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I understand the aversion to FPS, dschumm, as that was my initial thoughts too.

I got my x360 recently and downloaded all the trial games before making any actual game purchases. So for the 1st month or 2, I was only playing demos and XBLA games that I got (Astropop, Heavy Weapon). These 2 were games that I knew from free internet games.

I never thought that I would be an FPS player. But having tried the COD2 demo and playing it again and again (since I didn't have any games) - then I found that I liked it because it was somewhat intense. I also tried and liked the demo for Medal of Honor.
MOH would be the 1st game I purchased of a friend who works at EA for $20 - so it was a good deal.

I've since tried other demos - and suffice it to say that I haven't found a game that I liked as much as these 2 yet.