support Sony's way.

Final Fantasy XIII, Versus XIII, Last Remnant, Star Ocean 4 and Valkyrie Profile 3. That is an excellent list of games.

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jhlennon1 said:
Wow, if what Surfer Girl says turns out to be true then S-E are throwing some really good support Sony's way.

Final Fantasy XIII, Versus XIII, Last Remnant, Star Ocean 4 and Valkyrie Profile 3. That is an excellent list of games.

 I hope she is.

I've been asking her a bunch of questions and here's had she's reported back so far:

Gauntlet coming for Wii. (likely a waggle-fest but she's not definate)

Kirby Wii coming and similar to Kirby 64 (yeah!!), also a tilting, tumbling Kirby game on WiiWare

Bioware's MMORPG is not KOTOR related, but a KOTOR project is in the works. They are also working on something for Wii. ME parts 2&3 planned to come out in 09 & 11 (this might be known info though)

Microsoft is so happy with Too Human they have already greenlight a sequel.


Ask her if there is a 360 version of MGS4, FFXIII, Versus XIII planned in the works or in development secretly?

Soriku said:
For MGS4: She said IF it happens it'd come out 6 months after the 360 version.

For FF XIII/MGS4 (again): "SquareEnix and Konami are not keen on keeping their games exclusive"

For Versus XIII: I think she'd say the same as above.

So basically she doesn't know and it's a big "IF"?

Soriku said:
I guess so. It seems SE didn't tel. her anything and she might be basing it off how the Sony-SE affairs are.

Se/Sony affairs?

I don't see the issue there as Sony have given S-E exactly what they wanted.