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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VG Charts Gaming Demographics

Maybe you're correct Spooky. Maybe it's the gameplay. I guess maybe I don't like the type of play where you have to explore and get stars/coins, etc. Or maybe its that combined with "cartoonish" graphics that I don't like. But I think its a combination of all these things. Because I am sure someone can argue each point and name a game that has the same feature.

Though again, in my limited exposure to the current/new games of the past 10 years - that this is the type of game that are "aimed" at kids (kids = under 18) - eg. Super Mario - though adults may also like them.

Not that I am against Super Mario, it is just the only game that I at least know of.

By the way, the 2D airplane/helicopter game like Raiden, Blackhawk Striker (free for a limited time with my HP PC) is the kind of game I am looking for.
I do have Raiden 3 for PS2 (bought it for $35) though itI wasn't the best.

I do like sports games, but only if its co-op (hockey, basketball).

Also, is there a co-op FPS (split screen) - campaign/mission modeon the X360? Preferably WW2? If not, then Sci-Fi or Modern will be OK too.

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If I was guessing I'd say VGChartz posters can be broken down as:

85% - Pro Wii
12% - Pro PS3
3% - Pro 360

I understand the aversion to FPS, dschumm, as that was my initial thoughts too.

I got my x360 recently and downloaded all the trial games before making any actual game purchases. So for the 1st month or 2, I was only playing demos and XBLA games that I got (Astropop, Heavy Weapon). These 2 were games that I knew from free internet games.

I never thought that I would be an FPS player. But having tried the COD2 demo and playing it again and again (since I didn't have any games) - then I found that I liked it because it was somewhat intense. I also tried and liked the demo for Medal of Honor.
MOH would be the 1st game I purchased of a friend who works at EA for $20 - so it was a good deal.

I've since tried other demos - and suffice it to say that I haven't found a game that I liked as much as these 2 yet.

bumidan said:
So what is your age and sex endurance? what is your favored genres? least liked?

25 and 1 to 3 hours.  What's this got to do with video games though?

Is it really that much Pro Wii in VGCharts?

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Haha.. Yeah i know when i typed that out - it looked funny.
endurance is his username.

Legend11 said:
If I was guessing I'd say VGChartz posters can be broken down as:

85% - Pro Wii
12% - Pro PS3
3% - Pro 360

Don't people read even the first posts in these topics. @OP: I think this is the reason, why this topic gets ignored, people think it's about asking "who's got the Wii, 360, PS3". @Spooky: You may be right, but maybe some elements can be found, which fits for certain age groups. After all, looking things psychologically, for example the sci-fi shooters have certain elements, that get teenage boys exited.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

43 male -- which makes me the oldest one to respond

I've been playing longer than some people here have been alive.

I tend to like things that provide me variety or provide me with depth. So I am apt to play a casual game as I am an RPG. For examples, I like Carnival Games for the Wii because I can play it with my five-year-o0ld son but I also have over 100 hours on Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2.

My biggest complaint is that some games have become overly complex in an effort to be realistic. Too many options or choices to remember make it difficult for someonte just to "pick up and play" without elaborate preparation.

I am no good at plaformers ... but I still try to play. Same with rail shooters and more recent FPS Games.

I like game collections, racing games, RPGs, Puzzle Games and Unique Games (especially ones with unique controllers).

I have roughly 30 different systems (including 1980s computers which mostly played gamed) and have at least 50 unique titles for about two-thirds of the systems. So I have a lot of gaming experience to draw upon.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


I play platformers, RPG and puzzle games primarily. I prefer handhelds and the DS is my console of choice right now. Currently playing SMG, Jeanne D'ARC, New Super Mario Bros. (again), Monster Hunter 2, Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (at least once/week), Puzzle Quest (before bedtime), Elite Beat Agents, Ouendan and Contra IV. 44, male.

Mike Intellivision - do you remember Lock n Chase for the Intellivision?

Our whole family played that game. I also liked Sea Battle and Nightstalker - if I remember them correctly.

Those are really old games.