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It seems like the 360 would be the best and worst console for you. It has all the games from genres you like (FPS, etc.) but you'll be able to play most of them on your PC (CoD, Gears, UT, etc.).

Of course, the ps3 is also an option. It has a surprising number of FPS for a PlayStation console (Warhawk, Resistance, Haze), and it's architecture is more like a PC's. The XMB is very customizable, and the online play is free.

Tbh, if FPS is your favorite genre, I'd just stick with the PC, assuming you have the cash to keep upgrading. What few shooters I play, I only play on the PC, aside from the occasional game of Warhawk. CS:S, BF2, TOB, UT, etc. should only be played on PC, imo.