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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Could someone help me choose a console?

Leo-J I'm pretty sure you can get X-Box Live in Australia,
but I still recommend a PS3, free online play and the fact that you like RPGs is what's making me say this.
PS3 does have good shooters and lots more will be coming.

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leo-j said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
360-anyone who says on the contrary really isnt reading your post (cept the pc people)

The problem is I dont think there is XBOX LIVE in Australia..


Which is a good indication it exists... because like 80% of the stuff you say you believe on this website has been shown to be false.


Kasz216 said:
leo-j said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
360-anyone who says on the contrary really isnt reading your post (cept the pc people)

The problem is I dont think there is XBOX LIVE in Australia..


Which is a good indication it exists... because like 80% of the stuff you say you believe on this website has been shown to be false.


I believe only Europe and japan are getting XBL australia does not have.




Predictions for 2009: (Right) (Wrong) (Partial)

Pokemon Gold/Silver DS Japan in September

NES colored Wii and SNES Classic Controler for Christmas

Super Role Bros for Christmas

FF Remakes announced; VII PS3 VIII 360 IX Wii

New Super Mario World November 2009

The answer to your query is obvious you want a 360. Everything else has been said it offers exactly what you want, and the other two do not compare. Further more while some will tell you that you can get many of the same games on the PC. The answer is many titles will not make it to the PC, and further more if they do it might be years later. So there is a technical advantage.

Seriously leo-j enough with the lying. Your propaganda is not amusing in the least, and it should be reason enough to get you banned. With less then a minutes effort you could have checked for yourself. You would then know that yes Australia does have Xbox live. I could have told you that without checking. I play with Australians all the time in games on live.

Around the Network

Yes, Australia has xbox live.

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



It seems like the 360 would be the best and worst console for you. It has all the games from genres you like (FPS, etc.) but you'll be able to play most of them on your PC (CoD, Gears, UT, etc.).

Of course, the ps3 is also an option. It has a surprising number of FPS for a PlayStation console (Warhawk, Resistance, Haze), and it's architecture is more like a PC's. The XMB is very customizable, and the online play is free.

Tbh, if FPS is your favorite genre, I'd just stick with the PC, assuming you have the cash to keep upgrading. What few shooters I play, I only play on the PC, aside from the occasional game of Warhawk. CS:S, BF2, TOB, UT, etc. should only be played on PC, imo.

Anyway, the best plan would be for you to try these out at some of your friend's place... and see for yourself whether or not you like the controls and what not.


EDIT: BTW, isn't consoles and console games quite expensive in Australia (in comparison to NA and...)?


P.S. Is the topic creator even here anymore?? 

I am a PC gamer, and also have a NDS now, but without access to a Nintendo Wii until End of 2007.

Currently playing: Super Smash Brothers Brawl(Wii), Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer(DS), Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS), WiiFit(Wii)

Games Recently Beaten: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Normal; Very Hard after the next DLCs become available)

1 word: RTFA

Honestly I don't think that a Wii is for you based on what you have said. But I will say you should seriously look at the 360 games list and decide if it has enough stuff you want. I personally have a Wii and a PC and every time I find myself thinking about getting a 360 I wind up with the same conclusion ...which is quite simply that the 360 games I would want are on the PC or are coming to the PC.

So I would say give it a good look over and if you still think there is enough to warrant a 360 purchase then I think your tastes are a definite good fit.

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