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Forums - General Discussion - The biggest domestic US vote of my lifetime is today...

mrstickball said:
I've been watching it since I knew they'd have it live on the net....Since about 2pm.

Been insanely shameful. I don't want to be an outright dem-basher, but there has been so much BS by the dems during the house, its been insane. There was a point that the Republicans (Ryan, I think) asked Jesse Jackson Jr. a question, and Jesse wouldn't even talk to him, because it appeared he was right!

Yeah I have been watching it since then as well.  Jackson is the worst Presiding Speaker I have seen.  Well besides maybe Moran.  Ryan has a bright future in the party.

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mirgro said:
TheRealMafoo said:
mirgro said:


I am going to overlook the laughable metaphor you used to call taxes slavery. I'm well aware it was supposed to be property since those are the exact same words Locke used. Again you cite that the government shouldn't take your money for someone else, then here is my question. By those standards why should they take your money for defense or the roads? Are you going to use the roads on the other side of the country? Will the soldiers over in Alaska somehow personally defend you? Why do you accept even those taxes? It seems to me that you are a very strong supporter of anarchy.

So if we were a country of two, and you made twice as much as me, you would not think the government taking 25% of your income to give to me (so we made the same), is not a hindering your pursuit of happiness?

As for military, all people are protected the same by it. Yes, the Navy personel in Alaska is defending me, along with all Americans just the same.

You keep calling me an anarchist. I guess I will start doing the same. You are starting to sound a lot like a communist.

See how stupid that sounds?

I don't see how those Alaskan personel are defending you considering that attacks seem to be coming in from a completely different direction. In fact you don't even live there so they don't really protect you, they protect whoever is in Alaska. You seem to have dodged the infrastructure question as well.

If I and you were just a country of two I''d give you 100% of my income if I had to keep you around because otherwise I'd go insane by being alone. Also if we made the same there's a lot less chance you will stab me in the back to get my money. In either case, we'd prosper more if we had equivalent monies.

I'm fine with being a communist, at least it's some semblance of government that ensures human progression.

No need to bring a mature debate down into immature insults.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

The part that made me puke, was when Kennedy from RI spoke about how 30 years ago all the people in his community got together, and helped out when he was injured. He said he is proud to be part of the group that's going to extend this kind of thing to the rest of America.

I wanted to see the next guy stand up and say "That only applies, if the people who helped you in your community broke into the homes of those who they thought had more money then they needed, stole it, and then gave it to you to pay your hospital bills."

Almost there. History being made.

March 21st 2010

Health care for all

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

It's over. Passed with 219 votes.

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psrock said:

Almost there. History being made.

March 21st 2010

Health care for all

hahahha, read the bill, I mean law. You have no more healthcare now, then you did before. In fact unless you have a pre existing condition, it's going to be harder to get healthcare.

"Healthcare for less! But at more cost!" I think is what you ment. At least that's what we got.

TheRealMafoo said:
psrock said:

Almost there. History being made.

March 21st 2010

Health care for all

hahahha, read the bill, I mean law. You have no more healthcare now, then you did before. In fact unless you have a pre existing condition, it's going to be harder to get healthcare.

"Healthcare for less! But at more cost!" I think is what you ment. At least that's what we got.

Enjoy History my friend, this will go down in the books just like social security. I am so happy to see Obama do what no other president could.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)


Don't worry about it. This does not go into effect until 2014. Buy then it will be overturned.

To be honest, this was the best outcome. If it had been killed, no one in 100 miles in washington would have touched healthcare for the next 10 years. (and our system is broken).

Now most every Democrate will be thrown out of office in the next several years, Obama has no chance of winning again, and when they overturn this bill, they at the same time actually fix the system.

The only thing that sucks, is for a while, insurance costs will go up, and jobs will go down because of this.

TheRealMafoo said:


Don't worry about it. This does not go into effect until 2014. Buy then it will be overturned.

To be honest, this was the best outcome. If it had been killed, no one in 100 miles in washington would have touched healthcare for the next 10 years. (and our system is broken).

Now most every Democrate will be thrown out of office in the next several years, Obama has no chance of winning again, and when they overturn this bill, they at the same time actually fix the system.

The only thing that sucks, is for a while, insurance costs will go up, and jobs will go down because of this.

Win Win situation.


 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:

Enjoy History my friend, this will go down in the books just like social security. I am so happy to see Obama do what no other president could.

This bill will most likely kill 10's of millions of people. But I guess that's ok with you.