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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii Sales? A wakeup call?

Kwaad said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going? Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

 I know what they would do, they would take duct-tape, and duct-tape 4!!! not 3! but 4!!! GameCubes together!!! And they would implement some new scam/gimmick.


hey thats what teh Sony is going to do...after all they will still have a bunch of the units on shelves to do that with----ohh burn



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Phew, I pulled out okay.

I'm going to step out of the site, it's almost an overload!



carlos710 said:
Kwaad said:

Due to hardware limitations, the Wii will never be truely able to do what it was designed to do, and becuase of that a Wii2, or something else is likely to come in the next 3-4 years, while the PS3, and 360, will still be being sold. And thus, the Wii will be the first to go, becuase of hardware.

Yes, because Nintendo it's going to stop selling Wiis when it is the fastest selling machine of all time.

You fail.

 When hardware sales start do drop, and the console seems in trouble, nintedo will... Read my other reply. I assure you, that before the end of this generation, The Wii will be gone before PS3/360. As long as I get my high-budget, games. The Wii can keep dishing out 'family' games, I can buy for my comptuer for 5$.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Nintendo is destroying the industry!

When PS60 get price cut, Wii is through.

Wii Fit!!????

Nintendo is abandoning the hardcore!

When this game comes out, THEN the PS360 will take off!

Nintendo not serious about online.

Wii is just a party machine.

Wii sells because it is cheap.

Pachter says…

Nintendo milks profit due to inferior hardware!

Gamecube started well at first too…

Wii is a fad!


LOL minigames!!1!

PS3 is on a ten year plan.

Wii is two Gamecube systems put together by duct tape!

Argh!!! Non-games!!!1!!!

Wii-mote is a gimmick.

Stupid casual gamers!

Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo systems.

When HD adoption rate goes up, Wii is finished.

Who cares about Wii sales? All the real games are on PS60!

Where are the third parties? LOL!

VC is overpriced rom dump!

What happens when people get bored of Wii Sports

Do we have a Bingo?

Anyway, I'm getting close to locking the thread, as Kwaad isn't really trying to discuss reasonably...shocka!

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Kwaad said:
carlos710 said:
Kwaad said:

Due to hardware limitations, the Wii will never be truely able to do what it was designed to do, and becuase of that a Wii2, or something else is likely to come in the next 3-4 years, while the PS3, and 360, will still be being sold. And thus, the Wii will be the first to go, becuase of hardware.

Yes, because Nintendo it's going to stop selling Wiis when it is the fastest selling machine of all time.

You fail.

When hardware sales start do drop, and the console seems in trouble, nintedo will... Read my other reply. I assure you, that before the end of this generation, The Wii will be gone before PS3/360. As long as I get my high-budget, games. The Wii can keep dishing out 'family' games, I can buy for my comptuer for 5$.

 Because the ps3 has so many exclusives with an over 90%average on gamerankings.

Oh wait, they have 0 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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BenKenobi88 said:
Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going? Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

Lowering prices, obviously, will be the first step.  Wii demand would skyrocket, even now, if there was a lower price.  Of course, it doesn't make sense to lower the price until after supply catches demand.

There's no denying that the Wii is here to stay for several more years.  I see a lot of "The Wii is a fad that will die in a few months, then the PS3 will magically get out of last place."  It doesn't make any sense.  The Wii has a ton of 3rd party support (it appears to have the most right now), low costs of development in an industry struggling with development costs and development times, and insane sales despite being the only next-gen console yet to see its first price cut. 

To be fair, it's not reasonable to expect a price-cut within the first year or so of a console's life unless there are significant problems with its performance. 

Kwaad said:
carlos710 said:
Kwaad said:

Due to hardware limitations, the Wii will never be truely able to do what it was designed to do, and becuase of that a Wii2, or something else is likely to come in the next 3-4 years, while the PS3, and 360, will still be being sold. And thus, the Wii will be the first to go, becuase of hardware.

Yes, because Nintendo it's going to stop selling Wiis when it is the fastest selling machine of all time.

You fail.

 When hardware sales start do drop, and the console seems in trouble, nintedo will... Read my other reply. I assure you, that before the end of this generation, The Wii will be gone before PS3/360. As long as I get my high-budget, games. The Wii can keep dishing out 'family' games, I can buy for my comptuer for 5$.

the rest of this al was not all 2 bad, but that is BULL

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

BenKenobi88 said:

Nintendo is destroying the industry!

When PS60 get price cut, Wii is through.

Wii Fit!!????

Nintendo is abandoning the hardcore!

When this game comes out, THEN the PS360 will take off!

Nintendo not serious about online.

Wii is just a party machine.

Wii sells because it is cheap.

Pachter says…

Nintendo milks profit due to inferior hardware!

Gamecube started well at first too…

Wii is a fad!


LOL minigames!!1!

PS3 is on a ten year plan.

Wii is two Gamecube systems put together by duct tape!

Argh!!! Non-games!!!1!!!

Wii-mote is a gimmick.

Stupid casual gamers!

Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo systems.

When HD adoption rate goes up, Wii is finished.

Who cares about Wii sales? All the real games are on PS60!

Where are the third parties? LOL!

VC is overpriced rom dump!

What happens when people get bored of Wii Sports

Do we have a Bingo?

Anyway, I'm getting close to locking the thread, as Kwaad isn't really trying to discuss reasonably...shocka!


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

wow some one is starting to get bitter


Honestly Kwaad it's sort of comforting to know some people never change.