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Kwaad said:
carlos710 said:
Kwaad said:

Due to hardware limitations, the Wii will never be truely able to do what it was designed to do, and becuase of that a Wii2, or something else is likely to come in the next 3-4 years, while the PS3, and 360, will still be being sold. And thus, the Wii will be the first to go, becuase of hardware.

Yes, because Nintendo it's going to stop selling Wiis when it is the fastest selling machine of all time.

You fail.

 When hardware sales start do drop, and the console seems in trouble, nintedo will... Read my other reply. I assure you, that before the end of this generation, The Wii will be gone before PS3/360. As long as I get my high-budget, games. The Wii can keep dishing out 'family' games, I can buy for my comptuer for 5$.

the rest of this al was not all 2 bad, but that is BULL

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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